𝕊𝕙𝕖 𝕀𝕤 𝔹𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕠𝕩𝕚𝕔


Seungmin:“why were you being so mean to him? All he wanted to do was to apologize”

He said just after him and Aera were situated on the couch choosing a movie to watch since it was their time of the week to spend with each other.

Aera didn't like how Seungmin was taking that cheater side knowing very well what the two had in the past.

But shouldn't Seungmin hate him more since they were rivals?

Aera:“apologize? Him? don't make me laugh...that guy is heartless and if he feels a little guilty he wouldn't cheat on me in the first place”

She said, crossing her arms, she can clearly remember that night she caught Hyunjin cheating on her with a guy.

Seungmin wasn't liking how Aera was talking trash about his old rival since he knows him better than her.

Seungmin:“I have known Hyunjin since high school and he might be careless sometimes but when he realizes his mistakes he would immediately apologize”

He said, Aera couldn't handle seeing her boyfriend defending her ex knowing he was at fault so she decided to drop that.

Aera:“can we not talk about him...it's our movie night! I've been doing extra work to have free time and spend it with you”

She said with a careless tone for Seungmin to turn to her with wide eyes not believing she just said that forgetting about him.

Seungmin:“ohh you think you're the only one busy here? I also got my championship coming this month and I need to prepare myself as well”

Aera litsen to what he said and rolled her eyes standing up from the couch.

Aera:“why does everything turn into an argument with you?! I hate that you're not understandable in my situation”

She shouted, she can't with this guy since all he does is accuse her of something or defend her ex who cheated on her.

Seungmin should be the one to support her the most since they are lovers.

Seungmin:“how about you? Huh? Going to a lot of parties with your friends and updating posts with male actors you shoot drama with...have you thought of how I feel?”

He asked, bringing out his phone and searching for those photos he's been looking at for the past months, Aera gulped not expecting her boyfriend to bring that up.

Aera:“you don't have to be jealous of them...that is only a partnership between actors”

She tried to explain her situation but then Seungmin shoved the photo in front of her face and the same man she slept with that night, but she couldn't say that since she was drunk that night and felt guilty.

Seungmin:“then how do you explain this? Is this a partnership for you? Your lips are almost touching his”

He pointed at how her lips and the man lips are slightly touching which made Aera do the same thing to avoid answering and end this argument to get rid of Seungmin.

Aera:“I had enough of this Seungmin, get out!! we're done...NOW!!!”

She said pushing Seungmin away towards the door step, declaring that she wanted to break which led the baseball player to turn around and say...

Seungmin:“we can't go back aera, remember that you were the one who ended this and I'm hurt of you treating me like this”

Aera:“like hell I wanna go back to a boring over jealous boyfriend like you”

She said closing the door in his face.

Seungmin kept looking at the door, his stuff was still there but he wasn't in the mood to deal with his now ex-girlfriend so left the neighborhood and drove around the place until he found a convenience store where he bought noodles and started eating at the tables outside.

There was a passenger holding a plastic bag who recognized Seungmin and walked towards him after.

Hyunjin:“Seungmin? What are you doing here?”

The baseball player was taken off guard as he coughed looking at Hyunjin popping out from nowhere.

Seungmin:“don't you see...I'm eating instant noodles”

He wiped the extra noodle sauce from his mouth and went back to eating.

Hyunjin looked at him with wide eyes.

Hyunjin:“at this time, outside in the cold and by yourself?!”

He exclaimed loudly for Seungmin to close his eyes letting out a troubled sigh.

Seungmin:“how about you huh?”

He asked pushing the bawl of noodles away from him losing his appetite for Hyunjin to sit the opposite from him and take that bawl and start eating what Seungmin left.

Hyunjin:“my remote battery is dead so I came here to buy new ones”

He showed him the bag then went back to eating, Seungmin kept looking at him until Hyunjin was done from the noodles he bought.

Seungmin:“why aren't you leaving?”

Hyunjin noticed the tone his old rival is using, it was lower than how it always sounds.

Hyunjin:“something happened...isn't it?”

He was sure of it, back when they were rivals Hyunjin knew whenever Seungmin lost to him or some competition, he would always eat ramen whenever he was sad.

Seungmin:“how could you tell...”

He put the chopsticks down as he averted his gaze hating how can Hyunjin read him so easily.

Hyunjin:“Coms on!! I know you so well... what wrong seungmin?”

With a light chuckle to let up the mood, Seungmin admires his old rival's smile and makes him feel at ease and at the same time he builds courage to tell the other his problem.

Seungmin:“me an Aera broke up”

Hyunjin's smile dropped as he looked forward at Seungmin and started getting suspicious of himself.

Hyunjin:“wait...is it because of m—”

Seungmin:“NO! no...it's not your fault, we were both toxic mostly from her side”

The baseball player hates it whenever Hyunjin blames himself, he knows very well that his old rival was the one to break aera's heart but he can't get himself to hate the other.

Hyunjin was so precious to be mad at him.

Hyunjin:“aren't you supposed to be like...sad?”

Seungmin didn't know how to feel honestly—he had always been in this toxic relationship with aera and he started getting bored and tired of it and he thought, maybe this break up benefits him to find someone else.

That's why he isn't sad but lied about it anyway.

Seungmin:“I am sad”

He didn't seem genuine which made Hyunjin doubt it a little and he doesn't want to catch up with him in the middle of the street and in the cold so he stands up and grabs Seungmin's hands to drag him up from the chair.

Hyunjin:“wanna come to my house and watch something with me? i don't want to leave you here knowing that you will be alone tonight”

He said, a soft face expression was shown and it melted Seungmin's heart because the swimmer was being so adorable in front of him right now.

Seungmin:“i hate that she doesn't see this side of you”

Hyunjin:“excuse me?”

The baseball player felt his cheeks get hot since he admits to himself that Hyunjin was adorable but he couldn't say it out, at least not for now.

Seungmin:“nothing...i said let go”
