Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Celestine Allen Michelson's POV

I woke up lately and came down to the dining room.

"Good morning!", I heard dad's happy voice and look up at him. As much as I want to say it back happily, I can't.

"Good morning dad. You still didn't go to the office?". I asked in a very low tone. My mood is all clumsy and dull since the past week.

He called me many times in the past week. All I can think is about that day. Him proposing and me rejecting. He must have been so embarrassed because of me in front of the whole family.

Since that day, I can't concentrate on anything. Heath wanted to marry me, that felt like a new thing. Of course, I have been in relation with him and it's a serious relation, but just thinking about marrying him, brought back some insecurities and doubts. One side there were all insecurities and on the other side, I like him. Yes, my heart still wants him so much.

"I was waiting for you. Come on eat fast and get ready to come to office with me. Come on fast, chop, chop!", dad said while giving me a huge smile. I knwo why he is doing all this. Since the past week, when Heath proposed to me, I am staying at house as I was not able to concentrate on work. Just staying in my room.

"Dad, no. I don't have the mood to come to office with you", I said leaning back on the chair. "I.... I just don't want to". My eyes casted down as I don't want him to see the pain in my eyes. I heard him sigh and put his spoon down.

"Princess, this is not the way you should do. Talk to me. Are you still moping- No wait, it's not the right question to ask. Why are you still moping about what happened past week?", he asked as he came and sat beside me. The image od him proposing and me rejecting came into my mind immediately. My eyes shed with tears.

"Dad, please. I don't want to talk about it".

"I know that you need to talk to someone at a time like this. Especially you need your mom", he said and paused. "But you can talk to me. I will listen to anything it is. I promise you I won't get angry. We are friends, right? Just like we are when you were a kid. You can tell your friend anything". I gulped down the pain in my throat and blinked twice.

"Dad", my voice came out as a whisper. "Dad, I am so confused", I finally said it out, what I ma feeling inside all the while. "I like him. I really do. I just.... I am scared", I said looking up at him.

Dad just sat there silently, looking at me, listening to me.

"What is I don't ever want to marry him? Then why did I date him all the while when I have no intention of marrying him. What was I doing? What was I thinking?". My thoughts started coming out slowly. "Again, what if I say yes? What if we both got married? Will be both do okay? Or is it all going to repeat again? I don't want to get my heart broken again dad".

Tears gathered in my eyes again, ready to fall. He is looking at me intently.

"I.... I am scared that he might get bored of me and cheat on me again. I am scared to give myself to him completely dad. Will he be still the same once we got married? He supported me through so much this past year. He did prove to me that he changed and I believe him, but-", all thoughts finally kept coming out, when he cut me off.

"But you are scared he might do what he did in the past?", dad asked.

I nodded my head slowly looking down.

"Celestine, dear, answer me one question correctly", he said and I looked up at him again, curious about what he was going to ask. "Do you love him?". My brain got stuck at there. All the others thoughts are clogged.

I asked that question myself. Do I love him? Yes, I care for him, extremely. I definitely like him, so much. But do I love him? Do !? If I don't love him, then why am I feeling so low when I didn't accept his proposal? Why did I feel so lonely and like I can't breath when he is not with me? Why do I feel such kind of emotions, which I once felt for him? Is this love?

"I don't know dad", I confessed looking down.

"Let's forget about the whole marriage thing for a while. Do, you want to spend your whole life with him?", he asked.

"Of course dad, I want to".

"Do you trust him then?", he asked and I was about to answer him with a yes but stopped. Do, I trust him? I don't know anymore.

"I think.... I do", I replied doubtfully. He smiled at me.

"You do dear. If not, you wouldn't have been in a relationship with him for a whole year. In this whole year, did he ever do anything, that made you feel doubtful toward him?".

"No, nothing".

"Then? As much as I don't want to admit it, then the day when he proposed to you, I really saw that he loves you. I don't want you to go back to him again. But he really loves you, I can easily see it in your eyes. If you want to see how much he loves you, check out all the photos of you both on the internet and news papers", he said and gave me his phone.

I look down at the phone and saw that it was a picture of us both. It was a picture from the time when we went to the carnival. I was trying to shoot the balloon and held the gun in my hand. Heath is standing beside me, looking down at me smiling. I can see the look in his eyes. His eyes are shone with pure love.

"Anyone who see this picture can easily say, that guy is in love with this girl", dad said as I was still looking at the picture. "I don't know if you love him or not, but I want my daughter to marry a guy who loves her. Yes, I am selfish, but it's for my daughter. I will do anything for her. If she wants to marry this guy who loves her, I will allow it", dad said.

"Dad", I whispered as I look up at him with my teary eyes.

"I love you, Princess. I think you love him too. I know you love him. But, I think there is this insecurity in your mind that's nagging you. Leave all of them. Ask yourself all these questions. Answer yourself".

Yes, I do feel insecure. What if one day I found out he is cheating on me?

"You said that you know him better now. That he changed. Do you think that he is acting all this while, just to make you fall in love with him again? I don't think so dear. Anna told me how much he struggled when there was a divorce between you. That's why I am thinking about his side too. I truly think he changed and I don't think he would ever cheat on you".

I started to think for the time when we both started dating from the past year. Every minute, he was there, whenever I needed him, where ever I needed him. He never once made me feel insecure. Or maybe I didn't care in the starting, but lately, I do. My heart wouldn't let me agree, but I know myself that I am having my doubts.

I know that my heart flutters whenever he calls me, whenever he says he loves me, whenever he just keeps staring at me without any reason. He holds my hand when we walk together and I hold it tighter not wanting to let go. I feel like I am safe like I am home. I want to feel that way till I die.

I love being in his arms. I love the way he wakes me up every morning. I love the way he smiles whenever he sees me. I love his kisses, his words, his everything. The tattoo. It is more than enough to say that he loves me.

God, I am in love. I love him! I love Heath!

My eyes widened at my own realization. I love him, I loved him all this while. I stood up from the chair and dad looked at me confused.

"Dad, I love you so much! Thank you!", I said hugging him and giving him a kiss on his cheek. He laughed and hugged me back.

"You are welcome, Princess", he said smiling down at me.

"Dad, I need to go. Bye!", I said while going to the living room and taking my car keys from the table and walking quickly to my car with a smile on my face.

I can't just stop it. I sat in and started to drive to Heath's office. It's past ten and I am sure he is in his office. I just can't wait to tell him that I love him. All this while, I wronged myself thinking that I just like him when I am in love him. I was such a fool. I drive past the city traffic, anticipating to reach his office soon, to reach him soon.

Once I am in front of his office, I parked the car and quickly took the keys before running in to reach the elevator. I didn't give any attention to my surroundings. I saw the receptionist stand as I almost ran past her to the elevator. The elevator door quickly opened and I went in. I was the only one in the elevator.

My heart is pounding in my chest and my chest is exploding with happiness. Once the elevator stopped in his floor, I came out and walked directly to his office. Just as I was about to open the door, his secretary, Will stopped me.

"Ms. Michelson, Mr. King is in the meeting in conference room. I will inform him that you came-", before he can say anything, I went to the conference room in the same floor and pushed open the door. As soon as I entered, Heath stopped talking and looked up at me in shock. The grin on my face grew and my legs quickly went to him.

I threw myself at him. The happy tears in my eyes fell down my cheek. I felt his arms go around me. I hugged him tightly and put my mouth near his ear.

"Baby", he whispered. "I missed you".

"I love you Heath. I love you so much", saying that I kissed him. I don't know what got over me. I don't know what I am doing. He is shocked by my sudden action, but after a minute responded to my kiss.

"I love you too Celestine. Oh God, thank you so much. I thought I drove you away. I thought I lost you", he said grinning in between the kisses. I pulled away and looked up at him with my arms around his neck. His arms are around my waist.

"Let's get married", I said and his eyes widened in shock. I pecked his lips shortly while laughing.

I heard some laughs and looked to my right side to see people. My eyes widened. I didn't see them till now. Were they all here, all this while? Of course, he is in a meeting! I quickly put my head in his chest, hiding and blushing furiously. That's when I realized that I am in my track pant and shirt. Oh no!

"I am sorry", I whispered enough for him to hear.

"No problem Baby. Totally worth it. You look beautiful", he said and kissed my forehead. "I love you", he said and my heart fluttered again.

I love him too.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I know it's a filmy ending, but don't you guys like it? Heath must be so happy right now, wouldn't he? Please tell me what you think. I really need to know.

There is still one chapter.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.
