Chapter 27: Doctor, Doctor!

Chapter 27: Doctor, Doctor!

Turning on my heel, I found Emily and Michelle behind me. Emily had her arms crossed over her chest while Michelle pressed her mouth in a firm line as she rocked back and forth on her heels. I smiled at them nervously,hoping they wouldn't notice the fear that I was feeling.

“What’s up guys?” I asked, praying to God, which I’ve been doing a lot lately.

“Oh don’t give us that shit, Char!” Said Emily in a rather playful tone. Wait, she said it playfully. I looked at her in a confused manner. Michelle stopped rocking back and forth and rolled her eyes.

“Come on Char, we both know you and ‘The Anon’ have the same name! Don’t you think it’s cool and quite a coincidence that you too have the same name.” Said Michelle eyeing me in suspicious manner. Oh jesus, she’s on to me.

“Are you sure you’re not ‘The Anon’, Char?” teased Emily. I was now calming down,knowing that they'd never suspect of me being a famous blogger.

“Psh, I wish!” I say as I wave at them and Chase laced his hands through mine and squeezed. Once we were out  of earshot, I breathed out in relief.

“I swear to God, I will not do any more fuck ups. Promise.” I said as Chase and I walked out into the parking lot.

“You better not. You know, your life is really like Hannah Montana. She fucks up every time, but no one really knows it's Miley until she reveals its her.” I give Chase the ‘you-did-not-just-compare-my-life-to-Hannah-Montana’ look.

“What? It’s the truth. First you spilled your secret to me, then you almost got caught by your friends, twice might I add, and you had to tell tech support too.”

“Ugh, okay I mess up a lot. I’m just lucky.” Chase rolls his eyes as he opens the car door for me. I sit down in the car seat and Chase gets into the driver seat.

“Time to get you home.” He said as he put the car in drive.


I was laying down on my stomach and scrolling through my dash to find the usual cute pictures of Dylan O’Brien.

“Char, I’m bored.” dragged out Chase from beside me. I didn’t realize when he said ‘time to get you home’ that included him. I just hummed in response and continued scrolling.

“Char! I’m just going to have to distract you from your Chester then.” I scoffed at him. It was impossible for him to distract me from the important things in life, like the internet. I felt a pair of strong, warm arms underneath me, but it still didn’t take my attention away from the laptop screen. But that’s when Chase found my weakness. His hands brushed against my bare stomach and I sat up and slightly giggled. His eyebrow cocked and his eyes had a mischievous glint to them.

“Oh, so someone’s ticklish?” He asked he crawled towards me. Shaking my head, I crawled back until my back hit my headboard. I was officially trapped.

“Will you acknowledge me when you’re with Chester?” Chase asked as his hands trailed my hips.

“Is someone jealous of my laptop?” I ask in a teasing tone. But once those words left my mouth I regretted them. Chase’s fingers ran over my stomach and I began to giggle and then laugh.

“Chase! Stop!” I yell as I try to take a breath, but I couldn’t from all the laughing.

“What’s the magic phrase?” he asked in a sing-songy voice, still not stopping the tickling.

“I’m sorry?” I say breathlessly trying to clutch my stomach.

“Not quite. It’s ‘Chase you are hotter than the bottom of my laptop and I love you’.”

“Okay, okay. Chase you are hotter than the bottom of my laptop and I love you.” and with that he stopped tickling me. His face was only centimeters away from mine. If I leaned in a little bit, our lips would touch.

“I love you as much as you love Chester.” and with that he leaned in and gingerly placed his mouth on mine. It took me less then a second to react. I brought my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hands rested against the small of my back and he deepened the kiss further. I felt the rush of pleasure that I felt when we kissed. Chase then slowly pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

“Guess all it takes is a little kiss for you to get distracted, huh?” questioned Chase, with a smirk plastered on his face.

“Oh shut up.” I said trying not to let his ego grow any bigger. I pushed Chase aside and returned back to my computer when I saw it. My hands immediately went to cover the screech that was about to leave my mouth. Chase got up to see what the commotion was about. Shakily, I pointed to the computer screen.

“Char, it’s just blue.” he said in a nonchalant manner. How could he just say that!

“It’s not just blue! It’s the blue screen of death!” I say as tears brink my eyes.

“Char, are you crying?" asked Chase in disbelief.

“No, sometimes I just have water pour out of my eyes spontaneously. Obviously, I’m crying! Chester is about to die!” I bury my head into my pillow, not wanting to look at Chase, who probably thinks it’s that time of the month, or Chester who is having a visit with Death.

“Hey, Char. Charlotte. Look at me,” says Chase as he gently grabs my arm and pulls me up into a sitting position and continues. “I’m not really sure if it’s that time of the month or what, but we can always take Chester back to the Apple store and get him fixed up. Why don’t you get up and grab Chester and we’ll go right now.” Nodding, I wipe my face of the tears and grab Chester and head out with Chase.


I loved the Apple store. Everything was so clean and professional. Well except for the bunch of teenage girls complaining about the lack of shiny iPhone cases in the store. As I walked into the store, I held Chester tight against my chest. Chase’s hand was on my back guiding me to the back of the store, to where the help desk was. A young teen, around my age, was just standing behind the desk. Chase and I walked up to him. I recognized the boy. His name was Mark and he was in my Pre-Calc class. I knew him because he always knew the answer before the teacher even put the equation on the board.

“Hi Mark.” I say as I wave at him. His eyes went wide behind his glasses. He was surprised that someone knew his name. Mark continued to stare at me, and I being socially awkward didn’t know how to carry the conversation on so the only normal one between the two of us, Chase, spoke up.

“Yeah, Mark. Charlotte had some problems with her computer. She got the blue screen of death. Can you fix it?” asked Chase as he pushed Chester towards Mark. Mark flipped Chester over and opened up the back of the small computer parts. Not wanting to see the operation being done on Chester, I look away. A few minutes later I hear Mark talk.

“Fixed your laptop. The problem was that I was being overused. Do you spend a lot of time on your computer?” he asked handing back my laptop.

“You have no idea.” mumbled Chase from next to me. Ignoring his comment, I take Chester back into my hands and clutch him. My baby was back.

“Thank you so much, Doctor Mark! You saved my laptop’s life!” I say as I lean over the costumer service desk and give Mark a hug. Mark became stiff and patted my back. I let go and gave him a big smile and walked out of the store with a skip in my step. Chase walked behind me muttering something.

“Jesus, what am I going to do with you?”

“Nothing.” I say as I kiss the top of his nose and sit down at the coffee shop right across the Apple store. I opened up Chester again and then opened up my blog.

Title: What’s the point of calling myself ‘The Anon’?

Okay so yes you guys know my name. It is Charlotte. There is no going back on that. But just because you know my first name doesn’t mean you and I are friends or something. I don’t know how to be friends. However, I’m not going to sign my posts with ‘Charlotte’. I’m still signing them with ‘The Anon’ because that’s what I am. Anonymous. So all you stalkers out there better not be trying to stalk me. I know you guys are like retired CIA Agents.


The Anon.

My mouse goes over to the ‘post’ button and I click on it and after I did that something on the news popped up.

“Famous blogger, ‘The Anon’ agrees that her name is Charlotte, but refuses to acknowledge herself by that name. She still wants to remain anonymous. Who is this girl?” said the preppy newscaster.

“Word does travel fast around here.”


Hey guys,

I told you I would update! Two updates for the anon in two days. so yeah I didn't have school today so I was able to write, but I'm sorry this was a filler chapter but i swear, next chapter might send you guys to the hospital. so keep your oxygen tanks ready. 

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to @lazpitrazi, who is my new editor!

Stay safe and warm!


Alex :)
