Q&A Stream

I was up until 2 in the morning talking to Stellar.

During this time I found out a few interesting things,

She's Pansexual,

Plays soccer and softball and she's got two younger brothers.

Turns out we are the the same age, 17.

We both had to go because it got late but made a deal to text in the morning.

It was now morning and I was just waking up.

I stretched my arms and back out a bit before getting my phone off the charger next too me.

Before I texted Stellar I responded to a few tweets and DM's from my friends.

Nothing too interesting this morning, just Tommy talking about women, Dream tweeted something inappropriate but then deleted it and Karl being Karl.

I then opened messages to text Stellar


Heyy, sorry if I kept u up last night

Oh no it's fine, I usually stay up late anyway

Ok good to know I'm not the only one with a bad sleep schedule

Same here lol
Wow I'm dry asf over text...

Don't worry me too lmao
We can call instead of u want to

For the sake of avoiding my dryness, yes pls

Calling Stellar

We talked while I played MCC practice and she got her brothers ready for school.

They are Darwin who is 7 and Ty who's 10.

Stellar is close with both of them and is like a parent to them, but more chilled and less strict of the rules.

Her parents divorced when she was 11, one year after Darwin was born.

Ty was 4 so they grew up not knowing their dad too well but Stellar knew him.

She said he wasn't a bad guy but she doesn't forgive him for leaving them in America with nothing but the house.

She's really open and I think we both weirdly trusted each other without knowing one another for very long.

I didn't reveal too much about myself but I did tell her that I was a lesbian and use She/They (possibly he)

She was fine with it and told me she was pan.

It was a nice night and I spent most of the time playing mini games on Hypixel while she was actually being productive.

I tried to edit but couldn't focus enough to get even 5 minutes done.

Normally I could talk and edit but Stellar did something to me that just made me want to give her all my attention.

Our school doesn't run on Monday so we didn't have to go.

It was weird but we didn't question it,

It was a day off school so we all took it.

We both had birthdays last year so we were 17 before most of our grade.

Mine was in October and hers in November.

We actually have a lot in common, except while she likes the Dream SMP, I'm on it.


We ended the call when she had to Drive her brothers to school.

I called Ranboo and Tubbo and we talked while they played on the SMP and I did more MCC practice.

They both weren't streaming so we could talk about whatever we wanted without fear of being doxed.

Apparently Ranboo stayed up all night last night and now has exhausted.

We tried to convince him to go to bed but he wouldn't budge.

Slowly we got him too sleep, he wasn't in bed but at least he was sleeping I guess.

Me and Tubbo both left the call so that he could sleep without being interrupted by our accidental screams.

we kept talking and i decided to tell him about Stellar.

his reaction was interesting to say the least,

'what are her thoughts on bees?'

odd but expected from tubbo.

We kept talking and he said that he thought it was nice,

Didn't tell him about the possibly catching feelings bit though.

Eventually I joined the SMP and started to play around.

We ran around and did things while laughing and shouting at each other.

It was fun and I kinda missed doing stuff like this when I was away.

Like seeing Dream and Sapnap was good but I'm bad with change.

I like having things the same and not wavering from those habits for a long time if I can help it.


i got off my computer and went out to the kitchen to make some lunch.

my dad brought in breakfast for me while i was talking to Tubbo,

Tubbo ended up saying hi to my dad and shouting at me when I didn't let him speak to him for any longer.

I made some rice and chicken to eat and I sat at the island on my phone.

I scrolled through twitter when i found and interesting reply to one of my tweets,

'would you ever consider doing a Q&A stream or video?'

it was actually a good idea.

I had done a couple of quick ones on Instagram but they never were very long or had many questions.

I decided to think about it.

it would probably be a video instead of a stream because I was never really a fan of doing that type of thing on stream.


Two days later and I still hadn't really come to a conclusion as to how I wanted to do it but I knew that I wanted to do it.

I just decided on a stream so that I could answer lots of questions and they can ask them easily.

I had nothing to do so I just did it.

I sent out a tweet saying that I was streaming and to ask any questions they had by either donation or using the #AskRose hashtag.

Almost immediately there were 50 people saying the were first.

Eventually I got some people saying something other than first and early so I started setting up my stream.

It was a weird time, the end of the school day, Wednesday. But it was content so chat would take it.

I started my stream and we began.


We were 20 minuets into the stream and everything was going better than expected.

I'd only had a few weird questions which I just didn't read out.

Tommy made an appearance in my chat while he was at college.

Phil messaged me and asked if he could join the stream,

Of course i said yes.

I wanted someone to talk to and Phil would probably keep me honest.

He joined the VC and he started helping me answer questions.

Eventually techno joined as well and he was also helping.

While I was answering I was just playing parkour practice and TNT run.

Soon an hour had passed, then another, and another.

Some how we ended up playing Mario Kart with Tubbo, Jack, Phil and Techno.

Tubbo fake cried at one point when someone asked (as a joke) to stop losing to us.

I kept answering questions for a bit longer while we played Mario.

Then came the inevitable,

'what is/are your pronouns/sexuality?'

I accidently read it out so I couldn't act like i just didnt see it.

We were waiting for Fundy to join so were weren't playing, probably a good thing.

Everyone heard me read it out so there was no escaping it.

I had to answer or people would get the wrong idea.

'Thanks for the $10, im not really comfortable with answering that right now if im honest,' I had to stop for a second, 'still working that out a bit but even when I'm completly sure I probably won't say anything for a bit.'

Sure I sounded a bit rude and it wasn't the person who asked fault,

But I didn't know how else to say 'yeah I'm gay as fuck, falling for a girl I met literally like a week ago and having another fucking gender crisis'.


We ended the stream with me winning almost every race and Tubbo getting gifted 50 pity subs from all of us.

It was a fun stream and we all had almost no issues.


I ate dinner and spent the rest of the night thinking about the donation.

Here I go again,

Freaking out over something people probably don't even realise.

I spent the rest of the night on Twitter waiting to see if anyone noticed.


I was checking my phone for the 5th time when I got a text from Eret.

It read,

'Saw your stream earlier, you want to talk abt it?'

Honestly I was shocked that she noticed this quick.

They told me earlier that day that they wouldn't be online for a few hours.

He must have rewatched the vod.

I responded with 'call?'.

Next thing I know I see a call from Eret.

I grab my headphones and plug them into my phone.

The call connected and we started talking.

I told them about how it happened and what happened, I also told him about how bad I feel because it sounded like I was mad at them.

She just listened and gave me advice,

No judgment, just being genuinely a good friend.

We kept talking into the night until I had to go.

I went out to the kitchen where my mum were.

'You wanted me' I said as I walked into the kitchen.

'Yeah,' my mum said. 'Tomorrow can you go out and get some groceries?'

'Sure' I replied.

'Thanks honey' she said back.



So I haven't updated in a bit, sorry about that.

Look having a gender crisis take up a lot of time(if you're confused just go check my announcements)

Also I really appreciate comments and votes help the book get recommended to other people so uh... please... I need to flex on my friends...

Rose <3
