<3 Chapter Seventeen <3

Word Count: 977

Brock's POV

"Having a band concert after a football game is not what i want," Craig complained as he grabbed is instrument.

"My arm hurts, i can barely move it," Smitty complained.

"Whatever, i threw a football across the whole damn field and I am still able to fully use it," I replied, pulling my trumpet out of it's case and placed it back in my band locker.

"Fuck off," He replied.

"Uh oh Tyler, Kelly's behind you," Anthony warned as Craig sighed.

"Hey babe," Kelly's voice rang through my ears.

"Oh, hey Kelly," Tyler kissed her making Craig slump a bit.

"What da fuq," Marcel yelled making Kelly jump a bit.

"Is there a problem?" Tyler asked as he gripped onto drum sticks tightly.

"Um yeah, your gay!!!" Marcy called out making Kelly furrow her eyebrows.

"Excuse me?!" Kelly's voice rang with annoyance. We all stayed silent. "My boyfriend is NOT GAY! He would never me gay... right?" Kelly turned to Tyler who was speechless.

Craig's face was bright red with anger.

"Tyler! Answer me!!" Kelly yelled.

"Don't yell at him, this is probably why he fucking cheated on you," Craig blew up, walking over to a very mad Kelly.

"Oh, you cheated on me the school's gay boy, lemme guess, these other fuck boys were okay with it to huh! Your my boy friend! Don't let that man whore tri-uhh," Kelly was interrupted by Craig pushing out of the way to kiss Tyler. "TYLER!" She screamed in disgust, taking her hand back to hit Craig away.

Brian quickly grabbed her hand and pulled it down.

"Hey, cool it blondie" Brian warned.

"Kelly! Principals office, now," The band director's voice rang through the instrument locker room.

All of us were silent as Kelly growled and stomped out of the room, tearing down a poster and throwing it against the floor.

Craig pulled off Tyler and walked to the band room. Tyler sighed, rubbing his temples as he walked into the band room as well. The rest of the people in band who I barley knew walked in awkwardly trying to avoid what just happened.

~Time skip~

Marcel's POV

Me being the extremely edgy teen that I am, played the drums, along with Tyler. He was defiantly upset about what happen. Brock was mouthing word to me.

'Is he okay?' he mouthed while the band director was helping another student with his clarinet, which turned out to be Anthony.

I just shook my head. Tears stained his eyes as he focused on his math homework. Tyler was really into band and respected the band teacher so he was always one-hundred percent focused on his instrument. Guess he couldn't take the silence.

"Okay class, Anthony somehow warped one of the metal parts of his clarinet so while i fix it, you guys can take a break," The band director laughed before him and Anthony stepped into his office. And of course, Kelly came in as soon as we got a break.

"Tyler, don't pay attention to her, she doesn't love you like I do," Craig wiped tears as they fell from Tyler's face.

Soon, everybody made a little friend circle around Ty. Smitty was here too, I'm pretty sure he has a thing for Brian but whatever. Brock came over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and sat down in the little circle.

"You don't love her do you?" Craig asked with a sad tone.

"No, but I'm causing so many problems in this group, i mean, i just sent somebody to the principle, you guys worry about me so much and you shouldn't. I'm nearly an adult and I have to be reminded every second that things are okay because I'll freak out and... and," Craig pulled Tyler into his chest.

Craig straddled Tyler a bit, holding him in his arms as Tyler wrapped his arms around Craig. Brock sighed, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Okay i've had enough," Brian confessed. Everybody looked at Brian with wide eyes. "We are all friends here, all of us are loved and love each other more than most of us love our families. All of us are just a big clump of sexual confused, curious, small, learning children, and that's so special. We will all always be friends. I mean look, we got everything we need. Craig is the smart lovable nerd. Tyler's the big yet soft guy that can scare away the baddest fucking dudes in school, Evan is the fucking sugar baby of the group to be honest, he's the equivalent to our son, Jonathan tells us to do what we want and makes our life stand on the edge, Brock is our mother, Marcel is the edgy teen boy with literally THE COOLEST PARENTS, Anthony is the funnest person ever, Smitty's new but he still adds funnyness to the group and in the short time we've know him he has been really immature and stupid in a good way, and i'm the hot headed retard that is really good at Mari Kart. Together we make the best of friends. We don;t have to worry about today, yesterday, or tomorrow because when we're together, nothing can take us down. We don't have to be nervous, or sad or depressed. We don;t have to feel alone and like nobody wants us because it's not true. We have each other, and we always will."

"He's right, we don't ever have to worry, when we have each other, like we always do, there will be nothing that could pull us apart." Craig added.


"I do!" Anthony replied running out of the band directors office before jumping to us and into a big hug.

"Best friends?" Brock asked.

"BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!' Brian yelled back.

A/n: I didn't relies the chapter would be this long LE WHOOPS.
