ℍ𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕖𝕩𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪


As expected, Changbin had come to pick Jina up from her house so both could go on the date that their mom assigned them.

The lawyer had stepped out from her house just to walk towards Changbin's car and took a seat beside him in the passenger seat.

The P.E teacher then starts driving in the direction of their Date place but the whole ride there was almost silent and before they could arrive, Jina was curious about Felix since he was working with her boyfriend right now.

Jina:“how's Felix?”

Not forgetting about the past, her ex boyfriend was all she could love but because he cheated on her with another man made her look at herself quite differently.

Changbin chuckled hearing his girlfriend asking about another man, it's not like he was jealous but quite annoyed that Jina asked about someone who once broke her heart.

Changbin:“he's my seatmate and I'm still searching for what made him cheat on you”

He parked the car just before Jina started chuckling at what Changbin said not believing that her date was being considerate of her despite they don't like each other that way.

Jina:“don't do that Changbin-shii, believe me when I say that Felix is a good guy... The reason why he cheated on me was because we never actually fell in love and I wasn't good enough for him”

She explained her point of view of her break up with the English teacher but Changbin didn't understand what Felix missed in Jina since she was beautiful outside and out.

Changbin:“how come you weren't good enough?!”

He asked really determined to know the reason why Jina is looking down at herself because of someone who was a jerk and heartless that broke up with her.

Jina:“I am not a man”

Changbin froze understanding very well what she meant, but even if Felix was a homosexual but that didn't give him the right to date someone else while dating her.

Changbin:“I'm not looking at Mr.Lee with the same intention”

Jina felt bad for Felix, she was able to see how he changed in the past years... The academy he used to work at, and she discovered that he quit his job there just to leave Korea away from Hyunjin.

And she is sure that Felix is that person who would do the best efforts to apologize or change for the better.

She knows how much him cheating on her affects him and she hopes he recognizes that by now and tries to fix himself for the better.

Cause everyone deserves a second chance, she believes.

In the middle of her date with Changbin, she looks forward to the most generous yet genuine man she ever met in the past years—the P.E teacher was the man any woman wants and dream of but that wasn't what she wanted.


She started, hating how this date is going to turn upside down. Changbin stopped eating his plate and turned his attention toward his girlfriend who was wearing a sad expression which caused him to wipe the extra food crumbs around his lips to say “why are you sad Jina? You aren't enjoying your meal... should I order you something else?”

His soft tone ripped her more in the inside which couldn't let her say anything more and lower her head, guilty of what she was about to say.

Jina:“I'm really sorry about changbin-shii but I think we should break up”

Changbin wasn't surprised since he knows that both didn't quite click off with each other and there was no tension between them but he just smiled trying to understand her situation.

Changbin:“I'm okay with it, but can you at least tell me the reason...i don't want to think that I was at fault”

Jina shot her head up then started shaking it denying what he claimed by crossing her arms forming a big "X"

Jina:“don't say that Changbin-shii, you're the opposite...you are a wonderful person with a noble job and the problem is on me and not you”

He shot her with a confused session saying “what do you mean?” since it wasn't his fault they are breaking up.

Jina:“the reason why I'm breaking up with you is because...because I'm gay...i love women”

Changbin was speechless, he doesn't have a problem with his girlfriend being gay but he doesn't know what to say in this situation.

Soon enough, they were done with their date just after her coming out to him with them ending things right away.

Changbin drove Jina to her house where he dropped her by saying “good luck” with an awkward tone before driving away.

He went into his house, sitting on his couch and putting his arms on his forehead because Changbin didn't know how to react to what happened to him just today.

His phone buzzed in his pants where he reached his hands to bring out his device from his pockets and look at the screen to see who is calling him right now.


He said, asking both of himself and the other line not knowing why the other teacher would call him for.

Felix:“Good afternoon Me.Seo, I was calling you to see if you're off this evening...i want to spend time with you at the nearby park where we can sit on the bunch in front of the lake and have tea time with snacks”

Changbin found Felix's tone very firm and formally confused on why the younger invited him exactly while he could see someone else.

He wants to refuse, refuse so badly but his situation with Jina made him very sad and disappointed and he wanted to ease his mind a little bit with this invitation.

Changbin:“yes, I'm free...just send me the time and location and I'll be there”

He should trust Jina to think Felix doesn't have a hidden motive and is as sweet as him.

Felix:“woohoo—I mean, thank you Mr.Seo and I'll see you this evening”

With the call being cut, Changbin smiled at his phone finding the way Felix got excited and celebrated at the end kind of cute.

Changbin(💭):«wait...NO!! Don't smile because of him...he's a bad guy who broke a woman's heart»
