Chapter 2 - The moment of truth

In a far future, on a desolated planet after the cyberwars, Jack, Yaz, Ryan and Graham are appearing from nowhere.

YAZ: Oh my head, that was horrible.

JACK: Sorry, it's a vortex manipulator, some sort of cheap and nasty time travel, but I agree, time travel without a capsule, it's hell! But still, here we are, I think we're on the right planet at the right time, aren't we?

YAZ: Yeah, this is it, we parked the TARDIS over there, beyond this hill.

JACK: Right, let's go, and be careful, you mustn't meet yourselves. This thing isn't very accurate, so maybe your past yourselves are still in here.

The four friends are walking to the TARDIS, and when they arrive, they see a tree appearing.

YAZ: Look, this must be her!

JACK: Yaz, don't you dare! Remember, we can't interfere, it's a part of your past, we're not here to pick her up, we're here to see where she is going and to understand where she will be in our time! We crossed your timeline, the time streams could disintegrate, so please, for god sake, stay here and let's hide!

YAZ: Okay ...

Jack, Yaz, Ryan and Graham went into hiding behind the hill, they see the Doc gets out of the TARDIS/Tree and gets in her own TARDIS.

JACK: If only I could hear the indoor of the TARDIS ... Maybe I can hijack the system ...

While he's saying this, Jack fiddles his vortex manipulator, and suddenly, they hear from the vortex manipulator the TARDIS noise, and the Doc saying:

DOC: We got a lift back another way ...


DOC: Don't get jealous ... I'll pick them up now ... Maybe just need a moment ...

Yaz stares at Jack.

YAZ: I don't understand. She's safe and sound and she says she's gonna pick us up.

What possibly went wrong?

JACK: Be quiet if you want to know ...

RYAN: Listen, is that an alarm? Is it from your device or from the TARDIS?

Ryan was right, an alarm has just been activated, first Jack believed the TARDIS detected his hacking, but then he realized that was another kind of problem when he sees what looked like teleport readings on its device.

JACK/DOC: What??

...: Judoon Cold Case Unit! Fugitive: The Doctor. Sentence: Whole of life imprisonment, maximum security facility.

Everyone in the team are looking at each other, very confused.

YAZ: Judoons? What the hell just happened?? Where is the Doc?

JACK: Yaz, calm down ... Yaz!

YAZ: How can I calm down?? She has been kidnapped and imprisoned by the Judoons and I should calm down?!

JACK: Yes because I've got the solution, come on, follow me. Everyone in the TARDIS.

YAZ: But the TARDIS is locked, the Doc is gone.

JACK: Yeah but it's the TARDIS, she is telepathic, you travelled in her, and the Doc is in danger, so come on, you have to convince her to open the doors.

YAZ: Why me? Why don't you do this?

JACK: The TARDIS doesn't like me, I'm immortal, but I'm a time aberration, a nonsense. You have to believe it. And don't forget, the TARDIS is telepathic, so she will feel it if you lie.

Yaz approaches the TARDIS, she leans against the door, closes her eyes and starts to talk.

YAZ (whispering): Come on TARDIS, please let me in, please, it's me, Yaz ...

YAZ (louder): It's not working.

JACK: Continue.

YAZ (whispering): Please, I beg you, the Doc is in grave danger, I'm here to rescue her.


JACK: Is there something you're not telling us? The TARDIS can feel everything, I told you, so you better tell the truth.

YAZ: Shut up, Jack.

YAZ (whispering): Please, let us in, I just want to help her ...


JACK: Tell the truth–

YAZ (shouting): WILL YOU SHUT UP?!

YAZ (whispering): Listen I know what you want me to say, TARDIS, but I can't ... I can't say it in front of my friends ... Besides, it's ridiculous, I have no chances, she will never love anyone, and certainly not me.


YAZ (whispering): Okay, I see what you're trying to get ... You have to let us in, and to let us save her, because ... I ... love ... her ... I love the Doc ... Is it what you wanted me to say?

Suddenly, like if the TARDIS was only waiting to hear this, the doors open themselves and the TARDIS makes a softer noise. The rest of the team was very confused and embarrassed. Yaz was crying in silence. They just crossed the doorstep when Yaz turns around in front of them and says:

YAZ: Please ... Don't talk about this, forget it ... clear?

Everyone agrees and Yaz walks one or two steps before breaking down in tears. She never wanted her friends to see this but she couldn't hold it anymore. In a first place, she succeeded to cry in silence but now she is weeping without restraint. She lost the Doc, twice, she first thought she was dead and now she let her being imprisoned, she feels so powerless, so useless, she lost her love and now she has been forced to tell to her friends that she loves the Doc, that she loves a girl, an unearthly girl, she is so afraid of their reaction, of their judgement. She cried like this a few minutes before she feels many arms surrounding her. All her friends, Ryan and Graham, and even Jack were cuddling her, reassuring her.

JACK: You know, I love boys too. There is no reasons to be afraid or ashamed of your emotions. Just be yourself.

YAZ: I know that, thanks Jack, but I love her, and I lost her ... Twice ... It's all my fault ... I let her down, assuming she was dead, and now, I let her being imprisoned by the Judoons ... Besides it's ridiculous. I'm nothing compared to her.

JACK: Hey, don't say that, it's not your fault, you couldn't do anything, We couldn't interfere, you know that. Listen, I swear on my life we will save her. We will save the Doc, whatever it costs.

YAZ: I'm sorry Jack, I'm sorry everyone, to bother you with my stupid sentiments, I know it's useless, she will never love me, but I love her and I won't let her down, not again. I know I must look so stupid, she's thousands years old, I'm an insect to her ...

JACK: I don't think so ... You are way more than that to her, believe me.

YAZ: So, how do we find her?

JACK: Easy, I track the teleport energy, but I think I already know where it leads ...

YAZ: Where?

JACK: The Judoons have got a prison on an asteroid in deep space, I heard about it once or twice, but if she's in here, may god help her ...

YAZ: Why?

JACK: The Judoons don't usually do prisoners, they prefer the quick version of justice, but yet they took her, only the worst monsters of the universe end up there ...

YAZ: But the Doc isn't a monster, so we're going to save her right?

JACK: Of course, don't worry ...
