<3 Chapter Three <3

Word Count: 619

Brock's POV

"Oh my god why would he tell you that!" Marcel yelled as i tried to calm him down in the boys bathroom.

"He had to, i'm your tutor..." I placed a hand on his shoulder in an act of comfort.

"I know but that's really fucking embarrassing!" Tears fell from his eyes as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Marcel, i'm your friend, you don't have to be embarrassed," I reassured him grabbing a hold of both his shoulders making him face me.

His brown eyes looked deep into my green eyes as i his breathing calmed down.

"But... I..." Tears flowed from his eyes.

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. I patted his back gently signalling that it was okay. It was going to be okay.

Time Skip

I was at Marcel's house that afternoon, making sure he was studying and such and helped him. His mom tried to pay me but i gladly denied it. I honestly liked hanging out with Marcel, he's so... cute. We were in his bed, just doing our homework together. We had all the same classes so it was easy to help him out.

"So, why were you freaking out so much in the bathroom today?" I asked breaking the silence between us.

He looked up from his paper and sighed.

"Well, you already know i'm fucked up so i guess i can tell you," He set his pencil down and looked into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I question him with an eyebrow raised.

"I was having a anxiety attack because i didn't you to know that i was stupid, i really wanted you to see me as perfect, i wanted to impress you..." He admitted.

"Marcel, you're not stupid, you just need help sometimes, we all do, plus i was and still impressed at you so, you succeeded there," I smiled.

"But that's the thing Brock, I am stupid, i hate to admit it but i am, the teachers say things and i don't understand them and it breaks me apart, but nobody gets it, i can read past grade eight books and its scares me to know that in only three years i'm going to have to find a job and go to collage and-" He was starting to get worked up.

I placed a hand on his cheek making him stop mid sentence.

"Marcel, it's okay, i can help you, i understand what it's like to not know anything, it's okay," I whispered as tears started leaking from his eyes.

"Brock..." tears begin to flow from his eyes "I don't understand anything that is one this math paper," he began to sob.

"Marcel look at me..." I moved his head to look at me again.

His chest began to move quickly as he began to have another attack.

"W-what..." He breathed.

"You are going to be okay..." I wiped tears as they flowed down.

He started to calm and looked down, still breathing a little heavy from crying.

"Y-you promise?" He asked putting his hand over mine.

"I wouldn't lie to you, now, show me where you need help," He nodded and pointed to a problem.

It was a simple calculation of the volume of a sphere. I quickly doodle the equation of the problem and showed him how to solve them. His eyes lit up every time he understood something making me smile. I loved how cute he was.

This wasn't going to be that hard, the only hard art this is going to be hiding my feelings for him, that's the real problem in this equation

A/n: I hate myself for making that math joke KILL ME
