<3 (Actual) Chapter Sixteen <3

Word Count: 720

Marcel's POV

"Is it just me or does it just reek of sexual tension!" David called out as we changed our clothes to a football gear.

"I can't even change without being harassed!" Brock mumbled with a short chuckled.

I shook my head a let out a laugh.

"Alright, first game of the year, It was a few weeks ago but we all knew what happened last week," the coach cleared his throat.

As much as this school year had been long, we've only been in school for a month and a half, which in may seem horrible, but with my friends and my new found boyfriend.

"Where going against Liyale Highschool, and usually they're pretty easy but this years they have some pretty big guys," He continued.

"No way they're anybody tall than David or buffer than Tyler though, plus Lui and Craig have speed, Brock can throw like no other, Marcel is the best kicker I've ever seen. Smitty's new but he has the basics, Evan and Jonathan tag can probably jump over than them, and Brian... he can play okay i guess," i responded with a shrug.

"Aye, shut up," Brian laughed.

"Quite giggling, it's game time," Coach's voice echoed.

"Sir yes sir," Tyler replied sarcastically.

I smiled before turning to Brock who had a worried look on his face.

"Whats wrong Brock?" I asked as we walked to line up.

"Don't you think Evan should be sitting out, i mean, he was shot just a few weeks ago," He bit his lip nervously.

"I don't know, he told me the doctor said that he was fine and he's been doing good at all of the practices," I shrugged back.

"You think coach is making him play?" He asked.

"No way, coach didn't even let Evan practice until he got a doctor's note that allowed him to play," i explained."Why would you think that?"

"Well, without Evan, we don't have enough players, we're a small team," He offered.

I shook my head.

"Don't worry bout it," I smiled in reassurance, he smiled back and nodded.

This was going to be a good game, i could feel it.

Brock's POV

As soon as we ran out into the field, people were cheering and screaming my name. Chanting it as if i was some celebrity who walked out on to a red carpet. I sighed, almost upset that i was been treated with more respect than i really should. But Marcy didn't notice it, he was to busy being excited over the fact that everybody was cheering for me.

~Time Skip~

Ten seconds left, and i was on the other side of the field, and the only person close enough for me to throw to was Brian, but if i could manage to throw the ball to Tyler, we could win. It was impossible but i had to try. I drew my arm back and put all of my strength into that one throw.

It seemed to go in slow motion

it was silent

everybody held they're breath

Tyler backed up

Reaching out

The buzzer went off

But if he caught it

We would win

"Holy shit!!!" Marcel yelled as he jumped onto me.

Tyler caught it, falling to the ground and throwing it to the side. The crowed was screaming as the other guys surrounded me, cheering at me and tackling me.

"You fucking threw it the whole damn way!!" David laughed happily.

"How?!" Lui asked.

"holy shit!" I called up jumping up and down like gay child I am.

Tyler ran across the field and was out of breath by the time he high-fived me.

"Dude that catch was fucking amazing!" i smiled as I quickly bro-hugged him, again like the gay child I am.

"Catch?! You fucking threw that ball nearly across the whole field?! I didn't do shit compared to you!" He chuckled.

Marcy grabbed my shoulder, pulling of my helmet and threw it to the side. He stood up on his toes and planted a kiss on my lip. i kissed back of course, making the crowd scream even louder.

My heart pounded against my chest as he pulled away, showing a bright smile as he whipped the sweat from his four head.

