Chapter 3: The rescue

Billions and billions light years away from Earth, in a prison asteroid in deep space, there is this woman, this strange woman, blonde with a long coat and all rainbows shirt, stumbling in circles in her cell, where she's locked down since two years, according to the guardians, but in her view, it's been ages, and she's got all eternity to think about it. This woman is known as the Doctor, an immortal living being that is the source of the most civilized species of all creation: the Time Lords.

//POV The Doctor\\

I was thinking about her, like every days since I'm locked down. All of a sudden, I hear a big explosion and more detonations in the whole prison. All the systems shut down at once and a lot of prisoners are escaping, but my door is still closed. Why is my door still closed? Why is that sort of things always happening to me?! I hear a noise in my cell. Someone teleported just behind me, I turn around and I see her ...

\\POV's ending//

//POV Yaz\\

I start to calm down in Graham's arms while Jack and Ryan are trying to find a way to get us out of here. I think he can feel it because he slowly loosens his embrace. He looks at me, worried. He asks me if I'm fine. I answer yes, with a little smile, which isn't very convincing, but I think he understands I don't want to talk. He helps me getting up. I slowly go towards Jack and Ryan. They look at me with concern and mercy, exactly as Graham does. I'm so sick of it, I just want to talk about the plan. I feel so weak when they do this.

Fortunately, Jack understood and starts to explain me the plan. I barely listen to him. I'm thinking about how the meeting's going to be. I was about to ask them if I could stay here during the mission when Jack intervenes.

JACK: I'm going to make a diversion, shutting down all systems, opening the prison doors and making noise, Graham and Ryan, you stay in the TARDIS, monitoring the teleports. You have to be ready to extract us quickly. As for you, Yaz, you're going to get the Doc and extract her from her cell.

YAZ: Wait what?? Are you kidding me? I can't! Why me?

JACK: Listen, I know what you're feeling, but this is exactly why I send you there, you have to face your fear. Furthermore, The teleport system needs two people to extract us safely, because there will be two different departures, and I already explained to Ryan and Graham how to use it, so it leaves you the diversion or the extraction, but the diversion is highly dangerous and risky, so I deal with it, I can't die, you can.

YAZ: Okay ...

JACK: These are air pods, put them in your ears and we can communicate. I fiddled my vortex manipulator and connected it to the TARDIS, so Yaz, this is a sort of beacon, you keep it on you, and when you're ready for extraction, you say to the boys to start extraction 1 procedure, but the Doc has to put her hand on the beacon too or you will leave without her. Me, I'll be extraction 2. Ryan, Graham, I already set the extractions programs, you only have to activate them when we ask you, clear? You have all instructions on the screen, you just have to press the right buttons on the console, one button for extraction 1, Yaz, and another one for extraction 2, me.

I'm going to materialise the TARDIS at approximately six thousands miles from the prison, if we get closer, they will see us on their screens. The teleport should have a maximal reach of twenty thousands miles, which is enough, even if the TARDIS drifts a little.

RYAN: Should?

JACK: Sorry, it's the best I can do.

YAZ: What are we waiting for?

JACK: You.

YAZ: Me?

JACK: Are you sure you can do this?

YAZ: Yes ... But I have just one question. You said you will make diversion releasing a lot of prisoners to occupy the guards, but why do I have to go in her cell, why don't we open her cell too?

JACK: You've got a teleport, I set it to teleport you directly inside her cell, it's way more easier to extract her directly from her cell. Imagine how the corridors will be after releasing prisoners. All the prisoners and all the guards at once. It's safer to let her in her cell and extract her. The teleport will automatically target her cell, she's not much difficult to find, I set the system to search for a humanoid with a binary cardiovascular system.

YAZ: Okay, let's go.

I see Jack fiddling with the console of the TARDIS, driving it to the prison, and I suddenly realize one thing.

YAZ: You can pilot the TARDIS?

JACK: More or less, just bases, but enough to drive us to the right place at the right time. The only problem is that I can't get too soon, I can't rescue her at the moment she arrived, because, you see, she and you were in the same time period, she was just in another place in space and if I go and release her before the two years you waited, it could damage the time streams and make you cross your own timeline for the second time, better not.

YAZ: Okay, so we just come back at the same instant you appeared in Sheffield, but in another place in space, we reach this prison, and we release her, is that it?

JACK: Yes.


JACK: We arrived. Oh ...

YAZ: Oh?

JACK: Good news, we haven't been detected yet, bad news, there is solar flares right now and it could damage the TARDIS, so we won't have much time, better go now. Yaz, activate your teleport, you'll have only one chance to go and get her. Goodbye and good luck.

Jack just teleported, and I do the same.

\\POV's ending//

//POV Captain Jack Harkness\\

I just arrived in the prison, an alarm blares. I don't have many choices, I landed in the control room, very good choice, I deactivate every alarm, every lights and I open every cell except the Doctor's one. I hope Yaz will succeed. I hear guards coming to the control room, better get out of here before getting shot, I can't die but if they destroy my teleport or my air pod, I'm done and stuck here. I warn the team.

JACK: Yaz, I made the diversion, I got to go back to the TARDIS, if they catch me and destroy my teleport, I will be stuck in here, is that okay for you?

YAZ: Yeah, get out of here Jack, I've got the target, mission accomplished.

The target? Did she call the Doc "the target"?! I knew she would be a bit cold but it is worse than I thought. Well, anyway, I'll fix that once we'll be all safe and sound.

JACK: Ryan, Graham, did you hear? Extraction 2, now!

A few seconds after I said that, I hear an explosion in the wall behind me, I turn around and at the moment I touch my beacon, a guard shoots me dead, a bullet in the head.

\\POV's ending//

//POV Yaz\\

I teleported a few seconds after Jack, I arrived directly in the Doctor's cell, the first thing that came to my mind is "God, it's really small in here, did she spend two years in that cell?", but then I remember I have to focus and rebound, I put aside my emotions, I have to be cold and professional. I don't want to talk to the Doc now. She heard the teleport noise, she's turning back, and now she sees me. I hear Jack talking, he is asking if he can go back to the TARDIS before it's too late for him.

YAZ: Yeah, get out of here Jack, I've got the target, mission accomplished.

She looks at me as if she was impressed by my cold tone. I don't pay attention to it and I continue.

YAZ: Okay Doctor, I got you, hold on this beacon or I leave without you.

DOC: Yaz? Are you okay?

YAZ: Better than you were during two years in that cell, hold on now.

DOC: But?

YAZ: Ryan, Graham, I've got the target, activate extraction 1 now!

\\POV's ending//

//POV The Doctor\\

That's her, Yaz, good old Yaz, coming for me!

I hear her talking in her air pod, she mentioned Jack, is he here too? Wait a minute, she called me target? She looks very cold with me, and she's getting rude, what's the matter? It's not my fault if I've been locked down for two years in that cell. And she calls me Doctor now? No more Doc? I really have to fix this when we'll be far from here. I hold on her beacon and we teleport.

\\POV's ending//
