Chapter 10

Carly POV

Sean had looked so happy with my answer, I hadn't wanted to leave him. But reality sunk in and I knew I had to be in my house as soon as possible.

I slowly and quietly walked into the house.

It seemed empty so I had a sliver of hope that Brandon already went to bed.

Hope was for the naive. I should've learned long ago that hoping only led me to disappointment. Unfortunately, I was still too naive to see that things weren't going to magically start getting better for me.

"Where were you?" Brandon questioned me.

I carefully walked to the living room. It was dark but I could still see his silhouette on the couch.

He had a beer in his hand and I could tell that from the way his voice was slurred, that was not his first beer of the night.

"I uh... I-I was just at the diner. They needed help so I st-stayed there and worked for a l-little l-longer." I stuttered.

"Your lying to me! And you know what happens when you lie to me." He slowly got up and made his way towards me.

I had no where to run. No where to hide. Believe me, if I did, I would've been long gone by now.

When he was close enough, he reached out and slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground and spit out the blood.

"Next time, you come home immediately after your shift is done. I won't be as easy on you if you disobey my rules again. Understand?" He snarled at me.

I nodded quickly and he signaled that he was done with me.

I took that as my chance to scurry up to my room.

I got in my room and quickly shut the door before leaning up against it and sliding down to the floor.

After Brandon's threat, there was no way I could go on a date with Sean.

I'm such an idiot. Why did I say yes?

If Brandon gets this mad over me coming home a little late after work, who knows what he'd do if I got home late after a date.

I don't want to, but I need to cancel this date. It's going to hurt to tell Sean that I've changed my mind, but I think it would even more if Brandon punished me going on that date.

I hated that it was a choice between my safety and my happiness. My safety had to come first, which means I can't date Sean.


Sean POV

To say I was worried would be an understatement. I thought dinner went well last night, Carly won't talk to me at all this morning.

I sat with her all throughout the day but she never once even said hi to me. She barely even glanced at me.

Something must've happened after I dropped her off last night. If only I knew what that was.

She would have to talk to me eventually. Especially when I took her out on our date tonight.

Now that it was lunchtime, I went to the library to get some answers.

Carly was sitting at the table where she normally sits and, as always, she wasn't eating anything but rather reading a book.

It worries me that she doesn't eat enough. She's already so skinny and it's unhealthy for her to starve herself like this. I try my best to help her by encouraging her to eat, but she's too stubborn to listen to me. Last night was my first breakthrough and now I doubted that she would listen to me again.

I went over and sat by her.

She didn't even bother to look up from her book, so that means either a really good book or she was still ignoring me.



"Is everything alright?"


"Did I do something wrong?"


"Does this mean we're not going on the date anymore?"

She didn't say anything but I saw her slightly flinch.

I didn't like this silent treatment thing, so I grabbed her book and slammed it shut on the table.

Everyone in here looked at us because of the noise it made.

"I was reading that." Carly said glaring at me.

I didn't care though. I was just as mad from her ignoring me.

"Oh funny, you do talk." I snapped back at her.

She stood up and stomped out of the library. Like an idiot I followed but I couldn't let her get away. Not this time.

I was faster than her so I quickly caught up to her.

I grabbed her arm and slammed her up against a nearby locker. I didn't do it hard enough that it could've actually hurt her but she was crying and there was a look of fear in her eyes.

"What do you want?" She asked with tears streaming down her face.

"I just want to talk to you." I whisper with my hands resting lightly on her hips and my face just inches away from hers.

My whispering seemed to calm her a little bit and she started looking a little more comfortable in my hold.

"There's nothing to talk about." She said quietly.

I lifted my hand and wiped away a tear.

"Yes there is. Why have you been ignoring me? Did I do something that's made you mad at me?" I asked her.

"No. You didn't do anything." She told me.

"Then why?"

"We can't go on a date tonight. I just don't think it's a good idea for us to be together." She said.

"No. You're wrong. It's a great idea. You'll see if you just give me a chance." I told her.

For awhile she just stood there and thought it over.

It felt like hours before she finally nodded her head.


I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I wanted to kiss her so badly right now but I knew I couldn't, so I opted to just give her a hug.

"Thank you." I whispered.

Tonight I was going to show her how much she means to me and she won't regret giving me this chance.
