Uncovered Lies


"Oh my darling, Bella you rushed home to see me huh?" Collin smirked down at her, checking her out from head to toe. When Bella was close, she extended her hand up quickly and slapped him across the face as hard as she could. "What kind of voracious piece of garbage are you?!" She snapped at him, Collin held his cheek scowling at Bella with shock "What the fuck is the matter with you Bella?!" She was punching him on the chest, he pushed her away grabbing her wrists.

"What the fuck is the matter with you not me! You went after Mr.Noah for your own greedy piece of shit reasons! Do you know how Eleanor would react to this?! Did you ever think of how humiliating this could be for your god damn sister?!" Bella shouted at him in the middle of the streets.

"Don't take that fucked up tone with me Bella, don't make me hurt you like I did before!" Collin snapped at her, his patience wearing thing. "Hurt me? You'd be adding more depth to your grave trust me!"

Collin sighed letting go of Bella's wrists as he rubbed his forehead "You're really getting on my nerves, I thought you came here to go out with me" Collin said with a little disappointment in his tone. "I'd never go out with you, listen to me Collin, and listen well you have till tomorrow to return Mr.Noah's money or I'm going to take other measures" Bella warned him, pointing her finger at him "Do you understand?!" She snapped at him yet again.

"Dont you point your finger at me like I'm a child!" He slapped her hand away as she held his hand. "Oh you're resisting now? You're resisting you little bitch!" He grabbed her by the hair. "Take your hands off the lady Collin, you have two seconds before I dig your grave myself" Noah showed up just in time, Collin quickly let go of Bella's hair, her face was flushed and her eyes were wide "Mr.Noah!..."

"Is this a way to treat a lady Collin? Where are your damn manners?" Noah's voice was stern and it seemed that he was holding back a lot of anger. "Excuse me? That's none of your concern stay out of my damn business" Collin snapped at Noah. Noah arched an eyebrow at Collin, "It is of my concern when you're attacking a girl who isn't even your size. How manly of you" Noah got closer to Collin but Bella rushed to his side "Collin, get out of here now!" She stood between Noah and Collin.

"You're protecting the pretty rich boy?" Collin smirked down at her "I'm not protecting anyone, but Eleanor is on her way and I don't want her to see-" "Collin? What the hell are you doing here?" Eleanor showed up on time, Seth was in the car with Quinn in the back. He got out of the car when he saw Noah standing there. "Noah? What's going on here?" Seth asked, "Oh would you look at that" Collin pushed past Bella to stand before Eleanor, who was standing next to Seth "the whore has finally found her way home!" Collin scowled down at Eleanor.

In a swift movement, Seth's fist was attached to Collin's nose "Who the fuck are you calling Eleanor a whore?!" Seth growled at Collin, the two girls stood there with wide eyes. Bella's hand shot up to her mouth gasping "Noah, please do something please!" She pleaded.

"It's alright Bella, he deserved it" Noah said with icy cold eyes. "Fuck" Collin hissed grabbing his face. "Who the hell is this bastard? Is he your ex boyfriend?" Seth snapped at Eleanor. "Doesnt fucking concern you Seth! STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS!" She snapped at him.

Earlier that day


Eleanor was taking a walk outside, she had worked all day and decided to clear her head off. A while after, she walked back into the cabin hearing Seth's cruel words to Quinn caused a huge scar in her heart "... if it's true? Eleanor could easily be a gold digger who wants me to fall for her, lead me on and use me for money?" She heard Seth tell Quinn "Eleanor doesn't seem like the type Seth, don't let Noah's words get to your head" "Ugh, it's confusing... I mean I wouldn't mind having her around, she's amusing, you know? I wouldn't mind handing her a few bucks for a night with me-"

"I'm not a fucking prostitute! Nor am I a gold fucking digger you sick creep!" Eleanor's voice went hoarse from the sudden yelling. Seth turned around dressed with shock, as if someone just electrified him. "Eleanor?! I, I was making a joke I di-" "NO, Seth, NO! I don't wanna fucking hear it! Just when I thought you were a decent human being, just when I thought you were fucking nice! Thats what you were after?! SLEEPING WITH ME?! IS THAT IT?!" Eleanor screamed at him, her face flushed red with anger. Seth was approaching her as she took her purse and cell phone off the table "Drive me fucking home now Seth, and I don't wanna see you for the rest of my FUCKING LIFE ! AM I CLEAR?!"

Quinn was staring wide eyed at Eleanor who had turned into a beast, and the whole way back to the city. Eleanor did not speak one word, Quinn tried to make things smooth but Seth messed up big time. Even when Seth tried to explain, Eleanor told him "I don't want to hear it Seth, I don't want to. I won't give you that privilege to explain yourself. I wont. Drive and stay silent or else I'm getting out of the car" She said with a stern voice.


"I was looking out for you!" Seth snapped at Eleanor, "Looking out for me?! Please! You called me a whore a few hours ago! You deserve a beating for the abusive words, but I wont even get my hands filthy with your repelling piece of crap character!" Eleanor was screaming her lungs out.

"What the..." Noah and Bella stared at the two going back and forth. This wasn't a regular argument between the two, Bella wondered to what had happened at that cabin. "Bella, take Eleanor and go upstairs. She's a wreck" Noah whispered lowly in Bella's ear and she nodded "Thank you for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow" Bella said and he nodded at her with a smile.

"Eleanor, let's go" Bella grabbed Eleanor's arm, as Collin grabbed Bella's arm "She's not going anywhere before she explains her picture with the damn playboy in the tabloids Bella!" "Don't you lay a finger on Bella!" Noah glowered dangerously at Collin, slapping his hand as he stood by Bella.

"What tabloids? What are you talking about?!" Eleanor asked, feeling her heart sink down deeper. "Fuck" Seth hissed rubbing his temples. Quinn was now standing beside him, "Eleanor, just go upstairs take a bath and relax you've had a long night alright?" Quinn interfered before hell could break loose.

"No, Collin what tabloids? What picture what are you talking about?" She asked him, her heart beating so fast she could have an arrest any time now. "I'm talking about this!" Collin said, opening his car and taking a newspaper out of his car.

Eleanor took the newspaper from Collin's hands reading the headlines, while Seth cussed out under his breath. "Eleanor, I-"

"Is that why you took me out to the cabin today? Told me we had a tight deadline? I have never worked that hard in my whole fucking life! I didn't want you to pay for any consequences I wanted to help you out I didn't want to disappoint you! I worked for fucking six hours straight with no break! BECAUSE OF THIS?!"

Seth felt like his world has come crashing down in mere seconds, hell broke loose, lies became uncovered, and to top it off Eleanor overheard Seth calling her a whore, indirectly. 


