Beautiful Flower


Tanjiro's POV

It's morning, and I'm already in the kitchen for breakfast. Aoi asked me where is Zenitsu and Inosuke went and I said that Zenitsu is still sleeping while Inosuke is, unknown. She seem worried about Inosuke. I can smell it. But I rather not talk about it. I decided to walk around the Butterfly Estate. It got so boring so I went looking for Kanao and see if we can talk together. ''Hmm.. She's maybe training, So I will train too then''  I thought to myself then I started to training all by myself. ''Tanjiro, Why did you train by yourself?'' asked Aoi as she watched me training. ''I'm just bored, So I'll just training early hehe'' I said with a chuckle. ''Ah, Alright, If you say so'' said Aoi drifting away with her laundry.  

- Timeskip by the power of Giyuu's depression-

''Nezuko channnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~~'' said Zenitsu while hugging Nezuko. I want to stop him but I guess Nezuko is comfortable, So as long as she happy I'm happy too. ''HEY! FOOD LADY!! WHERE IS MY FOOD??!!'' yell Inosuke at Aoi. Zenitsu stares at Inosuke with a disgusted face since he's ruining his mood. ''OH BE PATIENT WILL YA'' she yelled back at Inosuke. ''WELL I CAN'T BECAUSE YOUR FOOD IS TASTY!!'' yell Inosuke. This makes Aoi stood a while with a slight blushing on her cheeks. ''You guys quit it, We don't want anyone hearing you guys yelling right?'' I said trying to break up their argument. ''Fine.'' mumble Inosuke. Aoi then sigh and start giving us a food. 

I got so bored so I left Zenitsu hugging Nezuko and Inosuke arguing with Aoi. I accidentally saw Kanao training with Shinobu-san, and decided to peek for a while. ''So the breathing that Kanao used is Flower Breathing.. It's so pretty and beautiful!''  I thought to myself admiring her skills. ''Ara ara Tanjiro-kun, Isn't it rude to peek?'' said Shinobu-san noticed my existence with her usual smile. ''E-Eh I'm very sorry, I shouldn't peek at you guys, I-I'll go'' I said with an embarrassment. ''You know it's not your fault admiring Kanao's skills, You are the curious one aren't you?'' added Shinobu-san. I could see Kanao is blushing. ''I-I guess so..'' I stuttered. ''That's fine, We're done training anyways. Good luck Kanao'' said Shinobu-san and pat Kanao's head with a slight smirk, then walk away. We both confused what's that mean but eh. 

''Hey Kanao, are you on to something?'' I asked with a smile. ''U-Um, I d-don't know..'' she answered with a stutter. ''How about picking flowers? I saw many blossoming in that area!'' I said with a cheerful tone while pointing at the area. ''Sure..'' said Kanao following me to the area. We've been picking the flowers for an hour now. ''Hey Kanao look! Let's pick the most beautiful flower!'' I said crouching near her. ''I'll pick..''

''This one. The most beautiful one.'' I said pointing at Kanao.

I saw Kanao is madly blushing, Though I don't know why. Then Zenitsu runs towards me and grabbed me by my collar. ''YOU IDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT FROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM'' yell Zenitsu at me loudly. ''It's true! Her flower breathing and her is beautiful!!'' I said with a spark. Zenitsu then puts me down and facepalmed at me. 

After that happened, I calmed Kanao down. I decided to surprise Kanao by making her a matching flower crown with me because she's amazing. I begin to attach the flower to another one. Nezuko even helped me. I thanked Nezuko and patted her head. After we done making the flower crowns, I tried to find Kanao everywhere but it seems like she's isn't around the Butterfly Estate. Maybe Shinobu-san talked to her right now. I sighed and looks over to the sky. It's pretty sunny today. Maybe I should wait for her to come back? Maybe. I stood there with my thoughts running all over my mind until I heard screaming. 

I quickly running over to the screaming source. ''WHAT HAPPENED?!'' I panicked as I asked everyone in there what's going on. ''Kanao-san falls down from the tree!!'' Naho answered as she panicked and worried about Kanao. Of course it make me worried too. ''KANAO ARE YOU OKAY?!!'' I quickly ran over to her and see her sits down. It looks like her ankle is sprained. ''I-I'm fine Tanjiro don't worr-'' ''Of course you're not! I'm going to bring you to Shinobu-san!!'' I said as I picked her in bridal style.

Kanao's POV

''Of course you're not! I'm going to bring you to Shinobu-san!!'' Tanjiro said as He picked me in bridal style. ''KYAAAHH HE'S PICKING ME UP I'M SO EMBARRASSED!!''  I thought to myself with blushing all over my cheeks. He then bringing me to Shinobu-san's office. ''Shinobu-san! Kanao sprained her ankle! Please help her!!'' said Tanjiro as he layed me on the bed near Shinobu-san's desk. ''Ara ara, What did you do Kanao?'' asked Shinobu-san. ''A cat appeared from nowhere and it seems like it has a message that it gonna give to someone. I was gonna pick the cat up from the tree then I accidentally broke the branch where I stomp in and then I fell. I was gonna picked the cat up and asked everybody if they know the cat'' I explained with a slight embarrassment. ''Oh, Is that so?'' Shinobu-san asked. I nodded then she tried to cure my ankle.

 ''Kanao, What does the cat look like?'' Tanjiro asked curiously. ''It was a small, tricolor calico cat with black, white and brown spots. It has big amber eyes. On its back, it wears a brown box.  Around its neck, it wears a necklace with a paper talisman.'' I explained. ''Chachamaru!'' Tanjiro then guessed it name. ''You know the cat Tanjiro?'' asked Shinobu-san, finishing curing my ankle. ''Yeah!'' Tanjiro added. ''Oh so the message is probably for Tanjiro!'' conclude Shinobu-san with a smile. ''Oh and Tanjiro you can watch over for Kanao. I have a pillar meeting. Good bye you two!'' Shinobu-san waved at us with her smile and then walked away from the Butterfly Estate to the Oyakata-sama Estate. We then got into an awkward silence.

''Hey uh Kanao?''


Tanjiro then takes out two flower crowns, Then placed one in to my head and another in to his. ''Me and Nezuko made the flower crowns! Did you like it?'' I blushed and I said,




Buttt if you have any ideas please tell me in the comments because I don't really have many ideas on this story-

and also I'm lazy to write Trivias here so I'll write Tanjiro's in the next chapter-

anyways have a great day! ^^
