You're doing well [Hwang Hyunjin]

[2nd Person's POV]

You were sitting at home waiting for your boyfriend, Hyunjin, to come home, the food on the table already cold from being left just sitting there for two hours.

You sighed and stood up from the dining chair. You started clearing up the table figuring he was going to stay late in the company again.

Everyday you grew more and more worried for Hyunjin as he tends to stay late just to practice his rapping and dancing.

And even though you always tell him that his rapping and dancing was already perfect, he wouldn't listen and still keep going.

That's one of the things you love about him. His motivation to keep working harder for his fans, for his members, for the company, for his family, and for you.

You just put the last bowl of food on the fridge when you heard the door open.

Hyunjin's home.

You walked out of the kitchen and saw him close the door with his head hung low.

You, being the good partner you were, already knew what was up. Something bad happened.

You walked over to him, slowly getting his bag from him, "Hyunjin-ah.... what's wrong? Tell me." You said softly

Hyunjin shook his head, still refusing to look up, and waved his hand, "Nothing's wrong (Y/N)-ah. Let's just go to bed."

He walked away from you and headed towards the stairs, leaving you to stare at his retreating form with sad eyes.

'I knew he wasn't going to tell me this easily.' You thought to yourself

Hyunjin was never the type to easily open up to you. It always took time because he said he didn't want to burden you with his problems. What an idiot he actually is.

You sighed and followed him up the stairs. As you opened the door to your shared room, you saw him take off his shirt. You saw how thin his body was becoming.

'Aish this rascal hasn't been eating properly.' You thought to yourself feeling irritated at yourself for not keeping a close eye on him

Hyunjin hasn't been coming home lately since he stays in the practice room a lot. It's basically his third home (Yours is the second).

Hyunjin walked over to your shared closet and opened it, taking out a sweatshirt for him to use.

You stood by the door, watching his every move like you're afraid that if you take your eyes off of him, he would suddenly disappear.

Suddenly, you felt your phone vibrate in your phone indicating you just received a text.

You took out your phone and saw that Chan, their leader, had sent you a text.

Captain Bang:
Hey (Y/N), how's Hyunjin holding up?

I knew something happened
He hasn't spoken to me since he got home
Yah Bang Chan. What happened?

Captain Bang:
I could use the honorifics πŸ˜’
Some fans started spreading rumors about him
Saying he used to abuse girls and other students during middle school
It's not true though

Hell naw I know that ain't true
We've been friends since middle school, I would've known this attitude
No wonder he was so down

Captain Bang:
Yeah.... Woojin refused to celebrate today because of the incident
None of us had the heart to do so either
Hyunjin said he'll make it up to Woojin as soon as this passes

Aish seriously!
I just wished Woojin a stress-free birthday
I gotta go Captain
Imma comfort my babyπŸ˜”

Captain Bang:
Make sure he feels better for me

Tell the others too~
Seen 09: 26

You stuffed your phone back in your pocket just as Hyunjin finished changing his clothes.

You walked over to him and slowly hugged him from behind while patting his strong chest softly.

"Don't listen to them okay baby? They just have nothing better to do." You said softly as you leaned your head on his back

You can feel him stiffen in your arms but he slowly relaxed himself under your touch.

"Your real fans would know the real you. And they know that that isn't you. Whoever is spreading these false rumors aren't true fans." You said and held his hands, still hugging him from behind

You felt his hands shake as he held them tightly. You felt him look down. You know he was trying hard not to cry.

He was literally a ball of sunshine. But sometimes, the sun needs to rest and let the darkness take over.

You slowly unwrapped your arms from behind him and stood in front of him as you saw him harshly biting his lips trying to keep himself from breaking down in front of you.

This sight made your heart ache. The only times you saw him this sad was during the two members elimination and when he was called out to be at risk of being eliminated.

And you swore to yourself that you won't ever let him feel that way again.

Obviously you failed.

You gently caressed his cheeks and let your thumb run over his lips softly, "Yah... don't do that. You'll hurt yourself." You whispered softly as you felt your heart slowly break into pieces

Hyunjin sniffled, still trying his best to keep his tears in as he let go of his bottom lip. You went near his face and kissed the tip of his nose.

"It's okay..... It's okay baby I'm here..." you whispered while caressing both of his cheeks while running your thumbs on the bags under his eyes

Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore. His tears went streaming down his face as he sobbed with his face in your hands.

He slowly wrapped his arms around you and buried his head on the crook of your neck.

You wrapped your arms around him as you rubbed his back and ran your fingers through his hair with your other hand.

You whispered sweet nothings to him as he continued sobbing in your arms. You could feel his body shaking as his grip on your body became tighter.

You felt his knees shaking so you took it as a sign to let him sit. You gently pushed his body so he will be able to sit on the bed.

You both sat on the bed as you continued to comfort him, willing to even stay up all night just to make sure that your baby was ok.

After a few minutes, you felt his sobbing die down a little but you can still hear him hiccuping and sniffling.

You continued to rub his back softly, hoping to ease the pain even just a little bit. You know everything that Hyunjin has been through. Seeing him like this really hurts a lot.

After a few more minutes, Hyunjin pulled away from you and wiped away the snot and tears on his face, with you wiping it away with him.

Hyunjin slowly looked up at you with red and puffy eyes and you can feel yourself become even more soft.

'Seriously who would dare to hurt this baby?? He's just a kid aish..' You thought to yourself, feeling upset over the fact that people would actually spread false rumors just to ruin someone

Hyunjin stared at you with sad eyes for a few more minutes before speaking, "I'm sorry baby.... I'm sorry I disappointed you."

You felt the broken pieces of your heart be crushed into even smaller pieces. Your expression softened even more at the sight of Hyunjin's broken state.

"No, no, no, baby don't say that. You didn't disappoint me." You said softly while shaking your head and wiping away the tears that started streaming down his face again

He frantically shook his head as more tears came streaming down his face, "No! You're just saying that! They're right! I should leave the group. I'm no good of a person. I shouldn't have agreed to Chan hyung when he asked me to--"

You put your lips against his to shut the crying boy up. You didn't like the words coming out of his mouth. He always doubted himself.

Whenever he feels pessimistic, you were always the one who listened to every word he said and comforted him with all your might.

You felt Hyunjin's lips tremble as you kissed him deeper, hoping to make him feel the love that you feel for him through the kiss. You pulled away slowly when you felt yourself running out of air.

You leaned your head against Hyunjin's with your eyes still closed, both of you breathing heavily from your previous kiss. You slowly opened your eyes and saw him staring directly at you with his lips slightly parted.

You saw the small wound on his lips since he bit them earlier. Now that you think about it, you can actually still taste some of Hyunjin's blood on your lips.

You gently wiped your thumb across his lower lip, attempting to remove the blood on his lips.

"Hyunjin-ah..." You said as you held his hand and gripped them tightly, smiling a little as he squeezed them back

"Please....please....please. Don't ever listen to the negative things the fans or other people say. You deserve to be in this group. Chan did a good job in choosing you to be a member during trainee years. Whatever it is that those people said, forget it. They aren't your real fans. Focus on what the people who love you are saying. We love you just the way you are regardless of your past mistakes." You continued as more tears streamed down his face

You felt yourself tearing up but held it in for Hyunjin's sake. This conversation would be a mess if the two of you cried. Hyunjin sniffled and wiped away the snot dripping from his nose.

"I know what they're saying isn't true. I know you're crying, not because your guilty, but because they're accusing you of such actions. But trust me Hyunjin, this is just another obstacle thrown at you. This is when you'll know who really supports you. And listen to me when I say this. Your hyungs, dongsaengs and I, will always be here. By your side. No matter what." You finished as a tear streamed down your cheek

Hyunjin was basically a sobbing mess right in front of you and you tried your hardest to wipe them away.

Hyunjin tried holding in his hiccups but was unable to. He cried too hard for him to be able to suppress his hiccups.

You gently caressed his cheeks as he looked into your eyes, "Thank you for always believing in me (Y/N)... I don't know what I'll do without you." Hyunjin said as you wiped away the snot under his nose

"I'll always protect my baby. No matter what." You smiled softly and pecked his lips

He smiled sweetly at you as you held both of his hands, "Shall we sleep now? I know you're tired."

Hyunjin nodded lightly as he went to lay on his respective place on the bed, him dragging you with him.

Hyunjin laid down first, you laying down next to him, placing your head on his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around your frail body.

You listened to his fast heartbeats, his heart still not recovering from his breakdown, as you silently played with his fingers.

"How did you find out?" Hyunjin said softly

"Chan texted me while you were changing earlier. If he didn't text me, you would've cried much longer because you wouldn't be able to tell me." You said as you laced your fingers with his

Hyunjin didn't reply and just stared at your intertwined hands. He didn't know what he would do if you weren't in his life.

You were his everything, and he was your everything. And nothing will ever change that.


Heyyy~ Tell me what you guys think in the comments section below. 😊

This news seriously got me shookt like I was living peacefully and then I suddenly see these rants about fans spreading rumors about Hyunjin.

Please, give the boy a break. He's just a kid. His career is just starting, and yet some fans are already starting to ruin his name.

Let us support Hwang Hyunjin and Stray kids! πŸ‘ŠπŸ’•

And happy birthday to our dear Ujinnie who is always there for the members. πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’ŸπŸ’˜πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’“πŸ’–πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽ

