
Carly Pov

I turned to the backseat to see Alex, our son, sleeping in his car seat. The young four year old boy was a perfect blend of Sean and I. He had my emerald eyes and Sean's light brown hair, along with a mix of several other features.

Next to the sleeping boy laid an equally unconscious pug. Now that Alfred was no longer a pup he had lost a lot of his energy. He could usually be found sleeping or eating. The poor dog had gotten much chubbier with age but he was still cute and I loved him even more today.

Sean was driving us to visit his parents today. Sean was no longer a part of his old pack, but we still went there frequently to visit his old friends and his parents. We were able to see them much more often now that we lived only about forty minutes away from them. It was nice to be closer and I loved to see them all but I knew deep down that I could never have lived in the pack with them. I may have been a part of their family but I didn't quite belong there.

As we drove past the familiar forests I gazed out the window. It would still be at least another twenty minutes or so before we arrived at his parents' house. Sean reached for my hand and kissed the wedding band that rested on my ring finger.

"What are you thinking about, love?" He asked.

"Do you ever regret stepping down from the alpha position?" I was genuinely curious about this. He never seemed overall unhappy during the time he's been with me, but surely there were times he felt alone without anyone else to relate to having supernatural abilities.

"There's not a second that goes by that I regret choosing you over my alpha position." My heart soared at his words. I would never get tired of hearing how much I mean to him.

"You don't think that being alpha might be better than being a financial manager at a law firm?" Once Sean and I graduated high school, we both attended the same college where he majored in finance. I, on the other hand, got my teaching degree. Soon after we finished our college courses, Sean got a job at a law firm in our new hometown and I began teaching the second grade at the local elementary school.

"No. I like my job. Besides, I've talked to Carter recently and being an alpha isn't all that it's cracked up to be. There have been quite a few issues going on at the pack that not only have him stressing but they also stop him from spending time with his mate. I couldn't stand it if such a thing kept me away from you." Carter was Sean's cousin who had taken the alpha position once Mark, Sean's father, was ready to pass on the title.

"That is true. Are you sure you never miss pack life at all?"

"What's with all the questions today?" Sean raised his eyebrow at me.

"I'm just curious. Now answer my question."

"No, I don't miss it. We've started a pack of our own and that's all I need. You, me, Alex, and our little one on the way." He let go of my hand but only to place his on my growing belly. It wasn't much more than a large bump at the moment but we both knew that it held our little baby girl.

Sean was already such a great dad with Alex, I couldn't wait to see him with our baby girl. She was actually the reason for our visit today. We had only just recently found out her gender and wanted to tell Mark and Lacey that we're having a girl.

"What are we going to do when Alex starts shifting?" I often found myself worried about this. It was a question that sometimes kept me up at night because I knew it would be a difficult transition for him.

Sean let out a chuckle. "He won't be able to shift until he's sixteen. We've got some time."

"I don't think we do. The time will fly and before we know it he'll be running about in wolf form."


"I don't want him to feel alone." I admitted.

"He won't be alone. He'll always have us."

"But he needs more. I think he needs friends who understand what he's going through." I understood that Sean could help Alex develop into a strong werewolf, but he also needed to be able to relate with others. I didn't want him to have to hide his true identity from his human friends. He needed to be surrounded by others who knew what he was going through. As his mother, I could offer support but I wouldn't know what it's like to be a young wolf.

"What exactly are you saying?"

"I think I want us to join a pack."

"Are you sure? You've always had reservations about belonging to a pack." Sean always did whatever it took to make me happy, and he wouldn't agree to this until he was sure this was what I wanted.

"I know but I've been thinking about this a lot and I want our kids to grow up around others who are like them. I never wanted to be in a pack because I didn't think it was a place for a human like me. But this isn't just about me anymore. It's about them."

"You really want to do this for them?"

"Of course. You made a sacrifice for me long ago and I want to sacrifice now for all of you. There's a nearby pack to where we live now so we can keep our jobs and human friends that we have now. I think it'll work and we can all be happy this way." I hoped that this would convince him.

"I'm happy if you're happy. All I need is you and our children."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too."

We stopped in front of Sean's old house and prepared to start the new chapter of our life. We would be adding a new member to our family and uprooting the lives we started in the human world. No matter what challenges would be thrown at us with this beginning, we would make it through as long as we did it together.
