Coin Flipping

~ 💜

Tanjiro's POV 

It was a warm, hot, sunny day at the Butterfly Estate. I was laying in my bed, eating onigiri before started training today. Aoi then came in with a medicine. ''Here's your medicine boys'' said Aoi as she give it to Me, Zenitsu, and Inosuke one by one. ''NOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY IS THIS MEDICINE AGAIN ITS--'' ''SHUT UP IT'LL MAKE YOU GET BETTER SOON!'' . Aoi yelled at Zenitsu as she cutting off his annoying complain. ''Yeah Zenitsu, It's not that bad!'' I comfort Zenitsu. ''IDIOT, IT'S EASY FOR YOU TO SAY!'' said Zenitsu yelling at me. ''SHUT UP!!!'' yell Inosuke at both of us. Aoi then facepalmed and walked away.

 We then finished our medicine, now we're ready for training. We walked to a room where Aoi guide us. ''Welcome to the training room! Here we'll be training and testing your flexibility, reflexes, and speed!'' explains Aoi. I then realized that there's the girl from the final selection. ''Ah, It's her again..''  I thought to myself. We then started training. ''Alright Tanjiro, let's test your reflexes with Kanao-san, over here'' said Aoi pointing at the girl from the final selection. ''So her name is Kanao.. Pretty name!''  I thought to myself again as I walked and sits in front of her. She then smiles at me. 

We then begin to try to hold a glass of medicine, But Kanao's reflexes beats me in every round. I got splashed by a glass with a medicine many times. I sighed as I loses the last round. ''It's okay Tanjiro! It's your first day, next day you could practice more'' said Aoi, then it's Zenitsu's turn. I didn't too focused on Zenitsu's turn, I'm just wondering, How did Kanao do that? Will she teach me her ways? And that thought keeps circling around in my head. ''Tanjiro!!'' Aoi yelled at me. I then snapped out from my thoughts and apologized to Aoi. ''Well that's not a big deal anyways. Oh and it's your turn for testing your speed with Kanao-san'' said Aoi pointing to Kanao. 

She smiled at me. Is she always smiles like that? Isn't her mouth hurts? But anyways I'm heading over to where Kanao at, Then she started running away from me. It's like playing tag for me. When I'm about to catch Kanao, I always fell down. And I lose, again. I sighed as I waited for Zenitsu and Inosuke to finish. As Zenitsu and Inosuke finished, We then heading back to our rooms. ''Wow, I wonder how that Kanao girl train everyday, I mean she's very good'' said Zenitsu. ''Well I still think I'm better than her.'' said Inosuke crossing his arms. Me and Zenitsu shook our heads. ''Yeah, I want to learn things from her'' I said. ''Really, Tanjiro'' Zenitsu then facepalmed. ''What?'' I asked him with a confused look.''

- Timeskip by the power of Tanjiro's all mighty headbutt-

It's been three months since I'm training at the Butterfly Estate, and it did well. And today I'm going to test my flexibility, reflexes, and speed. I hope I won't fail again after a month's. I know the drill now. First, I'll test my reflexes. I sit down in front of Kanao with my confidence. I took a deep breath. We started to switch from glasses to other. ''Damn she's fast..''  I thought to myself. I'm sweating. After a few minutes, I finally got the glass first before her. ''Oh no, I can't splash her with these.. These are smelly..''  I thought to myself, not knowing what to do. Then I put it to her head carefully. ''Placing in the head means win too!'' said Sumi, Kiyo and Naho in unison. We then cheered and jump together, while Kanao stood there in silence.

Next, It was the speed turn. I'm gonna catch Kanao no matter what. Kanao then started running, then Me chasing her. I got fail over and over, But I wont give up that easily. So I keep trying to grab her hand to catch her. ''You got this Tanjiro!'' I thought to myself with a spirit. And I did it. I catch her hands. I then cheered, while Zenitsu and Inosuke stood there. ''How innocent he is.''   Zenitsu thought with a stupid face.

After I'm thanking everyone in the Butterfly Estate, I'm looking for Kanao everywhere, wishing her to seen. Then I finally found her. She sits there silently, and of course with her usual smile. ''Kanao!'' I waved at her with a smile. She then turned at me. ''Thanks for everything!'' I said. Then she only smiled at me, no words at all, making it an awkward silence. I stood there awkwardly, wishing for her to speak by any chance. She then grabbed out a coin. ''Hey, what's that?'' I said. She then tossed the coin, and it was 'Tails' . ''All I did was follow my Master's order, No need to thank me.'' She said. ''Hey you talked to me!''  I thought to myself.

Kanao's POV 

''What was that you just flipped?'' He asked me. ''I flip this to decide what I haven't been ordered to do. I just decided whether or not to speak to you. It comes up with 'Tails' so I speak to you'' I answered. ''Why don't you decide for yourself? What do you wanna do Kanao?'' He asked me once again. ''It doesn't matter.'' I answered. ''I don't think there's anything in this world that doesn't matter'' He said. ''Hey can I borrow that for a second?'' He asked. ''Sure'' I give him the coin, not knowing what's he gonna do with that coin. He then walked to the middle. ''Alright! Let's toss this coin to decide!'' He said. ''Decide for what?'' I asked. ''Your going to listen to your own heart from now on!'' He said while tossing the coin. ''If it's 'Heads' your going to obey your heart!'' He added. He then catched the coin. ''Look, look, I got it Kanao!'' He said cheerfully. I'm sweating because I don't know the result. But I'm sure he's not cheating. He then opened his hands and got..


I got shocked for a while. ''It's 'Heads' !!'' He cheered while jumping. Then I saw a pair of hands grabbing mine. It was warm and rough. It was Tanjiro's. ''Good Luck! It's the heart that drives people. So, your heart can grow as strong as you want to!'' He said it while grabbing into my arm. ''Alright then, See ya!'' He said walking away from me. ''W-Wait! Why is it 'Heads' ?'' I asked him. He then turned to me. 

''Just by chance, If it's 'Tails' I'm gonna toss it over and over again until it comes up with 'Heads' ''

He said that, then giving me a heartwarming smile. Then he walked away. A fresh air then blowing my hair smoothly. I stood there in silence. Then I grabbed the coin tightly. ''Kanao-san! Shinobu-sama needs you!'' said Kiyo while bowing at me. Then I walked in to a room where Kiyo guide me to. 

Tanjiro's POV 

''Zenitsu! I told you if Nezuko is uncomfortable don't make her so!'' I said to Zenitsu who is flattered near Nezuko and keep saying 'Marry Me Nezuko Chaaannn' . ''BUT TANJIRO-'' Zenitsu got cut off by Aoi in the door. ''Hey! Why are you still awake?! Sleep!!'' scolded Aoi. We then get back to our beds, while Nezuko is walking in to her box. ''Goodnight everyone..'' I said then drifted into a good sleep.


Ahh it's finally finished! Hope you like it! Here, let me tell you some Trivias I got from Kanao's wikipedia. Take this as a Taisho secret ^^

- Kanao's surname contains the kanji for "chestnut" (栗 tsu), "flower, blossom" (花 yu) and "fall" (落 ri).

- Kanao's main hobby is blowing soap bubbles. She also enjoys buying sweets and accessories with her pocket money for everyone at the Butterfly Mansion, squishing cat paws and helping with the cooking.

- Her rank during the events on Natagumo Mountain was Tsuchinoto.

-  Kanao's favorite drink is Ramune, and she enjoys all of Aoi's cooking.

Well, I think that's it for now! See you later in the next chapter! Sayonara~
