Chapter 14: Kidnapping

Yaz gets up before her fiancé, she opens the door of her room, it has been only two hours since she left the kitchen. She goes to the console room, without any particular purpose and it's empty. She assumes everyone else is in the bed, so she goes to the TARDIS door and opens it. They're still on Florana, and she wants to walk a little bit, of course, the others will surely understand, but to be sure, she left a message on the console. Once she's outside, she goes and walks around the lake, right forward. After a few kilometres, she turns around. Since she left the TARDIS, she's got this uncomfortable and unpleasant feeling of being followed. She stops and looks around, but she sees no one else but her. She decides to continue, assuming she's imagining things. Suddenly she hears a voice, a little, whispering voice.

...: Please ... Help me ...

Yaz looks around her and sees nothing. It's only when she looks down that she sees a little shape behind a tree. It's a small but all wrinkled creature, like an old man in a baby shape.

YAZ: Sorry, do you need help? What happened to you? I don't want to offend you, but what species are you, I don't think I've ever met anyone like you before.

The small creature whispers something that Yaz can't understand, so she approaches him and she gets down to see him eyes into eyes. Suddenly, he speaks louder, pointing a gun at her, she recognized the gun immediately, the Master's gun.

...: I said, Time Lord. I'm a Time Lord. You tried to destroy me remember? I'm the Master! Yeah, look at me now! You tried to prevent me from stealing the Doctor's regenerations! I shot you, but you survived! How is that possible?! Oh don't tell me, the Doctor succeeded to give you regenerations, hasn't she? She's so selfish! She gave it to you and she refuses to give it to me. I'm going to make her pay for that, but first you will come with me, in this tree quickly!

Yaz follows the Master into a door that just opened in the tree, and she understands it's a TARDIS.

YAZ: How did you find us? And why do you look like this?

MASTER: Oh it took me a while. When the Doctor tried to destroy my body with an overload of regeneration energy, it nearly killed me, the explosion took away every single drop of energy I had, I aged, hundreds of years in a second and not enough regeneration energy to hold it back, I couldn't hold back the aging anymore. My body wasn't regenerating anymore, he was degenerating, and I was decaying. Of course, all your team get back in your TARDIS, you haven't even wondered if I had survived, no one came to see my body. I entered in my TARDIS, quite by chance, I had parked it a few metres away, making it invisible. It took me weeks to recover a little, to have enough life force to move around the console. As soon as I could, I searched for the Doctor everywhere. I knew she would come back to Earth so I waited. I followed you in the Time Vortex, I even created turbulences, trying to send you out of it, in the void. She left me there! I've been left for dead, like a piece of dirt, worthless. But today, I will take my revenge! Now give me regeneration energy!

YAZ: Never! I won't give you immortality!

MASTER: Oh but I don't seek for immortality anymore, I want to take revenge! I just need one or two regenerations, enough to have a proper body. Anyway, you don't have a choice, either you do it on your free will, or I kill you, I wait for you to regenerate and I take everything, but then you can be sure your precious fiancé will suffer! Oh yes, I saw your little ceremony, how touching!

She lets the Master speaks and showing off while she thinks of a plan. And she found something, an idea that could save her life.

YAZ (thinking): The ring, of course, if I try very hard, I can send a message to the Doc! I need to concentrate, come on! Doctor, please help me! I've been captured by the Master, he's still alive, please, help me! He wants to steal me regenerations.

Yaz stops, feeling some sort of connection. She feels the Doc waking up with a start, but the Master looks at her badly. Even if he is smaller than her, he has a gun and he looks more dangerous than ever.

MASTER: You know I'm a psychic too? Did you really think I didn't know about the ring? Very clever, using the Metebelis crystal to make a resonance and amplify your psychic message, I think the Doctor is awake by now. I was wondering if you were strong enough to do it, and you did. Now, let some energy go or I swear I kill you!

Yaz was about to refuse when she hears a message from the Doctor.

DOCTOR: Do what he says, let him have a little bit of energy, I'm coming, I'll find you, just don't die until I come, please.

Yaz listen to her fiancé and starts to concentrate. She never did this before but she feels like if it's natural, she releases her precious regeneration energy, enough for two or three regenerations, and the Master take it all, recovering his shape. Every seconds, he looks more and more as he looked before. As soon as the transfer is over, Yaz tries to escape but the Master closes the doors and his TARDIS takes off. Yaz falls asleep, tired of using all this energy. She leans on the floor and falls slowly into darkness ...

//POV The Doctor\\

I'm sleeping when I hear a voice, my fiancé's voice. I first think it's a dream, but it seems too real. I hear my love crying in my head, saying me the Master is still alive, that he kidnapped her. I open my eyes with a start to check if Yaz is still in our bed, but she's not. I get up, I open the doors and I run through the corridors, but I go quickly in another room, to take something, before yelling her name. Everyone get out of their rooms and come in the corridors, except Yaz.

JACK: What is it Doc?

JENNY: Mom, are you okay?

NAJIA: Doctor, I'm so sorry about what I asked ...

DOCTOR: It doesn't matter now, do you know where Yaz is?? Have you seen her? Any of you?!

SONYA: No, we thought she was with you.

HAKIM: What is it? You said we would be safe here!

DOC: Yeah and I was wrong ... We're safe on this planet, but there is something I haven't planned ...

JACK: Doc, what's the matter?!

DOC: The Master! He survived the explosion and he kidnapped Yaz. We have to go and get her back, now!

I run and everyone is stunned. Jack is the first to follow me, then Jenny and finally Yaz's family.

JACK: But you said he died! How has he possibly survived? How is it possible?!

DOC: I strictly don't know, no one is meant to survive such power. But by now, Yaz gave him a few regenerations, enough for him to take his shape back ...

JACK: How can you know that?

DOC: Yaz is a genius, she created a psychic connection with me, she woke me up and she warned me, and now I just said her to give him the energy he wants because if she doesn't, he will take it from her cold dead body, is that what you want?! Listen, Yaz's mom, Yaz's dad, Yaz's sis, I'm sorry, I will find Yaz, I will rescue her, she'll be safe. I swear on my life I'll protect her, but I can't take you with me. You're not immortal, Jenny, Jack and I are immortals, so I drop you home before pursuing him, and believe me when I say he will pay for what he did! I'm going to kill him with my bare hands!!

We arrive in the console room at the moment I stop talking, I use the controls and after thirty seconds, the TARDIS materialises again in the Sheffield's flat. Suddenly, I freeze, everyone looks at me concerned.

DOC: I can't feel our connection anymore ... She must have passed out, well I assume it's not surprising since she used a lot of energy, but I'm still very worried. Yaz's family, we're in your flat, you can get out of the TARDIS and let me find her or you can come with us but I can't guarantee you safety, I know the Master, and even with Jack and Jenny, I'm not sure I will succeed, so I don't want to risk your lives, we're immortals, you're not.

SONYA: I come.

NAJIA: No, you stay with us.

SONYA: Listen, my sister has been kidnapped by this monster and I want to help stopping him, you stay at home, stay safe, I go with the Doctor.

DOC: Are you sure? There is no way back, after taking off, I'm not coming back again, I can't lose more time, so you better be sure. If you say yes, I swear I'll do anything I can to protect you, but I can't guarantee your safety at hundred pourcent.

SONYA: I'm coming, don't argue with me. Dad, mom, goodbye, I see you later.

Hakim and Najia come to me, asking me to take care of Sonya, and then enter in their flat. I close the TARDIS door and I go to the console.

JACK: What it your plan Doc?

DOC: I connect my brain to the TARDIS telepathic circuit and it should lead us to the place she was when she passed out, we will start the researches from there.

I connect the cable to my head and we take off. We land in Florana in a little flowered glade surrounded by trees. We all look at the scanner to see the outside and I notice a tree disappearing.

DOC: Look, the Master's TARDIS, he's dematerialising, maybe if I calibrate the scan on his residual Artron energy, I could follow him through the time vortex.

SONYA: So what are you waiting for??

DOC: I'm doing it, give me a second.

I'm typing on the keyboard and I activate the stabilizer and the shields, then I use the fiddling lever to take off and we enter in the time vortex. I suddenly feel so much pain and despair I fall on the floor, I'm about to faint, but I stay strong, I get up, they all look at me but I ignore them, I try to find the Master, but I lost him. I still follow the residual energy but he succeeded to delay us.

JENNY: Mom what is it? Are you alright?

SONYA: Was it a message from my sister?

DOC: Yeah I'm fine but I lost him, he delayed us in the time vortex, I still follow the signal but we're probably going to be late. And yes it was your sister, but it wasn't a message, it was her emotions, I felt what she's feeling, and it was pain and despair. I barely can imagine the atrocities she's going through right now ... It's all my fault ... If only I hadn't slept, she wouldn't be outside alone ...

JACK: It's not your fault, and if you were awake when she went for a walk, we would probably be seeking for both of you now, don't think for one moment it's your fault, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself. Just follow the signal.

Jack's right. I continue to follow it, I feel her pain a few times again but I try everything I can to stay concentrate. Finally, we materialise in a kitchen.

DOC: She's here, I can feel it, but we're late of at least three weeks.

SONYA: Three weeks?? But we were just behind them!

JACK: Time passes differently in the Time Vortex, we travelled through it without a navigation and coordinates and we barely succeeded to follow him. It's a miracle we did it.

DOC: It wasn't a miracle, it was me, but I'm late so I haven't done it as well a I would have wanted ...

SONYA: Don't blame yourself, is she alive? Do you feel her?

DOC: Yes, she's here, and yes she's alive, she's technically immortal, but it's like if she is semi-conscious ... Oh my god, Yaz, what has he done to you ... We have to find her quickly! Wait a minute, before we go, I have to turn the TARDIS invisible.

\\POV's ending//
