<3 Chapter Seven <3

Word Count: 760

Brock's POV

Making sure nobody was looking at me, i slipped on my under armor shirt that covered my arms. I then slipped on my pads and my jersey.

"Brock you ready to throw today," Tyler punched my arm making me hiss.

"Ow," I rubbed over the cuts in an attempt to get rid of the stinging pain.

"Oh shit, sorry Brock, i forgot that you hurt your arm," Tyler apologized patting my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, i'm fine," I lied as I put on my helmet.

That's when Marcel came in with his late ass self.

"AYE BROCK," He called out running over to me with his backpack slinged over his chest.

"Hey..." I mumbled quietly taking of my helmet and adjusting my chin strap.

"You okay Brock?" He asked putting a hand on my back.

I looked up at him, and that feeling of overpowering lust filled my head and chest. Oh god, i think i'm gonna die.

"Yeah... i'm fine," God i'm on a roll with the lie's.

"Brock... don't lie, i know something is wrong," He gave me those puppy dog eyes of him.

"I swear i'm-"

I was interrupted by Marcel pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him hesitantly as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Tell me when we get to my house..." He whispered in my ear before pulling away.

"Marcel I-"

"Shhh, w'll talk about it later," He smiled.

Oh god fuck my life.

Time Skip

Marcel's POV

"Okay so tell me," I demanded as me and Brock sat on my bed.

"Tell you... what?" He questioned as if he didn't know what i was talking about.

"Why you were upset in the locker room, and why Tyler told me that he was worried about your arms?" I asked.

A worried expression spread across his face. Yep, something was definitely up.

"I... don't want to talk about it," He sighed.

"Brock... you can tell me anything," I put my hand on his arm making him flinch again.

"Listen, it's nothing i'm okay," he tried to convince me.

"Fine, how about we play a game," I changed the subject.

"Umm.. okay like what?"

"Never have i ever," I held up five fingers. He did as well. "I got first, never have i ever cut my wrist."

It was silent for a moment, he was thinking.

"I don't wanna play this game," He put his hand down.

"Fine, truth or dare?"

I wasn't going to let him off the hook.

"Truth," he answered immediately.

"Have you been covering your arms because you have cuts on them?" I asked starting to get annoyed.

"Fuck you i meant dare!" He crossed his arms.

"Okay, I dare you to show me your arms," I'm triggered at this point.

Why would he cut and why would he hide it from me.

"No," His eyes watered.

"Show me!" I demanded raising my voice a bit.

"No!" Tears fell from his eyes.

"Show me your fucking arm Brock!" I yelled staring right into his eyes.

"No!" He yelled back as he began to sob. "No i can't please..." He mumbled in between tears.

I grabbed his arm lightly, but he pulled away and covered his face.

"Brock... please..." I whispered sweetly as I put my hand on his shoulder.

I slowly glided my hand down his arm, making sure i was gentle and that he could feel my hand. I traced it down to his sleeve and to his wrists and i slowly pulled down the sleeve.

"Brock no..." I whispered as i saw cuts lined down his arms. "Brock..."

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He continued to cry but wrapped his arms around me as i pulled him close. I pulled me up into my lap, and held him as if he was a stuffed animal.

He was warm, and although it pained me to see him cry, it was nice. I like this, i like this a lot.

"Marcel?" He asked with his head buried in his chest.

"Yes Brock," I ran my fingers threw his hair.

"I love you..." He mumbled.

"I love you too Brock..." Tears trailed down my cheeks as i stayed silent. "... But why did you do it?" I asked hinting at his arms.

"Because i love you, and i didn't want to love you because I thought you didn't love me back," he confessed.

He stopped sobbing but tears still dripped from his eyes a bit and he was breathing a little fast. He looked up at me. I slid my hand on his cheek and brought him closer, sealing our distance with a kiss.

A/N: I like writing this and I've written and poster three chapters in the past 24 hours and to be honest i may post more.
