Chapter 30

Carly POV

My time during the entire car ride home was spent playing with Alfred. I was so happy to own such a cute little pug.

I loved him with all my heart already.  Alfred is the first dog I've ever owned.  I once had a hamster when I was younger, but after my dad passed, Brandon wouldn't let me have any other pets.

Now that I've been staying with Sean, I should've asked if it were ok with him for me to get a dog. I just hope that Sean will like Alfred. There's no way I could leave my puppy now if Sean doesn't want a dog.

Hannah and I walked in the house to be greeted by Jake.

"Hey, babe. You ready to go?" He asked Hannah while putting his arm around her and kissing her on the forehead.


"Sean's in the kitchen. Cute dog. I'll see ya later, Carly." Jake told me.

"Bye." Hannah said while she walked out the door.

I gave her a little wave as she left. Instead of going by Sean right away, I lunged my shopping bags and Alfred up to his room.

I wasn't in there long before I heard Sean's footsteps approaching.

He came in and jumped onto his bed. I held Alfred in my arms, but he didn't take a second glance to notice him.

"How was shopping?" He asked me.

"Good. How was your guy's day?"

"It was fun. Although, I did miss you."

"You're too sweet." I said.

"No I'm- Wait. Is that a Victoria Secret bag?" He asked.


I wanted to roll my eyes. He notices the bag of lingerie but not the living animal in my arms.

"Can I see what's in it?"


"Why not?" 

"Because I don't want you to." I told him.

"Why'd you get anything from there in the first place if it wasn't for me to see?" He asked.

"I didn't want to but Hannah picked some things out and made me get them."

"Remind me to thank her later because whether you want me to or not, I will get to see you in them someday." He wiggled his eyebrows at me to emphasize his point.


"Oh. And what's with the dog?"

So now he notices.

"Isn't he cute?" I asked.

"I guess."

He didn't look so thrilled about Alfred, which made me pout.

"Hannah and I were walking in the mall when I saw him in the window of that pet place. I just had to get him." I explained.

"What's it's name?"


"He does kind of look like an Alfred."

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can we keep him, pleeeease?" I begged.

"If it makes you happy." He replied.

I squealed and jumped on top of him.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I gave him little kisses all over his face and he chuckled at me.

"You're crazy." He told me.

"I love you." I whispered while he hugged me.

He took me out of his embrace and held me at arms length.

"What did you say?" He asked.

I blushed and looked down.

"I love you." I said quietly.

He tilted my head up with his finger so that I had to look at him.

"Say it again." He ordered.

"I love you." I said softly once again.


"Is this really necessary?" I asked.

I was a bit embarrassed from him making me repeat it so much.

"Yes. I need to hear you say it louder." He demanded.

I shook my head and tried to get up but he pinned me to the bed so that I could've leave.

"Say it again." He commanded.

I didn't want to.

He placed his hands gently on my waist moving his thumbs back and forth.

I knew what he was trying to do. I told myself that it wasn't going to work. That I wouldn't give in, but then he started kissing my neck.

"I love you, Sean!" I shouted at him. "Alright? Are you happy now?"

"Yes. I love hearing those three words come from your beautiful lips. I love you too." He said.

"Really?" I asked unsure of it all.

He chuckled to himself a little before flashing me his amazing grin.

"Really." He confirmed.

And then he kissed me.

It was different from his usual kisses. Not soft and sweet like they normally are. No. He kissed me with so much hunger and need. So much passion.

I let my hands run through his soft hair and pulled him even closer to me. We explored each other's mouths further hoping to deepen our connection.

He pulled away so that I could catch my breath but was still leaning over me, putting all his weight on his arms so that he wouldn't crush me.

"Let me show you how much I love you." He said.

"I can't." I say closing my eyes shut so the tears can't escape.

"Why not?" He asks with hurt in his voice. At least with my eyes closed I can't see the disappointment in his eyes.

I want to be with him that way but I'm scared to show him all of me.

He's seen a few of my scars but not nearly all of them. I didn't want him to see all of them either.

My scars are the most hideous parts of me and he doesn't need to see how truly ugly I am under my clothes.

I pulled at the sleeve of my shirt to cover any of the skin that had come into view.

"It's the scars, isn't it?" He realizes.

I don't confirm it for him and I still don't look at him. We both already know it's true. Sometimes it's as if he can read my mind.

"Open your eyes." He orders.

"No." I tell him.

"Look at me!" He yells.

My eyes opened of their own accord, too afraid to disobey him when he rose his voice.

Tears start rolling down my face and he tries to wipe them away with his thumb. He may be frustrated with my insecurities, but he was still as gentle with me as ever.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I just need you to understand, Carly, that I don't care how your scars look." He tells me honestly.

I nod my head, too uncertain to speak.

In the silence, Sean begins to undress me. I don't try to make him stop for I know my efforts will be in vain.

"Scars or no scars, in my eyes you are the most beautiful girl on the earth." He whispers.

As each piece of clothing is removed, I don't see the disgust appear on his face like I had expected it too. He looked at me only with love and adoration, something I could never even bring myself to dream of.

It's been a long time since I considered myself beautiful, but I can tell that by the way Sean looks at me that he's telling me the truth when he says he loves the way I look. He's the only one that can truly make me feel beautiful.

As I lie completely bare in front of him, he begins kissing my scars. One by one, he kisses each and every one of them.

He started at my wrists before making his way up my arms. His kisses moved to my stomach, before making their way down my legs.

His love and affection left me feeling vulnerable, as I had never experienced this feeling before.

His kiss graced my lips at last, proving his feelings for me once again.

"Can I make love to you now?"

