Soup and Onigiri


Tanjiro's POV

Kanao still can't walk right now, so I'm gonna make her a soup and onigiri, I hope she likes it. This is the start of me and Kanao's friendship so friends have to take care each other. I walked to the kitchen and saw Aoi in there. ''Oh hey Tanjiro, need anything?'' Aoi asked. ''Oh nothing, Hey Aoi could you maybe teach me how to cook soup?'' I asked. ''Huh? Why so sudden?'' she asked back. ''Well you see.. I want to make a soup for Kanao so she can feel better!'' I said with a cheerful tone. Aoi answered back with a nod and a smile in her face. Then she started to teach me how to cook soup and I started to make the onigiri.

- Timeskip brought to you by Mitsuri's strength -

''Ah, It's finally done! Thank you so much Aoi!'' I said. ''It's a no problem, and that's not a big deal anywa-'' ''Oi Pigtails!! You promised me my food!!!''. Aoi's word got cut off by Inosuke. Of course, Who else? ''Be patient Boar Head!!'' yell Aoi. I slowly walked away with the soup and onigiri with me, leaving Aoi and Inosuke arguing, as usual. ''I wonder if Inosuke and Aoi would get along.. I mean that could be possible..''  I thought to myself while walking to Kanao's Room. I knocked the door. ''Kanao? Are you in there?'' I said. No answer. I knocked the door again. Still no answer. 

This makes me worried. ''Is Kanao sleeping? Is she gone? did something bad happened in there?''  I thought to myself. This is just making me more worried. I gulped and opened the door slowly. It wasn't locked. I peeked trough the gap. and I saw..

''KANAO IS SICK?!'' (Haha y'all be dirty minded-)

I was panicked, so I rushed in. ''Kanao?!''. I put the tray of food in the desk near her bed. She's sweating. I think she had a fever. Why didn't I know this?! She's in fever! I can't let her like this! I rushed out from the room and takes a compress and places it gently in Kanao's forehead. ''Tanjiro..?'' she said weakly and then looking at me. ''It's okay Kanao, I'm here. I'll take care of you!'' I said while patting her head. I don't know why but Kanao's temperature become higher than before I checked. ''Oh my god Kanao your body temperature become higher!! and your face is red! Is something wrong?'' I asked with a worried tone. ''I-I'm Fine..'' she stuttered shyly. ''Now, You have to eat. I have cooked a soup and onigiri for you!'' I said cheering her up. 

''F-For M-me?..'' she asked with a shock in her face. ''Of course! After all we are friends, aren't we?'' I said with a bright smile. (Tanjiro you little plain head she literally had a romantic interest for you-) She then begin to teared up tears. I got shocked and worried if I said something wrong that hurt her feelings. ''K-Kanao?! D-Did I say something wrong??'' I said worried. ''N-No.. I'm just tearing of joy..'' she said smiling at me. ''Oh and! since you're sick I'll be feeding you the soup and onigiri!'' I said as I bring the tray of food to my lap. 

Kanao's POV


My face got heated up. ''O-Okay..'' I stuttered with an embarrassment. ''Say aaaa'' he said while feeding me the soup. I eat it and the soup taste was.. warm. Like his smile all day. After Tanjiro done feeding me the soup, I started to eating the onigiri. ''Tanjiro, are you sure you want to take care of me instead of training? I'm sure I'll be fine just tomorrow'' I said. ''Don't worry! I have many time for training! besides hanging out with you is very fun!'' he said with his warm smile and slight blushing. His appearance somehow making me happy. ''I-Is that so?'' I asked. He nodded. 

''Hey since it's night time, I'm gonna bring Nezuko here since you and her would get a long after you wanted to slay her! I'll tell her that she had to treat you as a friend, not an enemy'' he said. ''I'll be right back!'' he waves at me. I stood in silence. Whenever he's gone, I feel an emptiness. I continue to eat my onigiri. It's very yummy. 10 minutes later, I saw him back while carrying a box. He then placed the box on the floor. ''Nezuko, You can come out now'' he said. Slowly, the box's door opened, and then there's.. a cute little demon crawling out the box. I just realized how cute she was. She had a long, black hair with an orange tips in the end, a pale pink eyes with a long eyelashes, a bamboo on her mouth, and a patterned light pink kimono, with a dark brown haori. 

She also had a tabi socks and a sandals. She actually looks like a petite girl. ''Nezuko, meet Kanao! Kanao, meet Nezuko!'' he said with a bright smile. ''Hello Nezuko'' I said with a smile, approaching her appearance. She then walked towards me and patted me, and then hugged me. I got a little bit shocked but I welcome her hug. ''It seems like you two are getting a long now! I can go training while Nezuko keep an eye on you! So you don't have to worry about anything now Kanao'' he said and followed by Nezuko's happy nod. ''Alright, Good luck Tanjiro'' I said while waving him a goodbye. I got a bit sad again, and I think Nezuko notices it so she tries to cheer me up. I gotta admit she really is cute. She's a teenager but acted like a child. Wonder why..

Me and Nezuko played for an hour now. She then started playing with my hair. I think she tried to style my hair. Oh, I think she braided my hair like Mitsuri-san's. It's so cute and perfectly braided, I like it. ''Mhmm hmm!'' she said offering me a mirror. I think she want me to see her work. I looked at the mirror and smiled. ''Thank you Nezuko. I never knew a demon could be so kind like this'' I said, hugging Nezuko. She then hugged me back as a response. ''Can I.. make your hair a ponytail like mine?'' I asked shyly. She give me a happy look and nods. 

-Timeskip brought to you by this lazy author-

''Hey guys I'm back from training! Did you guys had fun?'' Tanjiro said as he walked in. He seem tired. We then nod in unison. ''That's great! You guys are getting along very well!'' he said. Then he notices my braid and Nezuko's ponytail. ''You guys look pretty, especially you Kanao! You're pretty with that braids!'' he said complimenting us. I blushes while Nezuko humming in a happy tone. ''Oh, the sun is going to set. Nezuko, go in the box please. and before that say 'Thank You' to Kanao since she treat you very well like her own sister!'' said Tanjiro. ''No no I should be thankful for Nezuko, *she's* the one who treats me very well'' I said smiling and patting Nezuko's head who is bowing at me, which I take that as a 'Thank You' . Nezuko then get in her box as Tanjiro closes the box. 

''Get well soon Kanao!'' said Tanjiro giving me a heartwarming smile while waving at me. I stood there as he walked away and out of my sight. I smiled to myself and blushes slightly.

''What a day for me.''



