<3 Chapter Fifteen <3

Word Count: 652

Brock's POV

I wanted with all my heart not to step back into this school. I gripped Marcy's hand tightly as we stepped in. Taking a few deep breaths before walking down the hallway. It had been almost a month since anybody went to this school and the first day back was so calm. That when something stabbed threw my heart, there he was. Standing in front of me, it was Evan.

"Brock!" He called out and ran over to me.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I lifted him a little as I hugged him as tight as possible.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." I mumbled setting him down.

He smiled running his hand threw his hair.

"I could never repay you for saving my life holy shit man, your the fucking MVP! You saved lives!" He jumped up and down excitedly.

"Wait... lives?" I looked at him confused with furrowed eyebrows.

"Brock... nobody died, you didn't know that?" I shook my head slowly. "Since you went back in, not only did you save me, you prevented the guy from killing all the other people. He planned to go out and and kill the rest of you. And since he didn't kill the others, they were able to call the cops in time to save the others from bleeding out. Dude... you are a mother fucking hero!!" He shook my shoulders as people crowded around.

"How did you know he was coming to get us at the church, how did you know he was going to kill more?"

"Brock, he had a note, he knew he was going o die. He planned to kill a few people to scare everybody to our safe spot which is the church, then once there was a crowd there, he was going to kill them. But you went back in. you could have died. But you didn't care, you wanted to save people." Tears dripped from my friends eyes.

It was silent until somebody from the crowd started clapping. It wasn't long before everybody in the hallway was cheering and clapping. Marcel wrapped his arm around my neck before kissing me and hugging me.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Time Skip

Marcel's POV

Lunch time was good. The first lunch I've seen Brock enjoy. It was also the first lunch that he didn't puke up all his food. We all laughed and joked around about stupid shit. I know it's really bad but, every time a chip bag popped or some screamed out we made a joke about columbine. We maybe cool people, and friendly but we are absolutely horrible.

I dazed up at Brock who just smiled back at me.

"Eh Hm!" Craig called up hitting his plastic spoon against his milk carton, making only a small tapping noise. "I have an announcement, Me and Tyler fucked in the back of his trunk last night," He yelled, a little louder than he probably should.

Tyler's face went red as people laughed.

"We've all fucked each otter by now shut da hell up," David shook his head.

"I was not aware of this," My voice cracked making Brock holler in laughter along with the others.

"So you've never fucked Brock?" Brian looked confused.

"First of all, my lip piercings are literally a flashing sign that I am a bottom, and second of all FUCK NO I HAVEN'T I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS ALLOWED TO!" Brock shrugged shaking his head.

"GIVE HIM A QUICK SUCK IN THE BATHROOM!" A person randomly yelled in the background.

"Come the fuck on!" I laughed as Brock wiggled his eyebrows.

"Aye shut the hell up, i'll do what i want!" I yelled back.

"'MERICA!" Craig called out.

"FUCK YEAH!" Lui laughed in a squeaky, child voice.

Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad.

A/n: I'm going to my grandma's house tomorrow. It's a long drive so i might not write tomorrow (That i lie i probably will TBH) Also, everybody (literally only two people) wanted me to add a smut, should I?
