Chapter 6: Whole Other Universe

Chapter 6: Whole Other Universe

It was a Friday night and I sat on my computer scrolling through Tumblr, reblogging all the pictures of Augustus Waters. Sighing, I glanced over to the stack of homework on my table. Eh, that can wait. You have all weekend Charlotte. Continue to blog about your fantasy husband, I thought. But then again, I have all weekend to blog. The struggle. As my brain battled about what to do with my lazy self, I made a compromise and told myself I would finish the first assignment that was on the top of the stack. Getting up from my bed, I made my way over to the pile and grabbed the sheet that was on top. As I read the assignment I groaned. I had picked up my Romeo and Juliet project. Maybe, if i put it at the bottom of the pile, I won’t notice, I told myself, but obviously my brain didn’t let me. Sitting down in front of Chester, I opened up a document and wrote mine and Chase’s name, but that was as far as I got before I was struck by the very infectious disease called boredom. And then my brain began it’s battle.

Char, you don’t have to do it! Do it another day. Go, go enjoy the lovely internet.

Char, listen to me! I’m the good one. Chase said he would help you, so call him!

Idiot, do you think he has time for her petty homework, bet he was lying when he said he wanted to help.

He didn’t seem like it. Char just try, give him a call. If he doesn’t pick up, then go back to the internet.

Char, don’t fall for the-

But by then I had just stopped trusting my good/evil and went with instinct. Picking up my phone, I looked on the sticky note that was on top of my English assignment for Chase’s number. Slowly dialing his number, I felt the suspense build in me. What if he answers? What would I say? What if I just get too nervous and start speaking in Spanish? As these thought went through my head, I pressed the call button and placed my phone by my ear. It rung once. It rung twice. I sighed. Maybe he won’t-

“Hello?” said a husky voice. My mind stopped working. Oh shit, he actually answered. I didn’t know what to say, and me being so awkward was no help either so I said the first thing that came to mind.

“No hablo ingles!” I managed to say. There was a silence until Chase burst out laughing, his deep voice bellowing through the phone.

“Hey, Charlotte,” he said sexily that I almost swooned. Almost. Ugh, come on Char. Get your act together.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked and looked around to see if he mysteriously popped into my room while my brain had disconnected from the world.

“How many people do I know that are this awkward and that just start talking in Spanish randomly? Not many.”

“Oh” I sighed.

“Anyways, why did you call, well other than to hear my sexy voice,” he whispered huskily that sent shivers down my spine.

“Please, don’t patronize yourself, it looks bad.”

“But yeah, you didn’t deny that you wanted to hear me, babe.”

“Ugh” I yelled in defeat, but continued, “I called to umm... see if you wanted to.. ummm” I didn’t finish my sentence because Chase did it for me.

“The English project? Umm, I’m not home know but how about you come over to where I am and we can finish it. I’ll text you the address.” He said. I told him it was fine, and we said our goodbyes. I got up and threw on some jeans, a sweatshirt and my converses, and grabbed Chester and stuffed him into my bag. Grabbing my phone I headed down to the kitchen to where Britton was.

“Hey I’m going out, so I’m going to take the car.” said as I grabbed the car keys off the counter.

“Whoa, wait. First off, you’re going out? As into the real world? Like where there is air and people?” my brother asked astonished. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the door.

“Hey, wait Char. I was joking! But seriously you never go out, what’s the occasion?” he asked suspiciously.

“I’m working on a project with Chase.” I stated as I saw his shoulder fall in relief.

“Oh, and can you be my designated driver tonight? I’m going to Calvin’s party.” he said as he grabbed his jacket from the coat closet.

I sighed, if only I could go to that party as well and not be so awkward around him and totally charm him with my extensive knowledge about fandoms and fictional characters.


It wasn’t hard to find Calvin’s house because it was basically the only house on the street that sent out vibrations that you could feel from a mile away because of the loud music. Dropping Britton off, I looked at my phone to see Chase had sent me a text of the address. I put the address into my GPS.

“Your destination is 50 miles from here.” the GPS lady said. 50 miles?! Was this place on the outskirts of town?

I continued down the abandoned road as I followed the GPS’ directions. There were only old antique shops and random gas stations here and there.

“Turn left and travel to .5 miles and you will reach your destination.” said the GPS.

“Yeah, my destination better not be a ditch.” I muttered to myself. But as I took the left turn, I found myself in shock. Not far down the road, was a shack bustling with people. I parked a distance away from the shack, not knowing what kind of people were. As I walked through the doors, I found myself in a totally different universe.


hey guys,

yeah I know no one is reading this, but for some reason i like writing this story so I'm going to continue it. I just wish the SYS club was back, it would really help. Anyways, READ, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN! this was a filler chapter, but next chapter is going to be so freakin action packed like i cant control my excitement guys!


Alex :)
