Maybe Siblings Aren't So Bad

When I woke up my phone wasn't in my hand, I panicked a bit but found it lying safely on the blanket next to me.

I picked it up and saw a message from Dream.

--💚green blob💚--

Hey you fell asleep on the call last night, don't worry about the party Olivia told me it was cancelled anyway. Also when you come to see us can you bring your mic, we have something planned but not enough mics. Also don't worry about falling asleep yesterday, I don't mind and you needed sleep. Call me when you get this :)


I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone while the call to Dream was ringing.

He picked up and we said hello.

"How did you know the party was cancelled?" I asked.

"Oh, Olivia messaged me on discord, we have each others discord in case anything ever happened to you." He replied.

He explained that after a few incidents where they needed to contact each other they just decided to give each other their discords so they could contact each other if they ever needed it.

It made sense since I can be high maintenance as fuck sometimes and bad at communication.

We talked about things for a bit and I started packing for the trip.

This time I needed more of my stuff because I was staying for a month and also had my whole PC to pack.


On Saturday Dream and Sapnap were driving down and staying in a hotel for the night.

I was going to meet them at the hotel today so we could do some things and then I'd go home before we drove to Colorado the next day.

They were driving down on Saturday so I had be ready by Friday.

And it was Friday,

Fuck, it's Friday.

I quickly got my suitcase from under my bed and started putting the piles of clothes into it.

By midday I was almost done and went downstairs for some food.

I saw my brother and he said hi to me as I walked into the kitchen.

He was sitting on the island on his phone.

"What're you watching?" I asked peering over his shoulder.

"Collingwood and North, I think you know who's winning" he said.

(Ok I need to write about the game, we were sitting in one of the boxes and Collingwood won. My brother and dad were pissed and my bragging didn't help but it's not my fault they're more shit than us lol. Ok if you don't get this it's fine, it's AFL so most people probably won't considering like 37% of u are from America. Now back to the story)

The game hit three quarter time and I looked at the scores.

8-7-55 to 12-10-82.

"You're shit" I said opening the pantry to find something to eat.

"Shut up, you're not any better" he shot back.

"Look at the scores genius" I smirked and his stupidity.

"Ugh, hey I want some" he said looking at the bag of chips in my hand.

"Get your own"

I opened them and sat down on the couch.

He got a pack of chips from his part of the pantry and came and sat down next to me.

"Hey make sure you don't miss me to much while you're gone, yeah" he said while turning on the tv.

"I'll try. I am going to miss you a bit though" I said.

I took the remote and opened YouTube on the tv.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked going to the search bar.

"One of George's old videos, the ones from august" he says.

"Ahh, I almost forget that you have good taste sometimes" I say laughing a little.

We watched a few videos before mum called so we had to go upstairs to find her.

She told us to do some chores each and I had to go and buy food for the week.

It was always my job so I wasn't surprised.

I got my backpack from off the table and took the card before putting it into my phone case for safe keeping.

The walk there wasn't very interesting and I put my headphones in to listed to music while I walked.

I listened to my playlist that had a mix of songs and genres.

At one point I was listening to Melanie Martinez and then Dream, then Ariana Grande, then Mother Mother.

Quite a mix.

My friends insult my music but they listen to shit from 2005 so they can't talk.

Actually some of that music is pretty good.

When I got to the store I kept my music playing but took my headphones out of one ear.

My list was long so I had to make sure I got everything I needed.

I texted Jack for a bit while I waited at the deli, we talked back and fourth about vlog ideas for when I was in the UK.

When I got my food we had a few ideas and Jack was going to call the others to ask who wanted in on what.

I got the stuff from the deli and walked around getting the rest of the stuff on the list and a few other things I wanted to get before tomorrow when I had to get my things completely packed.

The walk home was pretty boring and didn't take to long.

When I opened he door I put my things down and took the bags to the kitchen.

Once everything was unpacked I put it all away and took my things back upstairs to my bag.

Soon everything was packed and I only had a couple small things left.

My pc was mostly packed I just had my mic and one monitor left to put in the box.

Everything had to be packed carefully so nothing was damaged and it was all put in the box very carefully to ensure their safety.

I'm quite pedantic about my things getting scratched or dented so packing it up was going to be a full day event at this rate.

When it was done it was 5:49 so I checked my laptop to see if anyone was streaming but no one was so I just watched one of the manhunts while I drank another monster.

I watched the 3 hunters finale rematch while I procrastinated doing anything.

My dad called me down for dinner so I had to pause in the middle of it.

We were ordering maccas because it was one of the only things I could eat at the moment.

I have an issue where I can't eat certain foods sometimes, like I despise them to the point where I'll avoid going near people who have said foods.

It's the same with smells, sounds, textures and most things like that.

I hate it because it means I can ruin plans sometimes and just don't eat for a few days because I can't find anything I can eat.

When I was younger it was something that could bring me to tears but now I just try to block it out and suck it up.

I went back to my room while my dad went out to get it and finished the video.

We all ate in the living room and stayed up for a bit.

My parents went to their room and I went upstairs to call someone while my brother played rocket league of the tv.

Me and Stellar stayed up together until we ended the call and fell asleep.
