Challenge Accepted


"Eleanor, this is not what happened, look I can explain" Seth pleaded as Eleanor grimaced with disgust "I wont give you that privilege, one lie after another... you're just another disappointment" She spat at him, tears making their way down her cheeks. She turned around and stormed upstairs. Eleanor stopped in her tracks and turned to Collin, "Collin, you're lucky I'm in no mood to deal with you. But trust me, this is your last chance stay away from Bella or I'll make sure to take other measures in your courtesy" Eleanor snapped at him, taking Bella's hand as they went upstairs.


"Whoa... Seth actually said that? But it seems unbelievable I mean, Seth seems to like you Eleanor" Bella tried to repair the damage Seth has managed to wreak. "Bella, don't be naive, for once in your life don't defend people because you're too good willed!" Eleanor spat out "And how come you kept such a huge thing away from me? I thought we were best friend for a reason!"

Yes Bella has confessed to the crime she did, "Quinn called me and said that Seth was trying to fix this and didn't want you to get upset" Bella placed a cup of tea next to Eleanor "I'm really sorry Ely" Bella hugged Eleanor "It's alright, you were trying to do the kind thing again I don't blame you, I'm sure you don't keep secrets away from me anyway" Eleanor shrugged.

Bella looked down debating on whether or not to tell Eleanor about Collin, she thought it would be best to keep that to herself she didn't want to add to Ely's stress. Plus, she warned Collin she expects him to return the money to Noah and all would be well again. Well not completely.

"Thanks for the tea, but I'm going to bed" Eleanor sighed, getting up as she went to her room. Bella decided to stay up and tell Stewart all the details, she thought if he came tomorrow morning and talked to Eleanor about this he would know how to cheer her up.


"Seth, I'm just going to ask this..." Noah started, after Seth told Noah everything that has happened. They were sitting down in Noah's flat, Seth was drinking and so was Noah. "Sure go ahead" "Do you like this Eleanor girl?" Noah poured down a pint of whiskey.

"I have no idea... I don't think I do Noah, I mean she just grabbed my attention and...I don't know" Seth shrugged taking a sip of his third glass of brandy for the evening. "Alright, if you don't like her then why are you upset that she's well mad at you?" Quinn asked, of course she was there too. Who is a better source of love advice?

"I dont know, I mean maybe it's a slight crush, but thats all gone now. Didn't you hear what she said?" Seth sighed, rubbing his face from the exhaustion. "I did..." Quinn nodded. "Seth.. I sort of have an idea, you may not like it very much" Noah suggested "It's not like I have much of a choice, if it would fix the mess I've done..."

"It wouldn't fix it, I never said fix I'm not an expert on love. But Eleanor did sign a one year contract, you can keep her around whether she likes it or not and meanwhile you would try and fix the roller coaster of lies" Noah shrugged, Seth sighed "Damn, I haven't even thought of that... what if she finds a way to quit work?... I mean it's a great idea, but what if you know?"

"There's no what if, she wants to leave work she will pay a penalty. A penalty she wouldn't even be able to afford. We can raise the amount as much as we can, you know that right?" Noah asked, "Not really, but that's good news! I would actually seem like such a jerk, but if it's going to keep her around then be it. What do you think Quinn?" Seth turned to Quinn who was snacking on some almonds.

"Great idea Seth, what better way to ruin things even more. I mean, she would hate your guts literally on one hand, but you get to see her everyday and do what Noah said on the other... I gotta side with Noah on this" Quinn decided nodding.

"Good enough, we'll see how things go tomorrow then" Seth shrugged, "I feel like my whole world came crashing down when he showed her that newspaper.. and when I turned around to see her behind me, oh God the things she heard..." Seth sighed draining his glass of alcohol.

"Seth, I'll help you out. She hated you when she met you and it changed for she saw what a nice person you can be. Of course you ruined it, but I mean by time all this will go" Quinn rubbed the whole thing in his face all over again making him groan.

"Anyway!" Quinn diverted the topic "What were you doing with Bella, Noah? I thought you said she was a gold digger?" Quinn asked, Noah rolled his eyes "It was nothing, I was a little ill and Bella stayed over...she's um very considerate" Noah tried to explain but of course, Quinn widened her eyes as a billion thoughts crossed her head.

"Ou la la, considerate huh? Bella nursed you back to health then? Explain the towels in the water here... Pfft I smell romance and passion" She grinned going wild with her ideas. "Calm down Quinn, she's just a chef don't start overthinking things alright? She just took care of me, nothing more"

Quinn squealed "Ahh! Took care of you, how beautiful does this sound!" "Jesus, why did I open my mouth" Noah sighed "Yeah, we'll see about that. You were way too protective of your 'chef' Noah. But anyway all in good times" She grinned, getting up and taking her purse. "I'm heading out, Seth are you coming? I can drive you"

"No, I'll crash here tonight, I don't need a scolding from mother tonight. I've had enough"


Eleanor's POV

All night, I couldn't shut my brain off, scenes kept replaying in my head and Seth's voice, his cruel words kept passing through my head. I never thought I'd say this about Seth, for I always thought he was upfront and honest. I took that impression on him when he was explaining clearly for Hilda that they were through.

It wasn't that I knew Seth for a long time, but he kind of left an impression on me. His character was amusing, the way he looked at me felt real, the words he spoke sounded genuine but I guess all this was 'putting the moves' on me. I was stupid enough to believe him. I believed the playboy, oh God my IQ must be dropping! I twisted in bed putting a pillow over my head.


"Seth, get up rise and shine!" Noah smirked down at Seth, he was sleeping with the TV on. "Seth, Eleanor called" Noah said really close to Seth's ear. Seth's eyes shot up and he stood up immediately "Eleanor? She called?!"

"Wow you're really whipped Seth, come on get dressed, we're going to the company" Noah was already dressed in his suit, Seth sighed "Jerk, I dreamt of Eleanor last night thats why i asked if she did call alright?" Noah arched an eyebrow with amusement "Yeah that helps the whipped part a lot brother mine" Noah smirked at Seth who pretended to not hear anything.

Flora meanwhile, was keeping Eleanor's company until Noah arrives. Eleanor has written a resignation letter and wanted to get a signature so everything would be legally finished. Little did she know her resignation would not be that easy.


"I cannot sign this Eleanor" Noah finally said the words, "I don't understand, I'm quitting does that mean nothing these days?"

"It's not that, you signed a one year contract. It's illegal I mean" Noah said, "I suppose you can work until we find-" Noah was cut off, Seth walked in to the room taking the letter between Noah's hands and ripping it into shreds. He sprinkled the papers over Eleanor's head with such rude manners. "Request denied" He spat at her.

Eleanor looked at him with shock "What on earth do you think you're doing?!" She snapped at him, "You signed on the contract of one year, you want to quit? You've got to pay a one million dollar penalty. Now stop disturbing Noah's work he doesn't have all day to listen to your whining" Seth's rude behavior took Eleanor by shock. She thought he would at least beg her to forgive him but Seth was Seth. Unexpected.

"The penalty isn't written on the contract! I can sue you!" "You signed, you cannot do anything about it Eleanor, the contract clearly stated-" "Okay okay okay! But if I get myself fired, then thats something else isn't that right Seth?" Eleanor smirked at him. Oh two can play that game.

"You can try to set the company on fire Eleanor, and I wouldn't fire you. But make sure not to get sued yourself, it would add a couple of years to your contract darling" Seth challenged. "Let the better side win then Seth" "Dejavu, I cannot seem to remember who won the last time" Seth smirked down at a pissed off Eleanor, she grabbed her purse, pushed past him and stormed out. 


Eleanor's POV

It was my third day of work, I clearly was not freethinking of behaving myself even if it meant jeopardizing Seth's work. The sooner he can fire me, the better. I can find work again or get a loan from the bank to treat Leon's cancer. I filled up the glass of water, and drained it down to cool off. Quinn and I haven't spoken a word to one another, she was acting weird around me.

I filled up another glass and went back to where I was working, I found Seth sitting down there. "Do you mind? That's my seat" I faked a smile at him. "I'm the boss here, go sit-" I slowly tilted my hand drenching Seth with water as he stood up with wide eyes looking at me. "Are you out of your fucking mind Eleanor?!" Seth snapped at me taking off his shirt in the middle of the place. "Hmm let me see" I made a too bad face "Boohoo, Yes I am" if Seth thought this was out of my mind, then he's seen nothing yet. 

