Chapter 14: All is Fair in Love & War

Chapter 14: All is Fair in Love & War

Fuming, I sat down beside Emily and Michelle at our cafeteria table. The two of them turned towards me, curiosity written on their face.

“You look like you’re about to explode.” said Michelle as I took out my plastic wrapped nutella sandwich.

“Yeah, I kind of am!” I said struggling to unwrap the saran wrap.

“What happened?” Emily asked cautiously. And that question sent me off on my rant.

“What happened?! I was freaking pregnant, skipped school, and was covering a weird secret that isn’t even a secret? Like that doesn’t even make fucking sense! Ugh why won’t this stupid thing unwrap!” I grunted in frustration as I finally teared at the saran wrap. Finally!

“You’re pregnant?!” asked Emily as she nearly choked on her food.

“You skipped class?!” Michelle whisper yelled at me.

“Ohmygosh, guys it’s not what you think! You got it wrong and I-” I was cut off by a very important question from Emily.

“Char, can I be your baby’s godmother?!” she asked excitedly.

“Emily, what is wrong with you?! She is seventeen! She shouldn’t be pregnant at this age!” Michelle reasoned with her, bringing Emily back to reality. Emily shook her head and the two focused back on me.

“Mind explaining, Ms. Charlotte Knight?” Emily said as she placed her hands on the cafeteria table.

“Guys, it’s not what you think. I’m not pregnant and-” I was stopped when someone came over the P.A.

“Ms. Charlotte Knight and Mr. Chase Parker, please report down to the principal’s office immediately.” said a grumpy, old lady. Almost everyone’s eyes turned on me as I got up from my seat grabbing my uneaten lunch and my backpack, as I headed out of the cafeteria.


“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh. Does he know about the thing?” I asked as I started biting my nails, a bad habit I did when I was nervous.

“There is no way he could know. No one checks the security cameras. So the only other thing is that the prick might have told him. Charlotte, stop biting your nails.” Chase reached out and swatted my hand away from my mouth.

“I was this close to getting my mugshot taken, so getting in trouble with the principal is no biggie.” I whispered to him sarcastically.

“Are you always like this when you’re nervous? Snarky and sarcastic?” he asked a bit irritated.

“Well sorry if I don’t come here that often like you. The only reason I come here is to get certificates, not suspension orders!” I hissed back at him. His eyes flashed with annoyance and he was about to pounce on me when a man stood in front of us.

“Ms. Knight and Mr.Parker. Come into my office.”


Now normally I thought Principal Oceansky was pretty chill. I mean he was really young for a principal, his was in his mid-twenties. And not to mention, good looking. But today all that was out the window. All I saw was a mean old man waiting to punish Chase and I for our horrendous crime.

“I think you guys are well aware why I called you to down here.” He spoke as he sat on the ledge of his desk. Panic rose within me, my palms began to sweat, and Chase took notice. He slight put his hand on my knee to calm me down. But little did he know that’s what set the fuse off in me.

“It was all his fault, Principal Oceansky! I didn’t want to but he made me! I’m innocent I promise!” I pleaded as I got out of my seat pointing at Chase. In response Chase just shook his head as he got up.

“Last time I checked, you had no other option.” he said as he stepped closer to me. Not wanting to seem like a wimp I also took a step closer, but his close proximity was causing my thought to be a bit hazy.

“Well, if you hadn’t opened your loud mouth we wouldn’t even be here!” I growled at him. I was once this shy, reserved girl, but I’ve become one of those cliche rebellious teenagers! Look at what this boy has done to me!

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Principal Oceansky in total bewilderment. Chase and I turned towards him in astonishment.

“Wait were you going to tell us?” asked Chase in a sly manner.

“I was going to talk about your guys lack of community service hours. You guess need three more hours so you can graduate. I saw your guys name for need for hours so I called you guys down to give you a job.” He stated with on of his eyebrows cocked at us. The tension in the room immediately dissipated, and Chase and I noticeably sighed.

“Yeah we were talking about the same thing. We were going to sign up for the same community service job but there was only one spot left so we had a small fight about that and in the end either of us got the spot.” Chase said in a convincing tone. Principal Oceansky didn’t look so convinced, so he then turned to me and I immediately started nodding my head fast.

“Okay then. Well, your guys’ community service is making a banner for the upcoming homecoming football game, this friday. It should include date, time, and ticket price. So stay after today in the art room and finish the banner. You guys are dismissed.” he said as he turned his back on us. Chase and I shuffled out and into the hallway.

“We are lucky people.” Chase muttered as he went in the opposite direction of me down the hallway.

“I must have a backpack full of four-leaf clovers.” I said to myself as I went of the AP Psychology.


“So you’re sure you’re not pregnant?” asked Emily for the millionth time today.

“Yes I am 3000% sure, Emily. I’m sorry you can’t be a godmother just yet.” I said as I slammed my locker shut. It was the end of the school day. See on any other day I would so happy at this time of day, but I wasn’t because I wasn’t going home to blog. Instead  I would be painting a sign with Mr. Troublesome.

“Yeah.. that’s why.” Emily said uneasily as Michelle stood next to her shuffling her feet. There was something off, but I was in no mood to dig deeper.

“Anyway, I’m off to paint a banner for the football game this Friday with Chase.” I said as I rolled my eyes at the last part.

“Ohhh.. Chase.” Michelle and Emily teased me. Feeling a blush creep into my cheeks, I turned down the hallway towards the art room. As I was counting the number of black tiles in the hallway I accidentally ran into someone.

“Oh sorry.” I mumbled as I was about to continue down the hallway, but a that person caught my wrist. I looked up to find what peasant was touching. But it wasn’t a peasant, more like a hot prince charming, who goes by the name Calvin Smith.

“Oh umm.. Calvin. Umm hi?” I managed to get out before I could die of lack of oxygen to my brain.

“Char, I’ve been looking for you forever. Have you been avoiding me?” I asked as he stepped closer to me.

“Umm yeah.” I said a bit sheepishly.


“Well, maybe that our date was a total disaster with me freaking out and kind of walking out on it without telling you, and our little party crasher.” I babbled out, remember that terrible day. I even shudder just thinking about it.

“Well, it was a memorable date. And I would like another one.” he said. I choked on air.

“Wait, what?  Another date with me? The social awkward girl? I think you’re supposed to run in the other direction and never want to talk to me again.”

“Well, you’re different, Knight. I like that. How about we meet at the party after the football game on Friday.” He said and before I could say anything I let go of my wrist and jogged down the hallway for football practice. There was a tingling sensation in my stomach, and a wide grin plastered on my face as I walked into the art room.

“What, did you meet up with the Joker on your way here?” asked Chase he turned to me holding an apron. Ignoring his comment, I dropped my bag and put on the apron.

“So what do we do?” I asked scanning the light brown banner in front of us. Everything such as the date and time of the football game was already penciled in by someone.

“We just go over the words in paint and we are done.” Chase instructed as he handed me a paintbrush. Taking the brush, I dipped it into the blue paint bin and Chase dipped his into the black paint bin. We traced each other letter in different paint, and soon enough we were done. I went to wipe the sweat off my forehead, because painting a banner takes a lot of energy, and my paint brush accidentally flicked towards Chase. He turned towards me with a streak of paint down his face. I bit down hard on my lip to prevent me from laughing, but it slipped out.

“Oh you think this is funny?” Chase asked as he pointed to the blue streak. I shook my head no, but I still was suppressing a laugh.

“Well, let’s see how you like it.” He said mischievously and before I could step back, Chase had left a black hand print on my face. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. Chase was on the floor clutching his side from laughter. Oh he was so going to get it. I placed both my hands in blue paint smeared it all over his face. Immediately he stood up and grabbed his paintbrush. I started running around the art room trying not to fall over buckets and stools. Just as I was about to fake him out around the table an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. At first my back hit Chase’s chest, but then I was turned around so I was facing him. I studied his face, those green eyes with a hint of mischievousness and the Greek god like cheekbones. His lips turned up in a knowing smirk and I blushed. He caught me staring, but hey I’m a hormonal teenage girl, what am I supposed to do?

“Well let’s make both your cheeks matching.” He whispered in my ear and dragged his hand down my cheek leaving a streak of black on my other cheeks and even under the black paint you could see my cheeks flush red. My eyes looked everywhere, but his eyes.

“I think we’re done here. But remember Charlotte, all is fair in love and war.” he said as he took of his apron and headed out of the art room leaving me feeling like I was in a sauna. Soon after I broke from imagining another one of my cliche fanficiton moments, I took off my apron and headed home.


 “Britton? I’m home! I stayed after school to work on a banner for the football game on Friday.” I yelled as I dropped my bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen opening the fridge. I heard pounding footsteps and Britton showed up in the kitchen looking a bit shocked.

“What’s up?” I asked curiously.

“I think you need to tell me that. Do you remember that talk we had this morning?” he said as he sat in the barstool in front of me.

“Um the really awkward birds and the bees talk? How can I forget when I turned into a freaking tomato in two seconds.”

“Well, I understand why you didn’t want to talk about now.” he said as he fiddled with his hands.

“Thank you for understanding.” I said sarcastically. As I began to drink some water, Britton said something unexpectedly.

“I know you’re pregnant, Char! I am disappointed in you and so will Aunt Lucy when she hears about this, but we will be very supportive of you all the way. Yes there will be hardships-” I couldn’t take it.

“Stop! Ohmygosh stop before my ears start to bleed! Who told you this?! Wait, was it Emily and Michelle?” I questioned, but Britton gave no response which answered my question.

“Ugh, I was just kidding. Being sarcastic. Whoa, now I can’t even tell whether I’m being sarcastic anymore or real.” I said exasperated.

“So you’re not pregnant? I’m not going to be an uncle, right?” he asked confirming what I said.

“Yes I am not pregnant. God you need to stop worrying about my personal life.” I stated as I got up to leave.

“Oh and Char,” He said as I was about to walk out of the kitchen.


“You got something on your face.”


Hey guys,

I know, I know it's a crappy chapter. But trust me next chapter is literally gonna rock your socks off :P OMG I NOTICED THE OTHR DAY THE ANON HAS OVER FIVE THOUSAND READS LIKE IM 3000% DONE WITH YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS ARE 2 FAB. AND I HAVE 101 FOLLOWERS LIKE LASDHFALK I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU :D funny my best friend texted me saying I was a famous author. LOLOLOLOLOL not.

In other news, I have shin splints :( and it hurts, and zayn malik of one direction is engaged and I'm over the moon not only because he is marrying the love of his life but also i get to see the boys in suits. me gusta ;)

Dedicated to a cuite patootie :P and the person who not only comes up with great ship names but knows just what to write in the comments :)

eating potato chips,

Alex :)
