Cod Accras


"Bella! Ahahahaha ha ha ha, Bella!" Eleanor's wide eyes twitched as she looked at her best friend while Quinn and Seth gave her awkward looks. "I am, actually visiting Seth here! He was.. uh asking me for lunch and then he decided to show me around! He asked me on the phone.. obviously my phone isn't with me..." Eleanor gave Bella a creepy grin as Bella frowned at her best friend's strange behavior. Seth looked at Eleanor amused, "Oh, why didn't you tell me I thought you had a job interview today!" Bella exclaimed.

"Job interview... right yeah that I went to that and I don't think it went very well" Eleanor nodded consistently as Seth arched an eyebrow "Eleanor I-" "Seth! You know Bella! You met Bella!" she turned around mouthing incoherent words to Seth with wide eyes. "Bella! Hello Bella, Leon's sister huh?" Seth went along shaking hands with a really weirded out Bella 'What the hell is wrong with two of them?' she thought. "Yes, true.... so you guys were going on a date?" Bella asked. Eleanor was cussing in her mind, she could've simply told her the interview was here and all was going to be fine.

"Yes, Seth here is very fond of Eleanor and she mentioned she was a fashion designer so he decided to show her around and offer her a job" Quinn literally just saved Eleanor's ass. "I'm Quinn by the way, the fashion designer of this company" Quinn shook Bella's hand. "Oh! That's amazing! It's nice to meet you Quinn!" Bella exclaimed, she thought Eleanor was going to give her the details when she gets home.

"Bella, you're still here" Noah's voice came from behind as Seth and Eleanor exchanged glances "Oh Mr.Noah, hello! I happened to run into Eleanor here" Bella explained "She was going out with Seth for lunch I happened to bump into her"

"Oh, well let's all go out to lunch then. Quinn would you like to join us?" "Certainly Noah!" Quinn smiled. "Oh, let me just grab my phone Seth would you come with me? I forgot the way" Eleanor asked Seth and he nodded "Let's go, sure" Seth said.


"What was that back there?" Seth asked as they took they walked to Quinn's office. "That, was a disaster if you haven't seen one before Seth..." Eleanor sighed in relief "Oh no, I very much acknowledged the disaster, I would call it a train wreck though,...I meant why did you lie?" Seth asked "I haven't told Bella that I'm working here yet, and on my first day ironically, I happened to run into her" Eleanor explained. "Why didn't you tell her Eleanor?" "Damn it Seth! I didn't have the opportunity to tell her yet!" She snapped at him. "You really lie a lot... anyway you owe me one" He smirked at her.

"You're the devil" Eleanor snapped at him, a scowl taking place on her face. Seth started chuckling as she glared at him picking her phone and purse up. "I didn't know I was a joke Seth! Stop laughing!"

"No no, you're not the joke. But you scowling has got to be the funniest things I've ever seen" Seth annoyed her "Oh how funny freaking hilarious isn't it?! HA HA HA HA!" "You're insane I swear to God...or Lucifer whichever thing you've descended from" Seth was sure riling her up.


"Eleanor, you ordered the whole restaurant what is wrong with you?!" Bella whispered to Eleanor who was taking a sip of her lemonade. "What? I'm starving Bella, a girl has got to eat" Eleanor shrugged Bella off. "Seth, are the invitations sent out yet?" Noah asked texting on his phone.

'Workaholic much...' Bella thought to herself. "Yes, this morning" Seth nodded as he checked out the blonde at the next table. He winked at her, and Eleanor was rolling her eyes "I'm glad I joined you to this so called date Eleanor, where your date checks out every tit-owning creature in the restaurant" Quinn snapped at Seth, Eleanor was still checking the menu out to see if she was going to order dessert or not. Quinn badly wanted Eleanor and Seth to get involved somehow and he wasn't helping.

"Oh, that's alright Quinn sweetie. I agreed to go on this date because Seth is paying, why do you think I ordered so much food?" Eleanor smiled at Seth with forgery. Seth smirked at her, "I wasn't checking anyone out, my eye was twitching and I happened to be looking at the girl with the tight skirt over there"

"Such diabolical, and indecent behavior isn't strange for someone like Seth, Quinn don't be surprised sweetie" Eleanor glared at Seth with the same smile plastered on her face. "Of course you would be familiar with diabolism, for you could be Lucifer's wife" Seth smirked at her. "Don't start tampering with my nerves Seth! Unless you want a shower with my lemonade!" Eleanor scowled at him scrunching her brows so tight. "I wouldn't mind a shower with you Eleanor, but I know for a fact you'd try to kill me with a soap bar or something" Seth said, taking Eleanor's lemonade for a sip.

The three watched Seth and Eleanor go back and forth with amusement "What is going on with you two?" Quinn snapped "Seth BLATANTLY isn't peaches and cream, Quinn" Eleanor bitched. "Blatantly, but-" "She blatantly's outgrown impish desires to wreak havoc" Seth mocked, just as Eleanor was about to retort with a heavy come back the waiter came.

"Gratinèed Scallops?" the waiter was at the table "Here" Eleanor said, he placed the plate next to her "Oeufs en Cocotte au Saumon Fumè" the waiter asked looking at anyone but Eleanor "Here" Eleanor said, with a grin on her face, the waiter placed the dish next to her "Hachis Parmentier" "Here too" Eleanor said "Jesus, count on you to make a commotion out of your meals" Seth mumbled under his breath.

"Not listening, because you're paying" Eleanor said grabbing her fork as she started digging in. "Tartiflette?" the waiter asked, looking at Eleanor as if expecting her to say here again. "Here" Quinn said. "Steak and fries?" "Here" Seth said. "Cod Accras?" the waiter asked "Here" Noah and Bella said at the same time. They glanced at each other "Serve her first" Noah nodded at the waiter "No, it's alright I can wait" "No, I'm a guy I can wait" "Excuse me?" Bella arched an eyebrow at him. "Uh, there are two dishes so..." the waiter served them at the same time.

"Bon Appetite!" the waiter said, hurrying out of there before the tension chokes him up. "HEY! Don't touch my food" Eleanor frowned at Seth like a child, who tried grabbing one of the Scallops. "But it looks good I never tasted that... or even knew it existed" Seth defended "Ugh fine, give me one of your fries" She pouted at him "Fine, there" He put some in one of her three plates. Eleanor stayed quiet the whole time just chewing her food down, as Seth looked at her with amusement. "Bella, skip today's meal I wont be home tonight" Noah said cutting his food with a knife.

"Oh, alright no problem" "Bella you're working with Noah again?" Seth grinned "Yes, he offered me my job back just now.. thats why I was at the company actually" Bella explained taking a small bite of her food. "Oh you work with Noah?" Quinn asked "Yes, I'm a chef actually, I'm mastering in french cuisine" Bella explained "Ahaa! A chef, I thought you would be a model... I mean you're really pretty I really like your nose job" "Oh no no, Quinn I never had any nose job!"

"Ah, I really feel your model-material. Are you interested in that kind of thing?" Quinn asked her and Bella shook her head immediately "Oh no no, umm I'm from French origins... the conservative side of France so my father wouldn't be fond of the whole modeling thing" Bella declined Quinn's offer politely. "Aha you're French, explains the beauty mon cherie" Quinn winked at Bella.

"Eleanor, how self-involved are you? Congratulate your friend for her new job" Seth smirked at Eleanor who was busy gobbling down the three plates she ordered. She didn't really pay attention either to what Bella was saying. She looked up at Seth who was sitting next to her "What?" She asked him scowling "Wow, if I knew food would shut you up I would've bought a vending machine and attached it to you somehow" Seth smirked at her.

She ignored him and went back to her plate, "So Bella, are you involved with anyone?" Quinn asked, looking between her and Noah. Bella choked a little on her food, Noah handed her a glass of water glaring at Quinn "Thank you" Bella said, gulping down some water. "Uhm um not really, I never had the time for that.. I'm usually busy with university and taking care of my brother" Bella explained "Aha, we'll see about that" Quinn muttered the last part silently as Bella just gave her a weird look for she did hear her.

Eleanor's phone started ringing, she put her fork down and saw who it was, she silenced her phone and went back to her food, Seth glancing at her. Her phone went off again "They seem persistent" Seth commented, glancing at her phone now. It said Collin. Eleanor sighed as she excused herself from the table to answer her phone. "Bella-" Quinn started again as Noah glared at her, he knew what she was up to. "Quinn! How's your food?" Noah asked her, she rolled her eyes at him "Beautiful, would you like a taste? Since you're glancing at, my food" her words definitely had some double meaning. Noah stayed silent as Seth smirked at him, he was glancing at Bella a lot.

Eleanor has been gone for a few minutes and when she came back, she sat down sipping on some water "Everything alright?" Bella asked in a low voice. Eleanor nodded "It's Collin" she told Bella, "Oh God, what did he want?" Bella freaked out, whispering and gaining a glance from Noah. "To be creepy as always, I have half a mind to run him over with my car after it's done from the mechanics" Eleanor snapped, quietly though.

Seth and Noah were glancing at both girls, "Eleanor, would you like dessert?" Seth asked, and she shook her head silently clearing her throat "Thank you, I'm full" she turned to look at him, and he caught her eye they gazed back and forth at each other. Seth could easily read off Eleanor's concerned facial expression. He leaned in and Eleanor's eyes widened as to what he was doing, Quinn looked at him amused from across the table.

Eleanor's breath hitched in her chest for Seth's face was really close to hers, he parted his lips "Are you alright?" he whispered silently in her ear, his breath tickling her a little bit, "Uhm, yes thanks" she whispered back to him. He nodded at her, totally not believing her. "Liar" he muttered.

Seth paid for lunch, and they all got up from their chairs making their way out of the restaurant. Seth and Eleanor walked side by side, Noah was by himself and Bella and Quinn were walking alongside. "You owe me Eleanor, for saving you today" Seth reminded Eleanor, trying to get her mind off whatever this Collin guy did. She smirked at him "You'll never let it go huh?" "Not a chance, I'm looking forward to be your date for the celebration" He smirked at her, he was persistent and was not going to take no for an answer.

She faked a smile at him "Same here, Seth. I'm looking forward to make your night a living hell sweetheart" "We'll see about that, sweetheart" he ruffled her hair as she pushed him off her side "Let the better side win" She grinned at him.


