Hair Pin

Tanjiro's POV


Oh my goodness Zenitsu please let me eat breakfast in peace.

''What is it Zenitsu?'' I asked, trying to calm him down. ''AOI CHASED ME!!! HELPP MEE'' he screamed to my ears. ''C-Calm down-!'' I said scratching my ears. ''THERE'S NO TIME FOR CALM DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN HELP ME IDIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTT'' he screamed, but yet Aoi came.

 ''SHUT UP YOU WILL WAKE ANOTHER PATIENT WHO IS SLEEPING'' Aoi scolded him while pinching his ears. ''OWWWWW PLEASE LET ME GO'' he begs Aoi. ''Not until you're training first!'' she said with an annoyed face. ''BUT TANJIRO-'' ''He's already training in the morning so I give him a break.'' she said, cutting off Zenitsu words. I slowly walked away from them.

When I was walked away, someone bumped my back.


Of course it's Inosuke.

''Ow! At least you're not bump into my back! and also my name is Tanjiro!'' I said scratching my back. ''AHAHAHHAHAHA, NEVER KNEW YOU'RE SO WEAK MONTARO!!!!'' he said, shouting. ''My name is Tanjiro!!'' I said correcting his misspelling of my name. ''I CAN GIVE YOU A NAME WHATEVER I WANT!!'' he shouts. ''Can you at least let me eat first before I fight you?'' I asked. ''SURE SURE WHATEVER, I'M GOING TO FIGHT WITH MONITSU, AFTER THAT I WILL FIGHT WITH NIJOKO!!'' he said. Is Nijoko supposed to be Nezuko? Oh god. 

''HEY DON'T FIGHT WITH NEZUKO!'' I said. It's too late. He's already gone. I sighed and walked away to somewhere quiet and peaceful. Kanao is on a mission, and I'm getting bored.. I could play with Nezuko in the mean time but she's still sleeping. I don't want to bother her sleep. I wish.. I could see my family again just once. I missed them so much. Muzan.. I will not hesitate to burn you in hell. 


I turned back to see who's calling me, and it was Shinobu-San. ''Shinobu-San? What are you doing here?'' I asked politely. ''I should ask the same thing Tanjiro. What are *you* doing here? Isn't this my usual place to train with Kanao?'' she asked, smiling. ''A-Ah! My apologies, I didn't know!'' I said, embarrassed and gets up. ''It's no big deal anyways'' she said with a smile. Then someone came.

''Ara-ara, Welcome back Kanao! ready to train?'' said Shinobu, greets Kanao who is just came back from a mission. Kanao nodded and then looked at me, kind of shocked on why I was here. ''I-I'll go'' I said, excuse them. I slowly walked away from Shinobu and Kanao.

Then someone grabbed into my haori that made me fall backwards. ''Ouch!! Who-'' Oh. Its Zenitsu, again. ''TANJIRO YOU DUMBASS DID YOU SAVE YOURSELF AND SACRIFICING ME TO THAT STUPID BOAR?!?!?! HOW COULD YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!'' he screams once again. Then I looked up to him.

3rd Person's POV


''AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, FOUND YOU PENIZU!!!!!!'' Inosuke shouts as he approaching Zenitsu's appearance. ''SHUT THE HELL UP AND MY NAME IS ZENITSU YOU IDIOT!!!'' said Zenitsu as he screams and shouts.

''WHO YOU CALL IDIOT, FLOOR MOP?!'' Inosuke replied with such an unamused face and annoyed at the same time. ''DOLL FACE!!'' shouts Zenitsu. Inosuke had enough, but luckily Tanjiro saved Zenitsu's life. ''Guys stop fighting!! or else-'' said Tanjiro. ''or else what?'' said Inosuke and Zenitsu in unison. ''or I headbutted you one by one.'' said Tanjiro in a threatening face. ''OK OK JEEZ I'LL STOP PLEASE DON'T USE THAT FACE AGAIN!!!'' said Zenitsu who is scared of Tanjiro, because all he know that he's only smiling and being the main character and leader as he is.

''Good.'' said Tanjiro, acting like a mother between them. Two hours later, he decided to go peek at the place where Kanao training with Shinobu, and it seems like they both gone. He then looked around the place then accidentally slipped on something. ''Ouch!! Why did I keep falling backwards?!-'' he groaned, then looked at the thing that he slipped on. It was..

''Kanao's Hair Pin?''

Confused, he decided to pick it up and hoping that he meet Kanao somewhere here so he could give it back to her. ''Kanaooo? Kanaooooooo??'' he said calling his future wife- I mean friend. ''Where could she be?'' he said confused. He looked back at the hair pin and sighed, then continue searching for Kanao. He almost gave up until I found her uneasy like she was looking for something but.. something's different. She..

Got her hair down?..

He was amazed of her beauty until he realized Kanao was calling him for 5th times. ''Tanjiro!''. Suddenly he snapped back to reality. ''Y-Yes Kanao?-'' he asked nervously. ''Can I have the hair pin back?..'' she asked shyly. ''Sure..'' he gave her hair pin back. In answer, he got a really warm hug, from a beautiful flower. (ayoo😏) He's a bit shocked, but hugged her back in response.

Without saying anything, Kanao left with a pink tint on her cheeks, leaving Tanjiro behind. (Tanjiro sad boi-) Pretty sure he's trying to proceed of what just happening earlier. He shook his head, then heading to the dinner hall or dinner table whatever. ''MONJIRO!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!'' Inosuke shouts as he greet Tanjiro. 

''Oh, I was just looking around..'' he answered. ''Come on and eat with us, You know you can't just stand there for a long time y'know?'' said Zenitsu. ''Ah, right..'' said Tanjiro, started eating with his bestfriends.



Zenitsu facepalmed at both Aoi and Inosuke arguing. Aoi who scolded Inosuke, telling him to get down from the ceiling while Tanjiro trying to calm both down. ''FINE THEN! NO MORE FOOD FOR YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!'' threats Aoi. ''OKAY OKAY JEEZ I'LL COME DOWN THERE!!'' he yells in response, jumped in from the ceiling. Zenitsu already left, saying that he's full.

Aoi sighed in annoyance while Tanjiro trying to calm Aoi down and apologize for Inosuke's behaviour. ''It's fine Tanjiro. It's not your fault anyways..'' said Aoi. He then excuses him to go to get a fresh air. He then sits on a big rock, wondering himself, stargazing. Knowing that her brother hasn't come yet, Nezuko decided to joins him as she founds him there.

Tanjiro approaches Nezuko's appearance, then patted her head and told her to sit down beside him. She nods, and do what he told. ''Tanjiro? Nezuko? Why are you guys here?'' asked Kanao from the back. Tanjiro and Nezuko turn around in unison. ''Oh nothing, we're just refreshing here.'' replied Tanjiro with his smile. ''M-May I join you both?..'' she asked shyly. 

The Kamado siblings nodded in response, letting a space for Kanao to sit. Nezuko then sits between Tanjiro and Kanao, wanting to sit beside them both. ''Hmph!'' said Nezuko, holding Kanao's arm with a cute face. Kanao smiles and pats her. ''Kanao?..'' asked Tanjiro in a soft tone.

 ''Yes, Tanjiro?'' Kanao replied. ''It seems like Nezuko likes you a lot, I hope you both can get along very well!'' he smiles. Kanao shows a slight pink tint on her cheeks, then smiles as she nods. Nezuko used nod as her response. 10 minutes later, Nezuko started to getting sleepy and falls into Tanjiro's lap. ''Ah, she's asleep..'' said Tanjiro noticing her head in his lap. ''Your bond between her is very strong..'' said Kanao. 

''Ahaha, it's nothing really.. Besides siblings always care for each other right? But I'll take your compliment, Thank You Kanao..'' he replied, smiling. ''Your welcome..'' she answered back.

''Want to know something, Kanao?'' 

''What is it Tanjiro?''



Hahah cliffhanger Im so evil (hee hee's menacingly)

wonder what was Tanjiro gonna say...


Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this shitty fanfic lmfao  

But pls really yall too kind mwah

Stay safe and peace out!
