Creating Destiny


"Whoa, what did you just say?" Eleanor pushed Seth off her, it took him by surprise "I..I didn't say anything.." Seth looked down, he sat back on the couch holding his head. "No, you said you loved me" Eleanor repeated his words, walking over to the couch standing over his head. Seth stayed quiet, "Seth I'm talking to you" Eleanor spoke softly.

"I'm..didnt I didn't say anything..." Seth basically mumbled under his breath, "YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME! DO YOU SAY THAT TO EVERY GIRL YOU MEET?!" Silence came from Seth "ANSWER ME!" he passed a hand through his hair "SETH ANSWER MY DARN QUESTION!"

Seth sighed gritting his teeth as he stood up, he grabbed Eleanor by her hair pulling her forward as he smacked his lips against hers, Eleanor stood there shocked as Seth closed his eyes indulging passionately and roughly into Ely's lips.

Eleanor pushed him off, placing her fingertips over her lips "Yes Eleanor, I love you, I. LOVE.YOU. Alright? Happy? I know you don't share the same feelings I know we just met but don't even ask me how that happened aright?!" He looked at her with despair in his eyes, as if he knew she was going to reject him. His blue eyes intensely attacked hers, as she looked at him with surprise "You love me?..." She arched an eyebrow at him.

"Yes" Seth nodded shortly "Umm, wow... okay I need to sit down" Eleanor plunked herself on the couch not able to look Seth in the eyes. Seth arched an eyebrow at her, his jaw still clenched "What is the matter with you? It looks to me like someone just gave you bad news, I've never said that phrase to any girl and you know that I've dated the whole population of girls in this country...and let's face it from other countries too" Seth smirked, Eleanor rolled her eyes then looked up at him.

"Exactly, you're a playboy and you can easily be saying that to get in my pants Seth, do you think I'm that stupid?" She snapped at him, giving this deep thoughts. "I just confessed my love to Eleanor, alright forget I ever said anything" Seth nodded, storming out of the living room to the backyard.

Eleanor sat there on the couch, thinking deeply of what she said.

Eleanor's POV

Did I do the wrong thing? I mean what if he's lying? I do have feelings for Seth, but I don't even know how that happened! He could be easily manipulating me to get in my pants. Isn't that the player's motto? My mind went over to the earlier events but I could remember nothing...I mean if he was lying, he would've taken advantage of me, slept with me while I was drunk.

I hate feeling guilty, and Seth is the last person on earth that should be making me feel guilty. I followed him outside, Seth was standing by himself next to the pool, I found the table smashed on the floor along with the glasses on it. What the hell happened here?

I opened the glass door and walked outside, Seth glanced back at me then turned his head. I shut the door and walked over to him, this was going to take him by surprise. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Seth turned around taking my hands off his waist and held my hands in his. "Seth I-"

"Eleanor, don't say anything it's logical that you're in doubt of me, you know I-" "Shhh" I placed my index finger over his lips then grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips.

I leaned backwards breaking the kiss, "You could've easily taken advantage of me being drunk, but you didn't. I think I remember what happened earlier tonight, I remember something very distinctly Seth..."

"What is it?" Seth asked placing his arms around me, "You said, whenever you're around me you have this feeling in your heart, that your heart-" "Starts to beat really fast..." Seth and I said at the same time. I saw Seth blushing, actually blushing.

Seth cleared his throat, looking down "I'm not that cheesy... but" Seth took my hand with his and placed it over his chest "It's true" His eyes were sparkling with passion. I smiled up at him "I think this is really sweet, despite the fact that I'm not a romantic person Seth..." He chuckled at my comment. "Neither am I, but I think no one can resist that beautiful face of yours Eleanor, I never knew I was in love with you until tonight..." Seth confessed.

"What? I don't understand" I scowled at him, what is that supposed to mean? Is he unsure of his feelings?!

"Whoa, don't scowl at me like that pretty face, all I meant to say was... I said that in front of Stewart tonight, then when..we were having this small feud inside I blurted it out.. which made me freak out completely. I've literally never said that phrase to any girl... and definitely never freaked out about feelings, not me not Seth Adams" He chuckled.

"Wow, that was... emotional" I chuckled with him, "I'm not going to be like that all the time, I'm not cheesy alright?" Seth tried to regain whatever was left of his manhood as I cracked up laughing at him blushing. "Alright alright, I'm not into cheesy guys, not very romantic myself" I couldn't help but smile at him. He leaned down to kiss my forehead "Considering the gun and snapping at me...cross that, snapping at anything all the time, I won't take you as the very romantic-capable-of-showing-emotions kind of girl but I can work with that"

"Work with what? And I do show emotions....just not very loving emotions" I added the last part which made him laugh, I admired the pretty set of teeth and lips he possessed and couldn't help but swoon on the inside, he was way too hot "Work with you.." Seth answered after moments of silence. "What do you mean by that?" I arched an eyebrow at him, just to mess with him.

"I meant..I mean, you know like...hold on what? You kissed me so I assumed that..." "That I have feelings for you?" I asked him with a sharp tone, causing him to doubt himself. I saw Seth's facial expression change twenty times in a second, I cracked up laughing "Calm down calm down, I do have.. sort of feelings for you, I guess.."

"Damn it Eleanor, not one girl kept me on my toes like that before" Seth sighed in relief. "That's good news to hear" I grinned at him. "So... now that we're in a relationship-" "Whoa whoa, relationship?" I backed away letting this sink in. Seth gulped down looking at me quizzically "Uhm, two people who love each other usually start going out... I don't know how you people do it in France but this is how we do it here" Seth explained blinking rapidly.

"Right, I'm sorry this is just a lot to take in for one night and I think I'm still not very sober... I just need like a moment to let this sink in" I blinked at him rapidly from my anxiety kicking in. "Right.. right okay, uhm" Seth cleared his throat "Uhm, do-do you want to uh go inside?" I nodded at Seth, smiling up at him.

"So how long do you need to 'let this sink in'?" Seth asked a little nervous to hear my answer. Who knew Seth Adams could get this nervous around a girl? Pfft. "Uhm, just like a day...or something but I guess that's how things work right?" I shrugged at him. Seth frowned looking at me with doubt "Wait... have you never been a relationship before?"

"This is embarrassing, but not really... I mean.. there was a guy but he doesn't really count it's a long story" I pushed back the memories of him, I didn't want to bring him up and ruin my moment with Seth. Not now at least. I could always tell him this, but it's a huge secret and I'm not ready.

"Alright, sounds good" Seth shrugged, "Hey Seth... um do you mind keeping this a secret for a while? I mean, we work together and I don't want things to get jumbled up at work you know?" I hoped he did not take this the wrong way. "You really are something huh? Most girls would want to gloat about it"

"Yeah, but then again I'm not most girls so don't expect much of me" I smirked at him "You're going to be trouble aren't you?" "Problem with that?" I asked with a threatening tone. "Nope. You're unexpected, and I think that's the most amusing quality you possess" He shrugged it off.


Bella's POV

I shook my head at Noah, "I cannot believe we're stuck in the middle of nowhere! If I get eaten by wolves I'm going to sue you Noah Adams!" I whined, this was the most unfortunate night of my life. Eleanor goes missing, with who? Seth Adams, mr.playboy. Noah's car breaks down, he has a flat tire, my mother is going to be here in six hours exactly, what else could go wrong?

Just as I thought of that in my head, it was like God testing me, because right then it started raining. Thank God we were stuck under a bridge so no rain really reached us, but the cold weather wasn't helping. "Bella, calm down I'll just call someone and we'll be out of here" "What? You don't have another tire in your trunk?!" I gaped at him, how stupid can someone be to not have a tire in their trunk? "I do, but I can't change the tire Bella. That's what-"

"What? You don't want to change the tire?" I couldn't get what the hell is the matter with him, why cant he change the damn tire! "I DONT know how to change the tire Bella!" he sighed already getting sick of my nagging. "Oh my, you're a pretty rich boy... in another situation, this would've cracked me up!" I smirked at him. Noah doesn't know how to change a damn tire.

"Not everyone knows how to change a tire Bella, no need to fuss about it!" I could tell Noah was embarrassed "On contraire mon cherie, I know how" I took Noah's jacket off raising my sleeves up as I stepped out of the car. "What?" I heard him utter "Open your trunk buddy" I knocked on his trunk as he stepped out of the car. "What on earth are you doing Bella? You-"

"Get in the car and open your trunk, please" I waited for him as he looked at me with uncertainty. Noah opened his trunk and I took his tire out along with the demounting tool. I started working his tire as he stood there watching me with awe.

"You're not just a chef huh... I never expected this to happen" Noah admitted. I rolled the new tire onto his car, "Never expected to get stuck with me in the middle of nowhere? Or never expected me to change a tire?" I asked, I already knew the answer but I felt the need to boast about my tire-changing-skills.

"You changing a tire..." "I'm more than meets the eye Mr.Noah" I shrugged it off as I smacked my hands together observing my work of art. "You really are something" Noah smirked at me, "Thanks I guess" I smiled at him, a moment passed of us gazing back and forth at each other.

Noah cleared his throat "So...uh we should get back.. to driving" I nodded at him as we both climbed in to the car. Noah started his engine and sure enough the car was working perfectly fine, Noah looked at me pretty impressed with what I've done. "If I ever get stuck in the middle of nowhere I know I'll be calling you Bella" Noah smiled glancing at me then back to the road.

"Just make sure it isn't raining, I'm not a big fan of furious weather.." I grimaced at the weather outside, it was raining cats and dogs, the thunder wasn't helping much either. "Are you scared of thunder?" Noah asked, observing my body language, there wasn't much to observe because I literally jumped off my seat when I heard the thunder and saw the lightning. "Sort of... I'm not very fond of the sound.. mother used to say that thunder is God's way of expressing anger"

I saw Noah scoff "God huh? Don't give that much thought, thunder is just thunder" "Don't be sarcastic, I mean.. it's a little disrespectful to me" "Oh.. are you one of those people who visit church every Sunday?" He asked with mockery.

"Yes I am, not every Sunday but I do visit church whenever I can, it makes me feel safe you know? Whenever I pray for troubles to go away, God usually provides me a miracle getting me out of it" I remembered how things would always take a turn whenever I asked the Lord for something. If he didn't believe that, then he's never going to have a good life.

"I'm not a big believer Bella, whatever you work for you gain. I created my own destiny by my own hands, how do you think I'm a billionaire now? I made my father a billionaire, I worked hard for me if you spent half of your time working on your destiny, trying to enhance your life instead of visiting churches all day you would be a millionaire by now too" Noah was starting to get on my nerves. I'm not all religious but jesus the man did not have any respect! Thus began the longest night of my life. 

