

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in a dark room. It must still be mid night. I sat up on the bed and switched on the lamp on the night stand. I feel my head ache a little and put my fingers on my temples to massage lightly. Then everything that happened a few hours ago came back to me.

Why did I behave so harshly with him? God! I should have kept my anger in check? What will Annie and Peter be thinking about me now? I behaved like a brat!

I shook my head regretting what I did and got up from the bed. I took my sweater and wore it before walking out of the room to go to the huge lawn at the back as I am not feeling sleepy. I went down the stairs and then to the lawn at the back. I leaned against a huge pillar and looked at my fingers before adjusting my sweater as the cool air hit me.

I looked up and found the full moon with stars shining bright in the sky and felt relieved. It is so beautiful. I looked away from the moon and at the bench in the lawn to find Heath sitting there. I can see him from the side, his left side.

I should apologize to him about my behaviour.

Thinking that, I stood up and was about to go to him, when I saw Annie walk to him and sat beside him. I stopped.

"Hey mom!", he greeted with what I can see is a fake smile.

"Why are you still not in bed?", she asked like she is scolding a kid.

"You do know that I am thirty years old right?", he asked her. I smiled looking at them.

"I know son. I gave birth to you".

"Then you do know that I can sleep whenever I want", he said and his voice had humor in it.

For a minute they were both silent. I just stood there, staring at them in the moon light.

"Thank you for accpeting me back mom. I missed you", he said looking at her. I can't see her expression, but I can surely tell that she gave him a warm smile in return.

"I am sorry for pushing you away like that", she apologized. I folded my hands near my chest.

"No mom. I understand. You have every right to do that", he said looking down, I guess ashamed. I know what they are talking about. I put my head down too for some reason as I felt sorry for him.

"I just.... I was not able to digest the fact that you, my son, cheated on Celest and divorced her", I heard her say. He nodded his head still looking down.

"I am just pathetic", he said shaking his head and I heard something in his voice. Somehting vulnerable.

"I know this may sound cruel and as a mother, I should not say it like this, but, yes you were", she said looking at him. My mouth opened a little in shock at her words.

For a moment again, there are no words. I just stared at them as some memories of him hurting me emotionally and unintentionally came back. I bit my lip and stared at my foot. Then I heard her speal again.

"You were pathetic son. But I don't think you are now", she said and he raised his head to look at her. I could see the vulnerable expression on his face through the light of lamps in the garden. There are trees in front of me, so they can't see me.

"Thanks mom", I heard him say. She placed her hand on his back to comfort him.

"Now tell me what is it that is bothering you", she demanded and he looked at her.

"No. Nothing is bothering me", he said casually. I kept hearing to them curiously.

"Heath, I am your mother. I know whenever you feel sad or upset or if something bothers you, you come here. It's a habit you have since you were a child. Also I can see the sadness in your eyes. Now tell me. Is it about Celestine?", she asked. My heart picked a beat. Somewhere, deep down, I know that it is because of me.

He didn't say anything. He just sat there in silence. My curiousity rates increased and licked my lips unconciously to hear their conversation. After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.

"Yes", was his small reply. No explanation or question.

Annie nodded her head at him understandingly and they both looked down. The cool breeze hit my face again and I hugged myself tightly.

"I don't blame her and I know you don't too", he said and she nodded her head.

"Yes. I don't", she agreed.

"It was all my mistake. It was all my doing", he whispered. Tears brimmed in my eyes.

Annie didn't say anything knowing that all he is saying is true.

"If only I treated her right. If only.... if only I treated her like my wife.... all this wouldn't ben happening today", he said brokenly and he but his elbows on his thighs and joined his fingers as he put his head on it.

Annie rubbed his back as I heard a very small sob escape his mouth. My eyes widened. Is he crying? I felt the huge urge to go to him and hug him. To rub his back and tell him that everything is okay. But no! I am not doing that. I blinked back my own tears, but they kept coming. I just stood there in shock.

"Do you know how badly I have treated her? I am even surprised that she is still standing my sight. I am surprised that she still didn't slap me", he murmered.

"Everyone do mistakes son-", Annie started to say, but he cut her off.

"Mistakes are what you do unintentionally. But me? No! I knew that I was hurting her and that my words used to hurt her, but did I ever stop? No. I just kept doing what I did and broke it off completely!", he said getting up. Tears fell down my cheek hearing those words.

He knew that he was hurting me, but he still kept hurting me more with his words? Something inside me broke more as I heard those words from him. I put my hand on my mouth to stop the sob that was about to escape. Annie didn't say anything.

"I.... I am a monster mom. Even animals are better than me. But me.... I am a piece of shit that don't deserve love. Her love! But that selfishness in me doesn't want to let her go. I.... I want her mom. I love her. I love her so much", he said collapsing on the bench again. I closed my eyes, letting out a very silent sob.

"Son-", she was about to say, but he cut her off again.

"No mom! Don't stop me today! The way I behaved with her is cruel. Something a person like her don't deserve. She deserves to be cared, spoiled and loved unconditonally. But me? I just broke her off. I broke a beautiful person, a beautiful and lovely wife.... my wife, who has a very beautiful heart".

I fell down on my knees by hearing those words. God no! I have always wanted him to realize his mistakes, but hearing how much he regrets is a torture. My heart is melting. I want to hug him and tell him I am here. There was a few moments of silence again.

"You know, she used to make me my favorite breakfast at least three times a week. I never got bored of eating it. She really cooks amazingly. She used to ask me how it was while looking at me with those warm brown eyes. Even if I don't answer her, she never showed her hurt outside. She used to kiss me everyday before sending me office.

She used to wait for me till I come. She never ate dinner without me. How many wives does that for their husbands these days? But me.... I have all those. I have everything a husband wants in his wife. Caring, loving and sweet. Most of her, her beautiful face and her pure innocent heart", he said looking at sky.

I covered my mouth again to stop the sobs.

"I never cared about the precious gem I had.... and now I lost it. I am such a jackass. I cheated on her! I can't believe that I did it!", he said looking down as tears ran down his cheek. I weeped silently on the ground.

"Then why did you do it all son?", Annie asked and as I heard that question, I jerked my ehad up to hear his answer. It's a question that always haunted me. I wiped the tears to look at him clearly.

"I didn't want to fall in love so fast", he replied. his voice is barely above a whisper.

I took a step forward to hear more audibly.

"I didn't want to be a love sick puppy. I didn't want a women to control me. I thought that if I ignore her.... she will eventually get mad a leave me. I thought she is like other girls, rich brat and money hungry. But damn I was wrong! I thought I can live my life style for a few years while enjoying with other girls, but.... I didn't see what I was missing", he said.

Hearing him say all this made me nauseous. He took a pause before continuing.

"I didn't see I was missing a life.... a happy life. I was just alive. But If just I would have been with her like a real husband, I would have lived my life", he said and sniffed.

My nose is running and I rubbed it with the back of my hand.

"I don't think there is any punishment that will make me feel the pain that I made her go through", he said as tears kept falling from his eyes.

He laid his head on Annie's shoulder. She ran a hand through his hair.

"When she found out me cheating on her, I went to home with ehr and told her on her face that I didn't love her and never cared about her. I told her she can give me divorce. I told it all so heartlessly and harshly. I am such an asshole!", he shouted angrily.

I remember that day. I found him with other girl in the hotel. I felt so heart broken. I felt like I am hit by a truck. I still remember the shock. My heart shattered into million pieces. It shattered like it can never be fixed again. Then when we came home.... he just admitted all in my face without even a bit of remose. What hurt me more was when he told me to divore him.

"I love her mom", he said after a minute of silence. I put both hands on my mouth to stop the uncontrollable sobs. I weeped on the cold concrete floor.

"I know son. I know", Annie said patting his head.

"I know she forgave me, but.... do you think she will ever feel the same for me?", he asked with hope in his voice along with a lot of doubt.

"I don't know", she whispered with so much vulnerability in her voice. She is crying for her son.

But that question stuck me. Will I ever feel the same for him? Or do I still have feelings for him? Yes, I have feelings for him. Deep down, I know it too. But no, I don't want to accept them. I don't want him. I like Paul. Yes, I don't love him. But Heath? Never. I don't want to accept him. I want to move on. I want to move on from that past. I want to move on from him.

"But I don't want you to stop trying", she told him. I bit my lip hard.

"I will not mom. But I am scared.... Scared she is in love with that.... that Paul guy", he said like a kid who is frightened.

"She doesn't love him", Annie told him, may be remembering me telling har that I am not in love with Paul. Heath moved his head and sat up to look at her.

"What?", he asked with confusion and a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Yes. She is not in love with him. But I am not saying she loves you", she told him looking down.

"Mom, if she is not in love with him, then why is she marrying him?", he asked turning to her. I hid behind the pillar a little as he turned this side, so that he can't see me.

"I don't know. May be she wants to move on", she said looking at him. He looked away from her and ran a hand through his hair frustratedly.

"I want her so much. I love her so much. I know I am a selfish arse, but this time.... I will treat her like she should have always been treated. I will treat her like a Princess. Like my Princess", he said looking at the moon. Annie smiled at him.

"I know you will. She is precious son", she said smiling warmly at him.

"I know, but it's too late when I realized it", he said looking down.

"So, how where did you take her the before three days?", she asked turning to him with a curious expression on her face. He looked down at his foot and then back at her.

"I took her to a date that night. Obviously it didn't go well. Then next morning before she woke up, I went to her house and picked her up from her house while she is sleeping. She is so beautiful while she is sleeping. What am I saying?! She is beautiful all the time! I took her to my car, then airport then I took her to the island I bought for us both.

She freaked a little when she came to knwo that we are in our island. I took her to Paris next day. You know, Paris is her favourite place. She always wanted me to take her there. But I never did. I took her out and apologized to her. Having a big heart, like always, she forgave me. She really has a big heart. I didn't think she would forgive me", he whispered.

I licked my lips as I heard him telling her what happened and how we had a small fight, how I told him that we can never be together and how he is doing all those things that I once wanted him to do.

"Then we came here. You know the rest", he completed. Annie nodded her head.

"You do understand the few things you did were down right creepy?", she asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"I know, I should not have took her form her house while she is sleeping and take her to some island, but I can't stop myself. I can't get myself to wake her up. She is sleeping so peacefully like an Angel", he said looking at her.

A small smile tugged on my lips, but soon disappeared. No. I shouldn't melt to his words.

"Do you think I have any chances of getting her back?", he asked her calmly.

"I don't know. May be if you show her that you love her. You are rushing it. You are rushing her. Give her some time. Let her think. Show her how much you ove her. Give her some space", she told him. He looked like he is thinking and then nodded his head.

"You are right", he agreed.

"Why did you wait a whole year to reach her?", she asked. I sat up straight again to hear his answer. He took a minute before answering. He took a deep breathe and let it out before answering.

"I was.... frightened. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to approach her. What should I say to her even if I approach her? Celestine I want you back? No. I know she will never accpet me and I am very bad at apologizing. I wanted to do it right with her. I wanted to do things right between us. After all.... she is the one that holds my heart.

I realized lately, but, when she left, she took my heart with her. I was such a fool. I pity myself. I am ashamed of myself", he said looking down again.

"Don't worry. She will see one day how much you love her", she assured him.

"But what if it is too late?", he asked with fear in his voice.

I can't hear anymore. I stood up and ran as fast as I can to the room and fell on the bed as I closed the door behing me and put my head into the pillow as I cried.

God, why? Why is it so painful?!


Hey my cute dumplings!

Sorry for the late update. I was busy completing one of my stories. What do you think? What do you feel for Heath?

Please read my other stories too.



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