Summer Festival

A/N = Forgot to add Mitsuri x Iguro in the story tags, so here's a warning that there is some Mitsuri x Iguro in the story. Otherwise, If you don't like the ship you can leave, None forces you to read this. Thank you for your understanding, Enjoy reading ^^

Mitsuri's POV

''EEEK I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! SUMMER IS NEAR AND OF COURSE I DON'T FORGET SUMMER FESTIVAL!!''  I thought to myself with a squeal. ''I should ask Shinobu to go with me- wait.'' My thought suddenly stopped and reveal a brilliant idea. ''I am a genius hee hee..''

''Shinobuuu!'' I shouted at her from far away and ran towards her. ''Mitsuri-san? Is something wrong?'' she asked with her usual smile. ''Since tonight is the Summer Festival, How about we go there? I'll ask the others too!!'' I said with a cheerful tone. ''And who is the 'others' your going to invite?'' she asked. ''You'll see!'' I said winked at her with a giggle. Shinobu seem suspicious at me in the first, But since she trusted me she let her suspicious thoughts away. 

Shinobu's POV

I started to picked the kimono from my wardrobe, and I decided to wear Kanae nee-san's old kimono, it fitted me perfectly. After that, I'm doing the makeup on my face, though I only used slight powder, lipstick and eyelashes. Next, I replaced my butterfly pin to a lavender colored ribbon with a purple butterfly in the middle. I wondered where did Kanao go, she's nowhere to be seen. I think she went to play with Kamado siblings. I'm glad she is more socializing with other people. After I done doing makeup, I packed a few things then going off to meet Mitsuri. She said she'll be on the front gate. 

''KYAA! I'm so glad you're here because I invited the people!!'' squeals Mitsuri after seeing my appearance. I saw Iguro, Tomioka, Tanjiro, Kanao, Nezuko and Zenitsu. ''Oh great, Mitsuri invited Tomioka-san''  I thought to myself with a slight sigh. ''Let's Goooo!!'' said Mitsuri with her cheerful tone. I saw Iguro blushed a bit. ''Iguro is still a simp.''  I thought to myself. After we reached our destination, Mitsuri splitted up with Iguro. Oh wow. Isn't that great, leaving me alone with Tomioka-san? ''Ara ara, I think we have to split up too, right Tomioka-san?'' I said with a smile. He ignored me, which is his typical habit. 

''Oh, If we're gonna split up Me, Kanao, Nezuko and Zenitsu will be splitted up too!'' said Tanjiro. ''Oh yeah, I just remembered Kanao had a crush on Tanjiro boy, I think he's the one who made her opened her heart. Oh well guess I'll help them together since I'm the best sister and they look cute together''.  After that I made a plan. This helps me tease Kanao too later at the Butterfly Estate. ''Kanao, would you like to stroll with Tanjiro? Nezuko can take a stroll with Zenitsu, Right Zenitsu?'' I said, hoping Zenitsu would say yes. ''Y-YES!! Leave it to me Tanjiro, No need to worry because Nezuko-chan is in the right hand'' he said with a smug face. ''Ah, if Nezuko fine with it I guess I'm fine with it too'' Tanjiro said. Nezuko nodded, she seems like understood what is going to happened. ''Alright I'm going with Tomioka-san!~'' I said looking at Tomioka with a fake smile. He looks like knowing that I'm faking smile, which is caused him to irritated. 

Me and Tomioka begin to walk away from Tanjiro and the others, seeing how festive the Summer Festival is. ''So~ What do you wanna do Tomioka-san?'' I said with a smile. 

''I want a salmon daikon please.''

Kanao's POV

Ehh I'm so nervous.. I'm too shy to start a conversation, so Tanjiro did. ''Uhm.. Hey Kanao, wanna try that?'' Tanjiro said while pointing at an apple candy stand. ''Sure..'' I said shyly. I never walked alone with a boy before, especially with the boy I like. I stood as I watched Tanjiro ordered a two apple candy for us and paying them. I'm curious of his family, what happened to them? is Nezuko his only sibling? what does his parents teach him to be such a gentleman? Are they still alive? I want to spit all my questions in my mind until Tanjiro snapped me back to reality. ''Kanao? are you alright?'' he asked in a concerned tone. ''I-I'm fine, it's just that.. I never come to a crowded place before'' I answered. ''Whoa, same! We have the same things in common!!'' he said, tried to comfort me so I won't be too nervous. 

''Y-yeah, I guess we did'' I said while playing with my ponytail. ''Are you alright? I can smell a nervous and worried scent from you'' he asked, more concerned about me. Woah, He does have a good smell. ''I am.. I'm a bit nervous..'' I said shyly. ''Don't worry Kanao, You have me! Let's eat the apple candy together while chit chatting, so we can know each other better!'' Tanjiro said with a smile. Ah. That smile. I like that smile of his. It warms my heart, making my nervousness fading away. ''Of course'' I said, starts eating the candy apple while chit chatting with Tanjiro.

We started to know each other better. Starting with blood type, favorite food/drink, favorite color, family, reason why we joined the Demon Slayer Corps, etc. It sad to know that his whole family got killed and left was Nezuko who got turned into demon. But either way we had fun telling stories of our life. My stomach grumbles, and I blushed in embarrassment because Master Shinobu told me that grumbles in front of people is impolite. ''Ah, are you hungry Kanao?'' he asked nicely. ''N-No I'm fine'' I stuttered in embarrassment. ''It's okay Kanao! Every people can be hungry sometimes, don't feel bad!'' he said while he pat my shoulder. I only nodded in response, still embarrassed.

 ''Wanna go to the Ramen stand over there?'' he said pointing to the Ramen stand near us. ''S-Sure'' I said shyly. I followed Tanjiro inside the Ramen stand and sits on the chair with a table in front of us. ''Hello dear, what do you want to order?'' offered a young lady, I think she's 17-20. ''2 ramens and 2 water please!'' ordered Tanjiro politely. ''Alright, I'll be right back'' answered the young lady as she smiled to the back room. We both stood in silence as we look at eachother. Oh well this is getting a bit awkward. ''S-so uhm.. Kanao.. How is life..?'' Tanjiro said with a crooked smile. Of course that smile make me feel more awkward, since he had no topic left to talk about. ''It's good..'' I said awkwardly. 

Tanjiro's POV

Oh no. I can smell an uncomfortable scent from Kanao. What should I do? I don't know what my body is doing, But what I know is my hands is wrapped around Kanao's body. I hug her. I hugged her tightly. I don't know why I'm doing that. I feel like Kanao is Nezuko. Whenever Nezuko is uncomfortable, I hugged her. I..I don't know what's happening anymore. I feel like Kanao's body is so warm, It makes me want to hug her even more. 


I quickly put my hands away from her. ''Ah! I-I'm so sorry Kanao!! Whenever Nezuko is uncomfortable, I always hugged her! I'm so sorry!!'' I apologized with an embarrassed face. I can see a blush over Kanao's face. ''I-I see..'' she said shyly. 

''But.. I like your hug.''

3rd Person's POV

''Wait, why are you saying that out loud Kanao Tsuyuri!! You're so stupid!''  Kanao thought to herself. Kanao's face heated up as she finished saying that, while Tanjiro's face a bit heaten up. ''O-Oh, I can hug you whenever you want, Kanao! Just ask me to do it then I'll do it for you!'' Tanjiro said, try to lighten up the mood. ''I-Is it okay?..'' Kanao said, shyly. ''Of course!'' Tanjiro said as he comes back with his heartwarming default smile. His smiles makes Kanao relaxed and calmed down for what happened earlier. ''Hello sir and ma'am, here's your food!'' said the waiter while putting down their food with a smile. 

''Thank you!'' Tanjiro answered. The waiter only nodded and goes back to serve more people. They begin to eat their ramens. Suddenly, Kanao's face got closer to Tanjiro's. ''Hold still..'' said Kanao as she wiped a crumbs on Tanjiro's face. Tanjiro got embarrassed and then decided to hold still. ''You two are so cute! Are you guys a couple?'' said a random customer as they walked past Kanao and Tanjiro. ''N-No! W-We are not, sorry!'' said Tanjiro with a blush, while Kanao stood in silence, embarrassed, regretting of what she did to Tanjiro. ''But you two should dating!'' said the random customer, walked away with a chuckle. Tanjiro and Kanao both stare at each other, blushing. They then continue to eat without talking.

After they finished eating, Kanao insist Tanjiro for making her pay the food, not him. Tanjiro then finally admit defeat and let Kanao pay the food. ''Kanao, if we ever defeat Muzan, What will you gonna do if you survive?'' asked Tanjiro, wishing that Kanao survived if they ever fight with Muzan. ''I wanted to go visit Kanae nee-san's grave, telling her that we win the fight.'' she said, this time with a sad tone. ''I'm sure we'll going to win!'' Tanjiro said, making Kanao a bit relieved. ''Tanjiro!! Kanao!!'' said Mitsuri from the back, caused Tanjiro and Kanao turned around. 

Mitsuri and Iguro then get closer and closer to Tanjiro and Kanao. Tanjiro could see Mitsuri holding Iguro's hand, but Tanjiro decided to stay silent about that. ''Hey you two.'' said Iguro, with an unamused face. Typical Iguro. ''Hello Mitsuri-San! Hello Iguro-San!'' said Tanjiro, waving at them. ''We were just about to tell you that we're going to Ubuyashiki Estate, wanna come along with us?'' asked Mitsuri. Iguro threatened Tanjiro with a code face; 'If you ever accept that offer I'll rip your limbs slowly'. Of course Tanjiro is scared half to death, so he declined Mitsuri's offer politely. 

Then Iguro dragged Mitsuri walked along with him, and Tanjiro can smell that Iguro wanted to walked alone with Mitsuri only. Then Tanjiro walked along with Kanao instead, leading her to the Butterfly Estate. Tanjiro then picked one of flowers while they're heading to the Butterfly Estate, then putting the flower onto Kanao's hair. 

''You look beautiful, Kanao Tsuyuri.''

''I wish we can take a stroll again sometimes, I had so much fun hanging out with you.''


Also I am very sorry for the slow update, I have so many writers block. Please stay tune! 

Voting this story are very appreciated, Thank you so much for reading, Have a good day! 
