A Crime

Surprise surprise! Two chapters in one day :D

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3:00 AM

Leon was not able to sleep, his health was deteriorating and he felt so much pain in all his body. He could feel pain in his neck, and his back, his temperature was definitely high and he kept coughing out blood. Leon groaned in pain as he turned in his bed, he tried to ignore the pain and sleep but that wasn't working. He called 911, then crawled to Bella's room, he banged on the door as he covered his mouth while coughing out. His hands had blood, "Bella!" He tried to scream out, Eleanor and Bella rushed opening the door. They found Leon on the floor, groaning in pain, tears were going down his cheek.

"Jesus Christ! Bella call 911!" "I already did" Leon said, hardly able to talk. "Oh my God..." Bella kneeled down before Leon as she tried to comfort him, she carried him with Eleanor to the living room placing freezing cold towels on his forehead. His temperature was 104 degrees Fahrenheit which was way above normal. "Leon, please be strong, please be strong" Bella kept muttering as she rocked back and forth. Eleanor was still in shock, but she focused on Leon and once the paramedics arrived, they followed to the hospital.

Eleanor called Noah, Bella needed his support now more than ever, Leon was now in the hospital with IV attached to his body, and another IV, that was a bag of morphine to try and ease the pain out. The doctor injected Leon with a strong medication to lower his temperature. He came out and spoke with Bella, and Eleanor.

"Are you his family?" The doctor asked, "Yes, she's his sister, I'm his roommate.. how is he?" Eleanor responded, "His condition is stable now, it's a good thing you rushed him to the hospital. His fever alone could've caused him a wrecking seizure" The doctor informed as Bella gulped down nodding trying to process the information. Noah came up immediately, "Hello doctor, hows Leon?" He asked catching his breath.

"His condition is stable for now, but it would've been a catastrophe...Leon was in so much pain" the doctor told Noah. "Is my brother going to die?" Bella asked, her eyes were teary, and red, her voice cracked as she asked the question. Noah pursed his lips as he rubbed her shoulder "Dont say that" He muttered to her, "His illness is not easy...but I suggest we increase the chemotherapy for Leon, the..illness is spreading his body faster than we expected" the doctor informed Bella who started sobbing.

"I'm sorry" the doctor apologized "You could've told her he wont die!" Eleanor snapped at the doctor. "Eleanor please stay calm" Noah sighed as he pointed at Bella with his eyes, signaling that her best friend was already feeling miserable.

"Noah" Bella sobbed squinting her eyes tightly as tears flew down her cheeks, "I don't want my brother to die I beg you do something! Do something!" Bella cried out in despair. Noah couldn't help but to feel helpless at this point. He had millions in his bank account, yet he couldn't do anything but the chemotherapy to help his girlfriend's brother out. Noah took Bella inside Leon's suite, Noah had already rented it out for when an urgent case like that happens, he wanted Leon to be extremely comfortable. Bella lied down on the guest bed as Noah stayed up by her side. Eleanor stayed outside, she sat on the leather chair for hours, in a trance having a staring competition with the white ceramic floors in the hospital.

She hated the white walls glaring at her, she hated the smell of the hospital, and most of all she hated how everything was falling apart all together in her life. Ever since Friday, till Tuesday, all she's experienced was ache, heart break, disappointment, guilt, and a whole lot of anger. Every time she asked herself the question, how worse could it get? Life got more messed up for her.

It was five in the morning, that night was pretty long. Bella was sleeping, and Noah went out to check on Eleanor, he somehow felt pity towards her, he felt that he can comprehend why Eleanor was the way she was. He understood why she a tough cookie. "Hey" Noah cleared his throat catching Eleanor's attention, she looked up at him and nodded with a small smile. "Hey" She responded quietly, "You didn't see Leon... he's asleep though" Noah started, "Thats alright, Leon is a fighter, and I don't want to wake him up..." Eleanor trailed off as Noah nodded.

He took a seat beside her and sighed, "How is Bella doing?" Eleanor asked, "Going through this hardly...it pains me to see her like that" Noah responded, "I'm sorry I called... I just.. I cannot do this anymore, I needed someone to comfort Bella properly and support her.. without breaking down themselves" Eleanor explained quietly, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"I am glad you called, I know you haven't been alright for a while now... It gets tough being the strongest one, the one who's supposed to hold all the responsibility" "Thank you, I do have a lot on my plate right now, and I'm not even sure how to handle things anymore..." Eleanor sighed, she chuckled and continued as Noah eyed her with pity "I'm at a point in my life where I feel like.. I feel like I don't even want to handle things anymore you know? I feel like letting life fuck me up without even trying to defend myself anymore, because whats the use?" Eleanor vented out, Noah smirked then shook his head "Oh Eleanor, I'm sorry but thats ridiculous..." he chuckled.

Eleanor turned to face him, confused, "Is my messed up life funny to you?" She asked, without even giving him attitude, like she's given up on even fighting or starting up arguments. "Nope, not that.. it's just that, what you said is stupid Eleanor. You called Leon a fighter, but so are you. Fighters don't give up, they stand up on their feet every time life kicks them down..." Noah said, he looked at Eleanor and continued, "You're an A Class fighter at life, Eleanor. The last thing you would do is give up, whether you feel like giving up or not, the next morning you'll wake up with that competitive attitude you always have, the snapping, the sarcasm, what you're feeling right now is temporary. Trust me" Noah reassured her.

Surprisingly, his words were not exactly direct, but they were enough to make Eleanor realize that she indeed wasn't going to give up, he indirectly gave her a challenge, he laid down an expectation and Eleanor loved to live up to them. She was going to aim higher too. "Your words are for once comforting and not like flying bullets, Noah" Eleanor spoke out after minutes of silence. Her mood was a tiny bit better, "Well, it's weird to see you not snapping at everyone, and everything that moves Eleanor. I cannot let the queen of sarcasm and attitude just lose her throne to a few tough obstacles in life, can I?" Noah smirked at her.

"You're a good one Noah... I'll declare you a friend from now forward" Eleanor smiled at him, "That's very pleasant to hear, Eleanor, no longer your nemesis?" Noah asked as Eleanor shrugged, "Nope, but I'm sure we'll have constant bickering matches" she assured him as he chuckled. "Of course, I wouldn't doubt that.. I guess thats what can make us good friends"

It was that night, that Eleanor grew closer to Noah, and Noah started liking Eleanor a bit more. He still thought of her as a nut case, but a nut case that Noah would help out, in getting her back to Seth, in fixing her problems, and in giving her a happy ending.

Eleanor cleared her throat, "Uhm..so um Seth, is he better? Last I saw him, he was basically dying of alcohol poison" Eleanor uttered, trying to sound cold but Noah smirked at her, "You don't have to sound so cold, I know you're dying to ask about him Eleanor. Don't worry, he's alright...he's in this hospital by the way. You can check up on him... if you want" Noah shrugged, throwing the word out there.

"Oh.. he's still in the hospital?" Eleanor asked, "Yes, dad knew and he insisted Seth doesn't leave before he's fully recovered. He's been drinking a lot, and..uhm yeah thats all" Noah was going to slip up, but stayed quiet not wanting to add more problems.

"He's been drinking a lot, not sleeping or eating I assume?" Eleanor asked, "Yes, he's taking the whole break up thing hard" Noah shrugged, "How awful" Eleanor shrugged too, trying to show no care. "You really don't care?" Noah turned to look at her, observe her facial expressions. Eleanor stayed still, her lips pursed into a line as she looked back at Noah. "This is the number one conflict in my life, Noah... it's what's messing me up even more" She confessed, "I gotta hand it to you though, you were completely composed and casual about Seth's situation earlier in the office. A stranger would've said that he Seth was someone invisible to you" Noah pointed out.

"I dont deny that I'm a pretty cold person, and when needed, even if I'm on fire internally, I can be an ice queen like everyone calls me" Eleanor chuckled "It's hard though, I get back home feeling like crap usually, not a pleasant feeling"

"Careful, you might wake up one day with your soul freezing and numb... anyway, Ill go check up on Seth. Do you want to tag along?" Noah asked, Eleanor hesitated but nodded standing up. "If he's awake, you just stay inside, Ill get the hint. I don't want him to see me visiting him, he'll get ideas" Eleanor conditioned Noah, "Of course, and if he's asleep Ill come out and tell you that the coast is clear" Noah could tell Eleanor was talking about Seth earlier.


Eleanor's POV

Noah headed back outside and nodded for me to come in, I was dying to see Seth. For some reason, my heart was aching to see him, I felt like seeing him would make me feel more secure, it would make me feel better somehow to just be beside him for a while. As much as I wanted to deny it, I needed him now more than ever. However, I did not want to forgive him. Not now or ever, I just needed to see him for my benefit, for my advantage.

I walked inside, seeing Seth lying down on the hospital bed, 'We wind up in the hospitals a lot' I thought to myself. I slowly walked to his side, taking quiet steps one at a time, I watched his blonde hair resting messily on the pillow. His face looked at peace, yet sick and pale at the same time. Earlier this morning, Seth looked like a walking drunk corpse in the company.

I didn't even know how he managed to pull off a plan in ten minutes, how he managed to ignore his pain and his drunken state. Call me stupid, but I felt bad for him. His father made a joke out of him in the meeting room, yet Seth took it in and stayed quiet.

I watched his perfectly drawn pink lips, his beautiful cheek bones, his sharp jawline that was rested and not clenched like it has been. I admired his perfectly curled lashes, and his cute pointy nose. I sat down on the chair next to the bed and held his hand softly, I didn't want him to wake up, "You have no idea how much I need you right now" I muttered quietly, "Ah Seth, you have no idea the hell I'm being put through..." I looked down at his hand that lied there lifeless in mine.

I leaned my face closer to his hand and rested on it, being that slightly close to Seth made me feel comfort and that I was in a safe place. It should've been a crime how heavenly it was to be next to him, no matter how much I didn't want to forgive him, I felt like I was beginning to be lenient more on that idea. I was battling with myself, and perhaps even losing the battle slowly...


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