Chapter 16

Sean POV

Kissing Carly was one of the most satisfying things in the world. And the fact that I was her first kiss was one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Our kiss didn't last as long as I would've liked it to, but it was enough for now.

Unfortunately, we had to leave shortly after our kiss because her mom wanted to get her back home.

It was a bit upsetting that Carly would rather go home with her mom than stay with me, but it was her choice and I understood.

I was back at the pack house and went straight for Derek's office.

He told me to come in after I knocked a few times.

"Is your mate ok?" He asked when I sat down.

"Yeah, she's feeling alright." I said.

"That's good. So what do you need?" He asked knowing I always have a reason when I come to talk to him in his office.

"Right now, my mate is back at her house with her mom. Her mom has a busy job so I'm assuming it won't be long before she has to get back to work and then Carly is all alone at her house. I don't want her alone so I was thinking-"

"No." He cut me off.

"What? You didn't even know what I was going to ask." I said.

"I do know because I have a mate too. If I were in your situation I would want her to stay with me. Am I right?" With a nod from me he continued, "She can't stay here."

He already made up his mind and I doubted that I would be able to make him change it.

"Why not?" I asked.

"She's human. I have a pack here and I can't have her finding out about werewolves until you're ready to tell her on your own. Unless you're planning on telling her soon." He said.

"I was going to tell her when she comes back home with me." I said queitly.

"And when will you be going back?"

"I'm not sure. I told her I was just staying with my uncle for awhile." I said.

"Fine. I don't want her coming anywhere near the pack house, but both you and Carly can stay in the guest rooms at my house." He said.

"Carly's coming to our house!" We turn to see that Penelope has just run into the room and overheard her dad.

"Not today, sweetheart." Derek told his daughter.

"Then when is she coming?" She asked.

"We're not sure. Maybe in a few days." He told her.

"Ok." She said before going over by her dad to sit on his lap.

"I'm going to go then. Thank you." I told Derek.

"No problem."

And then I went back to the room that I was staying in while I was here.

I laid on my bed for a while just thinking.

I hoped Carly was ok at the house with her mom. I told her that she could call me anytime she needs to and I really hope that she takes me up on that offer.

Then, my phone started ringing.

I jumped across the bed to my nightstand to grab it.

"Hello?" I asked hoping it was Carly.

"Oh sweetie! How are you? I can't wait till you come back home!"

It was my mom.

"Hi, mom. I'm doing good, thanks." I said.

"Dad tells me you've found your mate. When can I meet her?" She asked. 

"Not sure. It might be a while before I can convince her to come home with me." I told her.

"That's ok. I'm so happy for you." She said.

We talked on the phone for a little while longer before I fell asleep.

I didn't get to sleep very long because I was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of my phone ringing.

I groaned but I still reached over to answer it.

"What?" I asked a bit irritable at someone waking me up in the middle of the night.


"Carly. What's wrong?" I asked getting worried.

"I h-had a n-nightmare. C-can you c-come over?" I could tell that she had been crying by the way she hiccupped and stuttered.

"Of course. I'll be right there." I told her.

I hung up the phone and quickly got dressed in the clothes that were closest to me.

I rushed to her house as fast as I could. She may have not been in danger, but my mate needed me and I was going to be there for her as soon as possible.

Once I arrived at her house, I passed the front door and entered the house through Carly's bedroom window. It was the most direct route to her and there were less chances of me running into her mother this way.

She was sitting on her bed wearing a long sleeved shirt and sweatpants while tears streamed down her cheeks.

It hurt me to see her crying like this. I would do anything to put a smile back onto her face.

I quickly went to embrace her, hoping that she would feel safer in my arms.

"Do you want to talk about what happened in your nightmare?" I asked.

My question only seemed to make her cry harder. I'd never been much good at comforting someone. It was as if I could never choose the right words to say.

"No." She said.


"Will you stay with me tonight? I don't want to sleep alone after that." She asked.

"Of course I'll stay with you."
