Chapter 24: The Universe that never was

Three days later, our friends and the Master are still in the TARDIS, and as soon as they enter the console room, every lights turn to red and the cloister's bells start ringing. The Doctor, the Master and Yaz all run to the console while Jenny and Jack stay behind.

JENNY: What is it, what's going on?

JACK: I nearly missed that sound ... What's the problem this time Doc? Who's requesting our help?

DOC: It's no fun Jack, the entire universe is at stake.

JACK: Oh, I see, so it's pretty bad this time, isn't it?

DOC: Yes it is! And I can't even take Yaz and the baby home.

MASTER: The baby?!

DOC: No time for this ...

JACK: I don't understand, why can't you?

DOC: Because your home doesn't exist anymore!


MASTER: The whole of time and space is disintegrating, erasing itself from reality, it's like if the universe itself was never born, but that's totally impossible! I've never seen something like this before!

DOC: I did.

YAZ: What happened?

DOC: Someone once took the control of my TARDIS and it exploded ...

MASTER (smiling): That would have never happened to my TARDIS, you're not a very good pilot then.

DOC: Oh shut up, it's not funny. Anyway, it caused a sort of massive time explosion, annihilating every moment of history simultaneously, but I rebooted the Universe.

MASTER: How did you manage such a thing?!

DOC: There was this box, a sort of quantum prison, designed for me, with every kind of safeties, deadlocks, time stops, matter line, and this perfect prison hasn't been affected by the explosion, and within it, a few billions of atoms of the original universe. Theoretically, you could extrapolate the entire universe from only one atom, so I drove this box into my exploding TARDIS–

MASTER: And the atoms she contained have been spread and scattered at every single point of time and space simultaneously, that's brilliant!

JACK: No, no, too fast, don't get it, come again?

YAZ: She thrown herself into an explosion that could destroy the entire universe in order to reverse the process and compensate the explosion.

DOC: Well, basically, that's the idea.

MASTER: But wait a minute, the only thing powerful enough to create that kind of explosion is a TARDIS, but that's impossible, I mean, they all died! The Time Lords, every single one of them died! We're the only two left!

DOC: Apparently not ... And I think I know which one survived ...

YAZ: Why are we still alive then? I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything, but shouldn't we have been erased from time and space?

DOC: Oh, of course! The TARDIS, she's maintaining the paradox in place to save us! She won't handle it very long tho, we have to move.

YAZ: Move where?

MASTER: I don't like the sound of it ...

DOC: The only point in the universe that's still standing: the eye of the storm.

YAZ: You mean, directly in the explosion?

DOC: Yes, but if I'm brilliant, and I am, I could supposedly desynchronise the time circuit of the TARDIS engines and allow us to land a few minutes before the detonation, and maybe, I say maybe, stop it.

YAZ: Do it then!

DOC: Are you sure?

YAZ: Deadly sure.

DOC: You could die.

YAZ: So could you, and it never stopped you. Anyway, we don't have a choice.

DOC: Okay, but just the two of us, you all, stay in the TARDIS, he mustn't know you're here, especially you, Master.

The TARDIS lands with difficulties in the middle of the ruins of a desolated planet. The Doctor and Yaz get out slowly of their TARDIS to see where they are.

YAZ: Where is it? Where are we?

DOC: I don't like it at all ...

YAZ: You're scaring the hell out of me ... What's wrong? Where are we?

DOC: The thirteen weapons factories of Villengard, also known as the Nightmares of the Seven Galaxies ...

YAZ: Well, that sounds pretty bad.

DOC: It is, but there's something else ... To create a time explosion that big with a brand new TARDIS, you need something to power it, something like the Eye of Harmony.

YAZ: The what?

DOC: There still are a few things you don't know. The Eye of Harmony is a powerful power source, Time Lord science, it contains a star, constantly on the verge of becoming a black hole, but if it falls in bad hands, it could be a disaster. If it's really a Time Lord who's behind this, especially the one I think about, we're all doomed.

YAZ: How do we find him?

...: Is it me you're searching for?

YAZ: ... I probably should have said "her" ...

A young girl is standing there, in the middle of the wreckage of a Sontaran spaceship. She looks so young, 21 years old maximum, but her eyes, her eyes look so old, they are blue like the sky and she's got long and black hair, as dark as the interstellar space. Next to her can be seen the Eye of Harmony, the wreckage of a TARDIS blown apart and something that looks like a gap, a hole in the fabric of reality, from where Yaz can see the Time Vortex.

DOC: Who are you?

...: Oh come on Doctor, you know who I am, you were expecting me, you exiled me.

DOC: Rassilon! I love what you did with the regeneration by the way, but what the hell you think you're doing?!

RASSILON: Taking revenge!

DOC: On who?

RASSILON: On you, Doctor! You exiled me, you stole my power and my planet.

DOC: Yeah and you destroyed it! The Master discovered the truth about our people, about me, about the Timeless Child, so you forced him to destroy our own planet. You used the rage and the pain in his hearts just because you wanted to reach me. You hid my entire life from me, the whole civilization of the Time Lords, built on a lie! You hid the origins of your own species and you created the Master's madness in a first place, everything that happened is your fault! Your responsibility was to keep our civilization safe, and you slaughtered the people you swore to protect!

RASSILON: How dare you, you filthy traitor! How dare you talk to me about loyalty! Where's the Master? Is he with you, ready for the ambush?

DOC: He's dead, I killed him with a Staser. Check my mind if you want.

Rassilon approaches and see the memory the Doc shows her, the memory in which she kills the Master's duplicate.

RASSILON: Well, you killed him indeed. Anyway, I never cared about him, but you, you're gonna suffer, this entire universe will suffer because of your weakness.

DOC: What have you done? What's your plan?!

RASSILON: Oh, it would be too easy don't you think?

YAZ: Answer the question!

RASSILON: Oh, I like your little human, she's got temper! I opened the Eye of Harmony and I connected its power source to my time capsule's engines.

DOC: What?! Are you completely mad? You're gonna overload the TARDIS' engines!

YAZ: I may not be as clever as you are, but if you do such a thing, the engines will be phasing in ten minutes and in approximately fifteen minutes, this entire planet will be destroyed! Time is already leaking and you can't contain it!

RASSILON: You're clever, for a human being ... Anyway, I connected it to the Untempered Schism I stole on Gallifrey. When the engines will phase and the time energy will leak, the energy feedback will be directly transmitted through the entire time vortex.

DOC: You can't do this! It would be even worse than a reality bomb! The time energy will leak and everything on its way will be erased from time! The implosion of the TARDIS will engulf all reality, billions and billions will suffer and die! You're about to cause a total event collapse. Every suns in existence will turn into supernovas! Every moment of history will be erased! Every single point of space and time will burn at the same moment. The biggest paradox ever! The entire universe will have never existed! Please, just think of all these people who will have never lived, all those things never happened, all of this by your fault!

RASSILON: Oh, but I think about them, don't you see, they are the price to pay for my ascension!

DOCTOR: And tell me, is it worth it? I don't want you to think about them as tools for your total annihilation, I'm simply asking you to consider their potential. Their lives count you know ... You have the blood of billions and billions of innocent people on your hands.

RASSILON: I don't care!

DOC: And yet I think you do! Rassilon, please, you're carrying the legacy of the Time Lords. You're supposed to take care of time, keep it safe, not destroy it! Lord President, I'm begging you, you're a Time Lord, a high-born Gallifreyan, but by doing this, you become a murderer, you disgrace a billion years of Time Lords' history! You want to go on that way? Shame on you!

RASSILON: Who are you, Doctor, renegade of your own species, to speak about honour and shame? Do you really know the person you're married to, Miss Khan? Do you have any idea of who she is, what names she earned through the years?

DOC: Rassilon, don't do that!

RASSILON: What is it? Are you afraid of showing your true nature to your beloved wife? You see, Miss Khan, she became the most feared creature in the whole cosmos, soaked with the blood of a billion species. The Silence know her as the Beast of Trenzalore or the Imp of the Pandorica. The Time Lords knew her better as the Butcher of Skull Moon, the little boy of the Cloister, the Shadow of the Valeyard, the one that ended the Time War by slaughtering millions, the Doctor of War, the Timeless Child, the Other, the Hybrid. The funny thing is, even the Daleks are afraid by your wife. Do you know how they call her in the ancient legends of the Daleks? The Predator, the Oncoming Storm, the Destroyer of the Worlds the Time Lord Victorious, the Destroyer of Skaro ...

DOC: Enough!

RASSILON: No, Doctor, it's never enough!

DOCTOR: I'm gonna stop you!

RASSILON: I don't think you will.

The Doctor tries and fails reaching Rassilon. She seems to be stopped by an invisible wall.

RASSILON: Come on, did you really think you weren't expected? I knew you would come so I put a force field around me. I knew you would be too busy arguing that you wouldn't even notice it.

YAZ: We're gonna stop you!

RASSILON: Still with the Doctor, Miss Khan?

YAZ: What you said doesn't change a thing! I will always stand with the Doctor, but you, you're in the losing side, and you always will be!

Meanwhile, in the TARDIS.

MASTER: We've got to help them!

JACK: We can't! She told us to stay here.

MASTER: Oh, so she tells you something and you obey like a good little dog, how cute of you, but don't expect me to obey too. She's in danger, and if she doesn't stop Rassilon, the entire universe will be destroyed in about fifteen minutes, so I'm not gonna sit there and wait until it happens! Give me the Staser and your Vortex Manipulator.

JACK: What?! No!

MASTER: Give it to me, now! I need your Vortex Manipulator to bypass the force field without being seen, and I will use the Staser only if I have to, now do as I say.

Outside the TARDIS, the Doctor's still trying to reason with Rassilon.

DOC: Please, you're about to kill billions and billions of innocent people, worse, you're about to wipe them out from history! You can't do this.

RASSILON: Oh yeah? I can't? Well, watch me.

Rassilon is walking to the controls of her doomsday weapon and suddenly, the Master appears in the force field, holding the Staser.

MASTER: Get away from the controls or I shoot.

RASSILON: Oh, I should have seen it coming ... You won't shoot, will you? You won't disappoint your precious Doctor, not after everything you did for your redemption. I can't believe it ... You? A Doctor's puppy?

MASTER: Get away from these controls or I shoot, last warning!

RASSILON: No! The Master I knew would have already shot me cold dead ... What happened to you? I embody our people, our noble race, so, where does you loyalty lie?

MASTER: She did, and I wouldn't change a thing even if I could. Come on, I don't want to kill you, I'm giving you a choice, please, don't make another step towards these controls. Get back and I let you live.

Everything that happen next is so fast, Rassilon jumps to the controls and the Master shoots her before she gets anywhere near to her weapon. He drops his weapon and releases the two wives ... He knows the Doc will lecture him, but she doesn't, and he seems relieved, Yaz could have even sworn she's seen a tear rolling on his cheek.

//POV The Master\\

I begged Rassilon not to fire her weapon, I gave her a chance to live, but she didn't take it, I've no choice, the old me would have already fire, but I can't, I can't disappoint the Doctor, not after all of this, but yet, I look at her and she doesn't seem mad at me at all, she just smiles and she nods in agreement, as if she understands the dilemma I'm dealing with. Rassilon tries and fails to activate the weapon, I shoot her cold dead before she does, and in a way I feel relieved and happy, I just saved the universe, but there's something wrong ... There was a time I would have killed someone in cold blood without flinching, but now, I feel everything I did wrong. I drop the weapon and I even feel a tear in my eyes ... I contain it, I don't want anyone to see this, but I think they did ...

MASTER: You should kill me too ... I feel all the guilt and the pain of everything I did. I know I don't deserve redemption ...

I try to take the Staser again, but not to kill someone else this time, but Yaz sees what I'm doing and she takes it before I do.

YAZ: Don't you dare. It's too easy to do this, if you really feel guilty, try to make amend. Come with us, and we'll help you.

MASTER: You would do that? After everything I did?

YAZ: I must confess, a few weeks ago, I was mad at the Doctor because she shot you, not because I wanted you alive but because I wanted to kill you myself ... but you know what? I think everyone deserves redemption. Of course, it won't be easy considering what you did, and I'll still be mad at you for a very long time, but if you really want to make amend, then you must be ready to do this.


DOC: Then, back in the TARDIS, we'll talk with the team, go and find a room, walk in the corridor, do whatever you want but let us talk a moment, right?

MASTER: Okay, I can't even say how grateful I am, thank you.

\\POV's ending//
