Search: fatih
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Tafsir Ibn Kathir of Qur'an - Surah Fatiha

The famous and easiest Tafsir of Qur'an

11.4K 11 308 Full
Fatih Sultan Mehmet

O öyle bir padişah ki, çağ açıp çağ kapayan, gemileri karadan yürüten, binlerce yıllık imparatorluğu yıkan bir padişah. O Fatih Sultan Mehmet

302 8 4 Full
MYSTERIOUS YOU  (Forever mine)

"I Thought this would be a memorable day, having gathered confidence and courage to give this day my all, I scoff at how ironic I visualise this day. Here I am right at the podium standing miserably, socked in paint. I can hear people whispering, talking, murmuring among themselves. I felt embarrassed to the core, wondering what just happened, everything was perfect few minutes ago. I glance down the podium, horrified, seeing people taking pictures and videos of my vulnerable self......."STOP" All head turned to the source of the refined yet cold voice. Hearing him speak, I quivered looking at him in surprise. Wh......why is he here? To bully me along with his friends? Or to stop them. Standing there looking at him in the eye, he came closer and pulled my hands making me stand behind him.... I told you not to dare touch her, I told you not to do this to her, I told you but you didn't listen, he said, as he drag Ezekiel closer to him and punched his face three times before withdrawing his hands, he then pushed him, making him feel to the ground. This will be my last warning to everyone of you. DON'T YOU EVER DARE TOUCH OR LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER AGAIN. He said emphasizing each word, his eyes bloodshot. .....Am I actually dreaming or what is he trying to prove, Why is he being a gentleman....I snapped out of my reverie as I felt someone pull my hand, I was speechless, as we walked down the aisle I heard whispers from the audience, shielding me with his arms we walked out of the door.... He dropped my hand abruptly, immediately we walked out of the door, his back now facing me, probably thinking of what to say, before I decided to ask the question that has been bugging me. "Wh.....why did you help me? I asked. Trying to steady my rapid heartbeat, he said. Because you're "INNOCENT".

208 11 22

" Even if the woman of the whole world start screaming, they cannot match how much you're one whisper means to me"

5.8K 14 110 Full

1451, Since 5 years in Manisa, 19 years old Sehzade Sultan Mehmet is semi-exiled. He lead his calm life with his favourite woman and mother of his children Gulbahar Sultan on his side. In Saruhan life isn't fairytale too, Gulsah Sultan is jealous of Gulbahar and makes intrigues to kill her son- Sehzade Bayezid, and make Sehzade Mustafa (Gulsah's son) main heir of the 2nd line. Harem is controlling by his sister, Fatma and her husband Zagan is taking care of Mehmet. This two are inseparable. In Edirne is chaos, although Sultan Murad came back to the throne, 5 years ago. Traitors of Mehmet are praying for Murad's long life and make allience with his wife- Alime Sultan to send her son Sehzade Ahmet to some sanjak making him official player of the throne. Mara Sultan, Mehmet and Fatma's mother choosen by their heart, is making sure that no one could disturb Mehmet from second reign. Using the friendly relationships with most of palace, she is controlling whole Saray and Alime Sultan's moves. Suddenly exhausted during Divan Council, Sultan Murad felt down and never opens his eyes. Who will sit on the throne? Ahmet or Mehmet?

605 4 7

Ada mamat Cina ni, nama dia Alvin Tan. Alvin ni suka kat budak perempuan bernama Nurul Fatihah, sebab ada satu insiden berlaku buatkan dia kata Tuhan yang hantar Fatihah kat dia, jadi Fatihah kena kahwin dan jadi milik dia sepenuhnya. Sejak dari pertemuan tu, Alvin ini asyik kacau Fatihah, minta Fatihah kahwin dengan dia.Fatihah pulak memang tak naklah! Walaupun kadang-kadang dia macam keliru jugak dengan perasaan sendiri bila Alvin usik2 dia tu. Fatihah ni memang pencinta setia. Dia sayang sangat kat kekasih zaman kanak-kanak dia lagi, Arif Rizqi. Arif ni tersangat baiklah orangnya, calon menantu ustaz gitu, tengah sambung belajar medic di Universiti Al Azhar Mesir. Diorang dah nak kahwin pun.Anda pun nak Dia Fatihahku macam adik ni? Jawab Ya atau Saya Nak dalam ruang komen ek! yang dah jawab sebelum ni, tak perlu jawab lagi. Tapi kalau nak meriahkan komen, boleh jer... huhu! Apa-apapun, terima kasih semua! :)Sebab tak nak bagi Alvin terus-terus kacau hidup dia, Fatihah pun setuju dengan cadangan Alvin untuk jadi kekasih satu hari dia. Fatihah pun konon-konon nak kenalkan Alvin dengan Islam sebab Alvin cakap dia cari Tuhan. Lepas satu hari dating sebagai pasangan kekasih, diorang pun berpisah... Fatihah pun cuba lupakan semua memori dengan Alvin sebab dia nak fokus kepada hari pertunangan dan perkahwinan dengan Arif Rizqi. Alvin pun tunaikan janji untuk tak ganggu hidup Fatihah lagi.Ini tak sampai suku cerita pun lagi... jom baca!

7.1K 18 140
unknown love (completed)

sidneet love story

19.3K 19 568 Full
Surah Fatiha

You have heard the verses of the Quran, the holy book of Muslims haven't you? And then you might have wondered what the words meant, right? Here is a in detailed translation of the first chapter of the Quran.Ibn Katheer and Ustad Nouman Ali Khans tafseer series is what this book contains.

3.1K 4 122 Full
Take Me to Euroheaven

Ali travels to the host city to watch Eurovision live but the plots running backstage will test his friendships and a brand new fairytale romance.Listen to the soundtrack: tiny. cc/TMTE

5.8K 51 182 Full
Prince Charming

Dia hidup bukan kerana cinta. Dia hidup kerana kehadiran Prince Charming yang menyelamatkannya. Semuanya gara-gara dia mengoyak Carta Prince Charming-carta misteri yang tiada sesiapa tahu dari mana datangnya. Yang pasti, memang dia langsung tidak percaya dengan sumpahan yang dikatakan berkaitan dengan Carta Prince Charming."Sumpahan puteri? Kau ingat ini cerita dongeng ke? Puteri apa yang nak sumpah aku ni? Puteri bunian? Puteri lindungan bulan?"Desakan daripada Sofea membawanya ke Kelab Bola Sepak. Di situlah Prince Charming berkumpul. Tetapi hanya seorang sahaja Prince Charming yang dicari-carinya. Namun, untuk mencari Prince Charming bukanlah mudah, namun dia yakin, antara mereka, pasti salah seorang adalah penyelamatnya.Orang tu pun satu! Dah selamatkan nyawa orang, tak reti-reti ke nak munculkan diri? Bukan ke lagi senang kalau datang berdiri depan aku dan cakap, Sayalah yang selamatkan awak daripada kena langgar semalam. Finish! Tak adalah nak panjangkan cerita sampai beratus muka surat semata-mata nak cari Prince Charming!Antara Rezza, Fiq, Nazrul, Hayrul dan Najmi, siapakah Prince Charming yang sebenar? Atau, bukan dalam kalangan mereka? Ada apa dengan Carta Prince Charming? Siapa yang membuatnya? Apakah misteri di sebaliknya? Benarkah sumpahan itu benar?

15.9K 23 502
The Billionaire's Wife

It was a promise between two families. The first granddaughter of the Burns family will give her hand in marriage to the first grandson of the Reid family. Harper Burns was never allowed to date or even have guy friends around her. Throughout her life, she was either in a private girls school or home schooled. Even her brothers were not allowed to bring their friends over to the house. Harper never understood why but she always gave in to her grandfather's wishes for she loves him much more than anything. The moment she turned 21, everything changed. Her bags were packed and she was sent to the Reid household where she will learn to be a great wife to Zaan Reid. Zaan Reid has no choice but to comply to his grandfather's wishes in order to receive his inheritence but he has found a way out of this. They did not say that the marriage was to last forever. The moment she entered the house, he slammed the prenuptial agreement on the table and forced her to sign it.

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