Chapitre 25: Devil or angel?

The Master, the Doctor and Yaz enter the TARDIS, no one says anything, the Master, following the Doc's instructions, leaves the control room and goes for a walk in the corridors. Jack and Jenny heard what the Doc said to her arch enemy thanks to the scanner. As soon as the other Time Lord leaves the room, Jack explodes in anger.

JACK: You can't trust him and you know that for God's sake! I mean, having to bear with him for three days, trying to find who put him up to this, using him to bring down Rassilon, that's one thing, but keeping him onboard with us?! How can you even considerate this as an option?! After all that he did! You can't just forgive him, give him the absolution and forget! I know I can't!

DOC: Jack, calm down. First of all, I don't forget, I never forget, and just so you know I have no problem forgiving him what he did to me, but I can't and I won't ever forgive him for what he's done to Yaz, and given the fact he hurt me, Yaz and Jenny, I think it's up to all of us to decide. And yes, I consider to give him a second chance, but only if Jenny and Yaz think they can bear it.

YAZ: It'll be difficult, but in my time travelling with you, I've learned that everyone deserves a second chance, even that psychotic bastard.

JENNY: I know you're doing this because you think it's the right thing, so I'm ready to give it try, but I'm warning you, if he tries anything, I'll kill him.

DOC: You won't have to 'cause I'll kill him first.

JACK: I can't believe you all agree to that! He may have not been directly responsible for the abduction of Jenny and Yaz, but he chose to try and steal your regenerations and Yaz's! He's not all innocent! Give me one good reason why I shoud trust him.

DOC: Don't trust him then, trust me. He's changed, I know he has. His previous incarnation, she died because she chose to stand with me. The incarnation you knew killed her, and she killed him in exchange. They both caused the other's regeneration, which means the version of him you knew regenerated while the time streams weren't synchronized, it should have drove her mad, or at least more mad than he already was, but she changed, she became kind of good, she even stood with me in the end, in her own way. Then, she regenerated in the man you see now.

MASTER: Not exactly, you don't know the whole of it.

Everyone turns toward the Master who just entered the room again.

MASTER: Sorry, did I interrupted something?

DOC: What don't I know?

MASTER: Well, as you know, Rassilon sent the drumming signal in the Untempered Schism, so that it creates the link that allows him to bring Gallifrey back. I heard this noise since I was 8, sometimes, I could ignore it for a while, since it was synchronised with my own heartbeat it's like for human's heartbeat, they learn not to hear it, but as my timeline got closer to Gallifrey's coming back, it was getting louder, more and more annoying. In the end, this signal drove me mad, Rassilon controled almost my whole life. When you defeated him, his plan failed and the signal was broken, I was finally free of that noise. I ran away and landed on the cybermen ship, where, as you know, I killed my older version and she killed me. I regenerated into her, but as the time streams weren't synchronised, I couldn't keep memories of what happened, which was very confusing and explained Missy's insanity. Now, the thing you don't know is that Missy isn't my previous incarnation, I lied about it, there's a version of me you don't know, the version that lived between Missy and myself. When my past self killed Missy, she got the full blast, no chance to regenerate after this.

DOC: Then how did you survive?

MASTER: I used an Elysian field, hurt like hell and helped me regenerate. I became the Lumiat, a little bit like your Valeyard, but in reverse. She was a do gooder, all the good in me in only one incarnation.

DOC: I heard of her during one of my travels, she saved civilizations.

MASTER: Yes, and Missy killed her and dumped her on a random planet, she regenerated into me, I didn't retain very many of her memories. Right after that, I was contacted by Rassilon, she's the one who told me that there was a secret, hidden in the Matrix. When I found out, she manipulated me, used my emotions to make me destroy Gallifrey, I wasn't in my right mind, then she told me if I didn't obey her, she would turn me in to the Shadow Proclamation for genocide, and she added that she had a way to destroy you, unless I helped her, I didn't know at the time this help would imply abducting your friends, I really changed, but when I realized, it was too late. I tried to steal your regeneration because this energy was the only way I found to fight her, I figured if I stole your power, I would be able to be stronger than her. Now, you know the whole story. Now, you can judge me, Captain.

Jack visibly doesn't know what to say, and knowing he won't make the Doc change her mind, decides to leave. Jenny follows him inside the corridors.

MASTER: I'm sorry, did I say something?

The two Time Ladies seem very uncomfortable, being now totally alone with the Master for the first time since Arfeliosogrefft.

MASTER: What are you hiding to me you two? I mean, I know I have no right to demand anything, but I'd like to know ... Why did you talk about a baby Doc?

//POV Jack\\

I walk in the corridor, I can't bear it anymore ... First Jenny, now him ... I can't bear being in the same room as Jenny anymore ... I have to tell someone, but who? The Doc? No, if I do, she would find a way to kill me for good ... Yaz? No, she would tell the Doc and it would be the same ... Jenny? Definitely no ... I hear steps behind me, I turn around, putting my hand on my side, as to catch my gun, before remembering I have nothing on me. I should have a weapon by the way, at least as long as this psychopath stays with us. I don't know who's more surprised, me by seeing Jenny following me or her by seeing my behaviour.

JENNY: Jack, it's only me, sorry for frightening you.

JACK: You didn't frighten me, just startled me a little, I'm used to be cautious. Anyway, what is it?

JENNY: Well, I didn't speak about it earlier because of this whole thing with my mom and Yaz, and then with Rassilon, but you've been acting really weirdly at the wedding, and now again, something seems off. I feel like you're trying to avoid me ever since you almost told me what was going on.

JACK: Yeah, well ... I can't really tell you ... Your mother would kill me ...

JENNY: I wouldn't worry about my mom if I were you. First, she has other things on her mind right now, second, she would never hurt you, and third, if you don't tell me, I will deal with you before she does.

JACK: ...

JENNY: Come on Jack, I'm just trying to help you, I can see something is troubling you.

She puts her hands in mines and I try to look away. She's the Doc's daughter for God's sake ... I just can't do that to the Doc ... She brings her hand on my chin and force me to look at her, and without thinking about it twice, I kiss her. She stops the kiss out of surprise and I step back.

JACK: I'm ... I'm so sorry ... I wasn't thinking ... Sorry for forcing you ... I should have never ...

JENNY: What the hell was that Jack? Explain!

JACK: I'm sorry ... It's just, when I saw you ... I like you very much ... I'm sorry, excuse me ...

I run toward my room and I close the door. If I could mentally slap myself, I would. 'I like you very much', what the hell? I couldn't just say 'I love you' now, could I?!

\\POV's ending//

//POV Jenny\\

I follow Jack all along the corridor, but he doesn't seem to notice it. In fact, he almost runs, and I could have sworn he was crying silently. As soon as he arrives in his room, the door closes behind him. I try to open it without success.

JENNY: Deadlocked, of course. Great!

I was about to try again, or maybe stay in front of the door until he shows up, when I hear a scream from the control room. The scream was loud and the voice that shouted was grave. Just by hearing the tone of the voice, I understood that it was in fact no scream of fear but more an expression of anger. I recognized the voice, it was the Master's. Worried about Yaz and my mom, I decide to give up my attempt of facing the Captain and I walk in the direction of the scream.

\\POV's ending//

\\POV's Yaz//

The Master asked the very same question I was hoping he would never ask. I look at the Doc, worried, and she doesn't seem to know what to say either. He looks at us, he seems to contain his anger for now but as soon as one of us will answer, it will be a true storm, and both of us know that. I regret now giving him a second chance, if we had thrown him off the TARDIS, he would have never had the opportunity to ask. We look at each other like this a few minutes, without saying anything. He stares at me, like he's waiting an answer. He doesn't ask another time, and he doesn't seem insistent, but his look clearly says he won't give up either. I close my eyes as I take the floor.

YAZ: I'm waiting a baby. I'm pregnant.

Both the Doc and the Master look at me surprisingly, but not with the same surprise. My wife seems concerned by what I just said and the effect it could have on the other last of the Time Lords. He seems surprised and shocked at first, his skin turns pale, but the more time passes, the more he gets some colour back. He seems to look for words, babbling, before finally speaking.

MASTER: But, you can't be ... Unless ... I don't suppose it's the Captain, your missus wouldn't approve ... Wait a minute ... Does this mean ...? That's impossible!

YAZ: It's clearly not, the little I remember, you didn't use any protections ...

MASTER: IT'S MINE! Why didn't you tell me earlier!

YAZ: Because you won't see this child, ever!


DOC: Koschei! We'll see about that, but you better show us you're worthy!

MASTER: Alright, but don't call me that again! You perfectly know I hate that name.

YAZ: By the way, why did you choose the name 'Master'? Was it some sort of rebellion against the ones who named you 'Koschei'?

MASTER: Yes, indeed. My whole life has been manipulation. Rassilon, the High Council, the Gallifreyans, they always wanted me to submit to their rules, their oppression. The Doctor ran away, I decided otherwise. I eventually ran of course, but my rebellion began with changing my name and go against every single rules they established. The Doc broke rules, of course, but she always tried to keep time safe, me, on the opposite, tried to burn it all just to rebel.

Jenny entered the room, interrupting the conversation, and I was grateful. Since I told him, the Master wouldn't cool down. He answered my question about his name, but the atmosphere was still very tense.

JENNY: What's happening?

DOC: Nothing, all is good.

YAZ: I'm pregnant.

Everyone stays silence this time. The Doc and the Master, who already knew, just sigh, as Jenny looks at me with surprise and her jaw drops open. She looks at me, the Doc, the Master, and me again, before understanding how it's possible.

JENNY: Oh, well, congrats I suppose. Doc, I think you need to go and check on Jack, he ran to his room and doesn't answer the door.

\\POV's ending//

The Doc gets out of the room, followed by Yaz. The two wives seem relieved to leave the room, leaving Jenny with the Master. Jenny omitted the kiss on purpose, believing Jack would tell the Doc if he wanted to.
