Chapter 7: Well, that escalated quickly

Chapter 7: Well, that escalated quickly

Music played in the background as I waited at the bar. People waved to me as though they knew me for a long time. The bartender had given me, what I hope was, some Sprite. Looking around, I tried to find Chase in the crowd, but it was difficult. Huffing, I returned to stirring my drink, when suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist and a husky voice brushed against my neck.

    “I know you’ve been looking for me.” he breathed out. I gulped. Chase laughed as he took a seat next to me, knowing he had that effect on me. Shaking myself out of my trance, I took out Chester and pulled up the English assignment. Just as I turned back towards Chase, I noticed a leggy blond standing beside him, flirting with him. I stared at her and felt self-conscious next to her. Eventually when the two could take their eyes off each other, they looked over at me.

    “Stella, this is Charlotte.” Chase introduced the leggy blond to me. She extended her perfectly manicured hand and I shook her hand with my not-so-good-looking hand.

“Oh so you’re the famous Charlotte?” she chuckled looking over at Chase. Confused, I looked over at Chase for an explanation, but instead of giving me one, he blushed. Wait, did Chase Parker blush? I did a double take, but the second time around it was gone.

“Umm.. I’m going to get you guys a drink..” he said as he abruptly left Stella and I alone. She giggled at Chase and sat in his seat. She looked at me intently, and I didn’t know what to say. See sometimes being socially awkward is a struggle.

“So.... Are you Chase’s girlfriend?” I asked hesitantly, and trying to make cool conversation. At those words she burst out laughing.

“Chase’s.. Chase’s girlfriend? Is he even capable of having one? He can barely stay with one girl for more than five minutes.” she said through breathes. A smile crept on my face, well she sure has fully understood Chase.  

“And plus he said quote un quote ‘I have someone special in mind’.” She said and for some reason my heart slightly dropped for a second.

“Anyway, enough about him. Tell me a bit about you, Charlotte.” she asked earnestly.

“Umm.. I don’t know. I’m awkward, a smart-ass, and have a laptop named Chester.” I babbled to her, and for some reason it was easy to talk to her. She laughed and we continued to talk until there was a husky voice from behind.

“Hey babe, you seem new here.” The voice whispered seductively. Without turning around I replied.

“Chase, shut up. We need to finish this project.” I said rolling my eyes as I swiveled to face him, only that it wasn’t Chase. It was someone else.

“One of Chase’s girls? I bet I can scream make you scream louder than he can.” he said as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. But for some reason I didn’t feel the electric jolt when Chase did that. All I felt was disgust. I tried to push away from him, but his grip tightened around me. I looked up to see the guy’s chiseled face, jet black hair and blue eyes. I would have found his features godly attractive if he weren’t crushing my lungs against his chest.

“Please, Jake, we all know I can only do that the best.” said Chase as he walked up to the two of us and winked at me. First I was mad that he used me as a sex object, but then again he was basically saving my ass now, so I’ll forgive him.

“Let her go, Jake.” Chase said through grit teeth. A smile crept onto Jake’s face.

“I will, if we make a bet.” Jake replied slyly.

“Jake, no. I’m not making any bets. Just-”

“Fine then, the girl is mine,” Jake said as he leaned into the crook of my shoulder. My eyes widened and I put on my pleading face for Chase.

“Fine! Fine! What’s the bet?” Chase asked as his hands ran through his hair.

“We race, like old times buddy.” Jake said with a confident smile.

“No. I am not doing that again.” Chase stated affirmatively. Chase! Now’s not the time to do flashbacks!

“Fine by me.” Jake replied as his hands slowly slid down from my waist. I pushed and shoved, but Jake continued to have his grip on me.

“Fiesty, aren’t you babe?” he tried whispering seductively, but instead it came out kind of pedophilish. I glanced over at Chase his eyebrows knit together and his jaw clenched.

“Fine, I’ll race. But if I win you let the girl go!” He bellowed. Jake immediately let go of me and I tumbled back, but Stella caught me. Jake stepped forward towards Chase.

“And if you lose, which you will, I get the girl.” he smirked and walked out of the shack, with Chase right behind him. I looked at Stella.

“A race? I mean they are both well built, but can Chase run that fast to beat him?” I asked questionably.

Stella shook her head. “Charlotte, it’s not a running race. He meant street racing.” My eyes widened and my heart stopped. Street racing? As in like racing cars at top speed down abandoned roads? I looked back at Stella for more answers.

“Chase, is a champion at street racing. He was unbeatable, that was until Jake showed up. They versed, but Chase’s car went off the road and he almost died, so he stopped racing.” she said as the two of us walked out of the shack to join the crowd of people outside. At the start line, Jake leaned against his sleek car, as Chase walked around to meet Jake. Just as the two were about to get in their cars I pushed through the crowd and ran towards.

“Chase!” I yelled as I neared him, “You don’t have to do it. I know what happened last time. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I just-” without finishing my thought I hugged Chase. Yes I was hugging Chase Parker, I think I’m on drugs tonight. He leaned down to my ear.

“Char, don’t worry.” he whispered and this brushed his hand against my bum. In awe I looked at him, but then he jutted his chin out towards Jake behind me. I turned around to see he was outraged Chase had touched my ass. Smirking, I got on my toes and kissed Chase on the cheek. I don’t know why I was doing it. I was just the adrenaline rushing through me. I stepped back into the crowd and the two sped off.


After the two guys left, that’s when the reality of this bet set in. I crawled up in a ball in the corner of the shack with Stella next to me comforting me, telling me Chase was going to win. I held Chester tight to my chest, the warm air beneath him spreading onto me. Just as I was about to burst out crying, the doors of the shack burst open. In came a bustle of people, with Chase on their shoulders. They let him down in front of the bar, everyone grabbing him a celebratory drink. Instantly, I got up and pushed through the crowd and stood there looking at Chase. He was here, in one piece and he won. He won. Unable to contain my excitement that I wouldn’t have to see that pedophile, Jake again, I jumped on Chase. He caught me and set me down. He had a smile on his face, as he looked down at me. Just as I was about to congratulate him and thank him for saving my life, the crowd made a path, and then came Jake.

“You little bastard. You cheated.” said Jake with his teeth clenched.

“What are you-” and then Chase was silenced. Jake’s fist had made contact with Chase’s face and all hell broke loose.


Hey guys,

I was going to continue but that chapter would have been quite long. So I decided to keep it a bit suspenseful.


~Alex :)
