Chapter 31

Sean POV

I never thought I could be so in love. But then Carly came and proved me wrong.

We've been in my home town shortly over two months now. She wasn't mad at me anymore for lying to her about staying here. She loves it here even more than I do.

The next thing to do is to tell her about what I am. It's one of hardest things I'll have to do.

I don't know how she'll react to seeing me in wolf form. She might reject me after finding out how I really am.

Things have been so great between us. If I tell her now, I risk the chance of losing that all. I don't know how much longer I can keep it a secret, but for now it's still best if she doesn't know.

Carly and I were now watching a movie together on the couch. I had one arm around her while Alfred began jumping to join us on the couch.

Usually, I didn't mind Alfred too much. I had to admit that the pug was cute, but I hated that he often captured Carly's attention. This is the first time I've actually been jealous of a dog.

Despite my dislike for the attention stealing dog, I let Carly keep him because it makes her happy.

When Alfred climbed on Carly and tried to squirm his way in between us I pushed him onto the floor.

Carly hit me in the arm.

"Sean! Why do you have to be so mean to the little guy?" She asked.

"You're always cuddling up with him. This is our time and I'll be damned if I let him ruin that." I said nuzzling my nose into her neck and pulling her closer.

"You're so weird. There's not an actual competition between you and Alfred. I've never met someone so possessive."

"You just need to understand that you're my girl, not his. It's not wrong that I don't want him getting more attention from you." I explained.

"Oh, please. You don't want him getting any attention from me."

"That may be true." I said, which made her giggle.

I loved her laugh. Especially when I'm the one who caused it.

And then my father stepped into the living room ruining our moment.

"Sean, I need to speak with you." He said.

I groaned as I got up off the couch.

I turned just before I was about to leave and saw Carly cradling Alfred to her chest.

I glared at the little pug. I swore then that we would never get another dog again.

I followed my dad as he lead me outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"The woods. Some rogues have come onto our territory and we're going to help the Warriors track them down." He told me.

"Ok. I should let Carly know that I'll be gone for a while. I don't want her to worry." I said.

"It'll be fine. We shouldn't be gone for long." He assured me.


And then we shifted into our wolves and ran off into the woods in search of the rogues.


Carly POV  

After Sean got off the couch, Alfred jumped into my arms snuggled up against me.

I noticed Sean scowl at Alfred before leaving the room.

I couldn't quite understand how Sean could dislike the innocent pup so much.

I thought Sean would be back soon, but it was actually taking him a long time to get back.

I searched around the house hoping to find him here. Sean and his father must've left.

I was only wandering the halls when I  received a text from Hannah.

Jake had to leave and I'm lonely. Want to come over? Her text said.

Sure I replied.

I made my way to the front door and opened it to leave. Unfortunately, Alfred ran passed me out the door. He sprinted straight towards the woods and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to catch him.

"Alfred, come back!" I shouted chasing after him.

He was fast, but it wasn't too long before I was finally able to catch him.

"Don't run off on me like that again." I scolded him once he was in my arms again.

I looked around at my surroundings. Alfred had led me deep into the forest and I wasn't exactly sure how I would get out.

I turned to walk the way that I thought I came before I heard a growl behind me.

I slowly turned to see a big gray wolf baring its teeth at me.

I screamed and tripped backwards as it lunged at me. The wolf didn't touch me however as another wolf with midnight fur tackled the gray wolf.

I sat and watched as the black wolf ripped the other wolf's jugular out of its throat ending its life for good.

I could barely breathe as I waited for the black wolf to kill me too. My grip on Alfred loosened and he ran towards the wolf.

"Alfred, no!" I shouted but it was no use. The clueless pug nuzzled his head against the front leg of the wolf.

When the wolf huffed in annoyance, I knew Alfred was a goner. I covered my face in my hands as I let the tears fall.

I couldn't outrun a wolf and there was no way it would let me survive. I had given up all hope that I could get myself out of this situation, lost in the woods and facing a dangerous beast.

Lift my hand, the sight before me left me astonished. Where was the wolf?

In front of me, I saw Sean kneeling down to pet Alfred. This scene only left me more dazed and confused.

Sean was completely bare as he knelt and he was in the exact spot the wolf had just been in.

"How did you get here, Sean. Th-there was just a wolf there." I stuttered.

"Carly, I am the wolf."
