
So before I start I just want to mention _froggos_

They have started a book very recently and I'm hoping that you could go and check it out at some point. She's my best friend and deserves the world honestly, she's worked hard on this book and really wants to get it right. Literally I've seen her writing it in class, I've been asked at least three times most days to look over it or help her edit so if you could just go and check it out I'd really appreciate it <3


Until Tuesday I hadn't streamed just so that I had the energy and my PC could handle it.

I could see people on twitter getting excited about the stream and I was to.

Setting up for the stream was the most difficult part because there was so much I had to do.

My room was pretty much rearranged for the stream.

My bed was on the back wall behind my chair.

There was a table slightly off camera that had just some basic stuff like a lego set, food and drinks, stuff like that.

The date was almost changed but at the last minute it went ahead.

We started at 10am and I didn't actually start until 10:12.

I talked to chat for the first two hours and people were using their primes and gifting subs like their lives depended on it.

Fundy raided me around the two thirty mark and he joined me for a bit.

Slowly more people joined and eventually it was Fundy, Tommy, Niki, Wilbur, Eret, Punz, Sapnap and me all in the call.

We played among us just for fun, even though we all hadn't played in a very long time.

At one point Me and Sapnap were the imposters and we'd all given up so we just killed everyone in front of each other.

By 3pm we all got bored and just went back to talking.

Soon it was just me and Sapnap so we tried to speedrun together.

I made the server and he joined.

We gave ourselves one shot at it so we were going to use this seed no matter what.

It was going well until we got to the nether and our spawn was the most shit I've seen in a while.

We spawned in the middle of a lava lake.

The only land I could see was barley in view, I had to turn up my settings to see it.

We went back through the portal and just started getting dirt, wood and cobble.

Just anything we could use to bridge.

After 45 minutes we had 6 stacks of wood, 3 stacks of cobble and a 2 stacks of dirt.

We barely had enough blocks to get to the land and by the time we did I had no hunger and was on 2 hearts.

Sapnap had to get me something while I blocked myself in while he got me something to eat.

I healed up and we started looking for the fortress.

We found it in a red biome and that meant that we could easily get pearls to.

I collected gold mainly and Sapnap started getting blaze rods.

By the time he was done I had 18 pearls from 37 gold.

I also had a lot of fire res pots so when we went back over the bridge we drank those.

When we were back in the over world I threw on of the eyes of ender and we started searching for the stronghold.

It took a bit of looking but we found it and got to the portal room.

There were no eyes already in there and we had 13, just enough.

It was unlucky but made spending all that time getting pearls worth it in the end.

The fight with the dragon was an entire ass roller coaster but we got it done in under 10 minutes.

We played around in the world and then I got a dono that reminded me of something.

'Will you ever go back on that other world again? It'd be cool to go and see it again'

So, we went back onto the world and I had Sapnap cover up a few things before I joined.

We had built a bunch of things that we didn't want to show on camera and even put a picture of us together(me without my mask) inside the house.

When I joined everything that needed to be taken down was in a barrel in the wall and everything was going well.

It was 8pm when we finally ended the call and I ordered food to my house so that I could eat it.

Chat decided my dinner and I got a margarita pizza and pizza for the rest of my family as well.

It arrived and I called George.

He entertained my stream with his camera on while I ate so that I didn't completely bore chat to death.

Then Dream called so all of us talked while I finished my food.

I turned my camera on when I'd got the mask back on and we played truth or dare, but badly.

It was basically just a game of truth or truth because there weren't many dares we could do.

I ended up having to tell chat that I was in a relationship but nothing more.

Well I didn't tell them but I bet that they could tell.

Basically George asked some dumb question and my answer was, "there is only one person who I can normally tolerate being like that and you know exactly who they are".

Yes I'm overthinking again, sue me.

Someone on twitter was being a bitch, so I took my entire chat on a little field trip to their account.

They were saying transphobic things and mocking one of my trans friends, obviously I was pissed so the only logical thing to do was spam report and low key start shit with them.

Except I couldn't be canceled for it because I was in no way in the wrong.

I stayed up until 2 when techno called me and told me to go to bed.

Instead we talked and he convinced me to go to sleep and not drink another monster.

I put on the clothes I sleep in and said goodnight to chat.

I turned on my sleeping screen and muted my mic.


When I woke up my mods were gambling about how long until I woke up.

The majority of people lost but they didn't lose to much.

I got changed and tuned on my camera.

Quackity wanted to stream with me so I joined his call.

Sadly I had to cut the stream to Thursday 9pm because a friend invited me to a party and I didn't want to miss it.

We all talked and then I left.

I wasn't really in the mood and Stellar was texting me so I was distracted anyway.

I actually forgot I was streaming and called Stellar.

Luckily she reminded me that I was streaming and saved me from something bad.

The rest of the day went on fine and I left my stream for a bit to go shower and actually call Stellar.

After a bit I went back to talking to chat and they wanted to do something.

I called Wilbur and we played geoguesser.

We played on my screen and he just helped me work out where it was.

Wilbur took his place as flag boy and was telling me what all the flags were.

I was reading a sign in mandarin that was selling burgers for 39 Yuan, I converted it and it was around 6.50.

Then we spent the next few rounds looking for different food places and looking them up if we could.

Chat was making me eat something so I went downstairs and got chips from the pantry.

I showed chat and then they started fighting over whether salt and vinegar or sweet chili were better.

Personally I believe in honey soy chicken supremacy but anyway.

Then we watched the video I was in on the Mr Beast channel.

I was watching the part where I got flour thrown in my face and chat said I should of punched him,

They learn from the best.

The part where we got to eat was funny because I couldn't eat any.

There was a point where someone had brought a camera over to me and Stellar while I was playing fruit ninja with her on my phone.

I was winning and for some reason that made the final cut for the video.

There were a few times when I almost slipped about a few things.

Like when I almost told them about where we got the food from because I'd have to tell the whole story and I wasn't looking to out myself and Stellar.

We watched to other videos I was in and I told stories about them all.

Mediashare was turned on and people were donating me all sorts of videos.

I got at least 5 'things I've shoved up my ass' videos and multiple falling children.

Someone donated the entire hog hunt sadist animation and when I checked who it was it was I honestly wasn't surprised at all.

It was techno's alt.

Everyone had an alt that they used and most of us knew each others so that we could find each other but not on our mains.

I tried not to laugh because he said he'd throw me off a bridge when he saw me.

The rest of the day was spent playing Minecraft and Valorant with Punz, Sam and Sapnap.

At night I got in a call with most of my friends and we all talked on the stream.

Me, Dream and Sapnap finally announced the meetup because we just wanted to put it out there.

I accidently slipped about a small part of my plans to spend most of money at random stores.

Luckily I didn't mention the UK trip so that was still under wraps.

I went to sleep at 4 because we all stayed in the call so long.

It was the last part of the stream and there wasn't long until it was done.

I'd gained so many subs and had so many donations that I decided to give a third of it to LGBTQ+ charities and some of it to other charities that I supported.

That night I facetimed Stellar when I had muted and turned off my camera.

We talked and fell asleep together, waiting for the morning.


When I got up I got dressed and had a shower before I turned on my camera and unmuted.

Chat was celebrating the last day of the stream and made me go get breakfast before I played on the origin SMP.

Me and Phil are the elyctrians of the server and we made a birdhouse where we keep all of our stuff.

Apparently I'm Puffy's child but Phil adopted me, even I'm confused.

Off camera Wilbur calls it the lesbian bird house.

Even though Phil's there too.

It's Wilbur though so no one questions it.

Oh, and everyone on the origin SMP also that I'm a fucking lesbian and most people just refer to me and they because, gender issues.

After breakfast I got on the server and was flying around with Phil.

We did this thing where we'd fly around together every once in a while and it was nice.

It happened off stream as well when I needed to calm down he'd get onto the server with me and we'd fly around together.

When we came back to the 'pub' Niki, Ranboo, Tubbo, Wilbur, Smajor, Jack and Fundy were all there.

Fundy just joined and we were trying to work out what he could do with his origin.

Turns out, jack shit.

It's debatably one of the worst origins and we all found this fucking hilarious.

People came and went while I played and by the time I checked there was an hour left of the stream.

We spent the last hour on Twitter looking at art and what people had tagged me in.

When I ended everyone in chat was saying goodbye and a few last minute subs and donos were read out.

There was a flood of hearts for the mods for just being so great and helping so much with the stream.

Even when I was sleeping they were up entertaining chat and running he gambling.

Without my mods I'd be lost honestly, they help me run the stream and I will never be able to thank the enough for all they do for me.

I saw Phil was working with my mods for a lot of the stream so I made a mental note to thank him.

When I ended I leaned back in my chair and took my mask off.

I moved my bed back to it's original spot and took all of my rubbish downstairs.

When I got back up I turned off my computer and put my hand next to my case that had the actual PC in it.

It was burning hot and I think on the breaking point so I just left it there.

I got into bed and called Dream.

He was free so we talked about stuff until I fell asleep on the call.

It wasn't even that late but I was tired after the subathon and needed a good sleep to fix my now, even more broken sleep schedule.


Sorry this took so long to be published. I basically got a major case of burnout while I was writing the last chapter. Also schools started back a few weeks ago so I've been doing that as well.

Thankyou for reading and hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

@_froggos_ (go read her book :])

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