Just a dream [Seo Changbin]

You took a deep breath as you watched the elevator doors close before you. You felt excited but nervous at the same time (can't say that nervousness didn't overpower the excitement). You gave yourself time to think about what you were planning on doing.

You were seriously considering dropping everything and just going straight home. But before you could even finalize everything, the elevator doors opened, snapping you out of your thoughts. You took another deep breath before exiting the elevator and started walking along the halls.

Why exactly were you nervous?

Well, you're currently walking along JYPE's halls, that's more than enough reason.

Did I also mention you aren't really supposed to be there?


Well now I did.

Wanna know why?

Of course you do.

It's because you're currently dating one of JYPE's rising idols.

Wait let me rephrase that.

It's because you're currently secretly dating one of JYPE's rising idols.

Specifically, Seo Changbin.

Stray Kids' Seo Changbin.

Which is why you knew very well that you aren't supposed to be there, in case a slip-up occurs. But you couldn't really help it. Changbin's been neglectful of himself lately. He's been working too hard that he hasn't been sleeping or eating well.

If Jeongin didn't come running to you for help, you wouldn't have known. And so, with Chan's help, you managed to sneak into JYPE as a staff member.

You stopped in front of the studio door as you took deep breaths, trying to calm your unsteady breaths and palpitating heart. Once you're sure you're at least a little bit calm, you knocked on the door.

You waited a few seconds but heard no response. After knocking for three times with no response, you decided to quietly open the door. You peaked your head inside and saw Changbin with his headphones on, his face almost buried against his trusty notebook.

You silently walked in and placed the food you brought on the coffee table. You walked towards Changbin and gently tapped his arm.

Changbin flinched, obviously not expecting company, before looking up. He visibly relaxed when he saw that it was just you.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Changbin asked, taking off his headphones

"I came to bring you a few things. I heard you've been working pretty hard lately." You said, giving him a comforting smile

Changbin smiled, "Thanks, but you know you didn't have to. I know you're tired from work."

Changbin stood up and wrapped his arms around you. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face against his neck.

"I'm never too tired for you Binnie you know that."

Changbin laughed, "You always say that baby."

You pulled away slightly to look up at the man in front of you, "How's the song coming along?"

Changbin smiled, "It's almost done. Chan hyung and I are revising it."

"Can I hear it?" You asked teasingly, knowing you won't really hear it until it's released

Changbin put on his fake thinking face, "Hmm, let me think. Did you bring me chocolates?"

You nodded, "Brought your favourites."

"Iced coffee?"

"Just how you like it."

Changbin smiled brightly, "Looks like my baby knows me really well hm?"

You giggled as Changbin started peppering your face with little kisses, "So do I get to hear it?" You mumbled against his cheek

Changbin giggled, "Okay but just this once."

Your eyes widened in shock, "Wait really???"

Changbin nodded, "Yeah, I wanna spoil you a little more just for tonight."

You smirked, "You mean the song or in general?"

Changbin raised a brow at you, "Maybe a bit of both?"

You two laughed as Changbin headed over to grab the iced coffee from the things you brought for him. You turned around to glance at his laptop, but what you didn't expect was that he had an unfinished coffee cup on the edge of the table.

The moment you turned around, your hand accidentally hit the cup, causing its contents to spill all over his laptop. You stepped back as Changbin hurriedly ran to his laptop, desperately trying to unplug everything while wiping everything off with a tissue at the same time. But unfortunately, the laptop screen turned black before Changbin could shut it down on his own.

"What did you do! That was an unsaved work, I was working on it before you came!" Changbin yelled, staring at his now dead laptop

You felt tears well up in your eyes as your heart started picking up its speed, "I-I'm sorry Binnie, I didn't mean to--"

"Chan hyung and I worked for 4 nights straight on that one! Now it's gone because of you!"

You couldn't bring yourself to say anything anymore as Changbin frustratingly ran a hand through his hair.

"Leave me alone for now. Please."

Not wanting to make things worst, you immediately left the studio. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know how to fix this. Sure you've made mistakes with Changbin before, but none of them were as worst as this.

You destroyed it. You destroyed the song he's been working so hard on with his best friend.

You walked along the halls with your head down as tears streamed down your face. You wanted to get home. You wanted to get out of there. Everything was a blur, and before you know it, you were home.

Sobs wrecked your body as soon as you closed your front door. You cried out of guilt and you blamed yourself that Changbin is now mad at you. And you didn't know how to fix it.

That night, you cried until you fell asleep on your bed. Your brain was mentally tired as it kept trying to figure out ways on how to fix this problem until you eventually fell asleep.

Your eyes fluttered open as the sunlight peaked through your curtains and shone against your face. You sat up, a heavy feeling resting in your chest. At first, you didn't know what it was. Until you remembered what happened last night.

'The fight...'

You sighed and buried your face in your hands. You were a little surprised that your eyes weren't too puffy but felt thankful nevertheless.

You grabbed your phone from your coffee table and checked your notifications. You were disappointed but not surprise when you saw that none of them were from Changbin.

You leaned back against the couch with a heavy sigh. Your boyfriend was still mad at you. You knew nothing you do could fix the mess you made. There's a huge chance the song is gone for good and there's no way you could rewrite it since you never really heard it.

You ran a hand through your hair, dread still sitting heavily against your chest. You knew nothing you say could fix it but you still wanted to apologize to your boyfriend and Chan. It's really the least you could do.

You picked up your phone and dialled Felix's number.


"Hey Lix." You greeted as you tried to stop your voice from cracking

"Oh hey, what's up? Did you miss your favourite Aussie?" Felix said with his usual cheerful voice

'I guess he doesn't know yet...'

You laughed (a little forcefully), "Don't tell Chan that or your dead meat. I wanted to ask if Changbin's there-- don't mention his name though."

Felix made a confused sound before answering, "Well yeah, we have a free day today. Why?"

"Nothing, I'm coming over. But don't tell him okay?"

Felix giggled, "No worries. Be careful okay?"

"I will. Bye Lix."

After dropping the call, you ran to your room to get changed. You didn't really have a carefully thought out plan, you were coming up with it as you go. You just hoped you could make it up to Changbin as much as you can.

You ran out your door and took a cab to Stray Kids' dorm. You tried to think of what you'll say to Changbin, hoping he won't shut the door on your face. Nothing as serious as this has ever really happened to the two of you before so there was never a need for a serious apology. Just playful ones.

Before you know it, you arrived at the store near the dorm where you asked to be dropped off. As you walked along the pavement, you could slowly feel your knees going weak.

Was this really a good idea?

What if he's still mad?

What if he completely ignores you?

What if the others get mad at you too?

You shook your head to get those stupid thoughts out of your head before you unconsciously decide to turn back.

Your breathing became uneven as you stopped in front of the door. You've been standing there for the past 10 minutes but couldn't bring yourself to knock.

"Don't be stupid, you need to fix this dumbass." You mumbled to yourself

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you finally knocked on the door.

It took a few seconds before you heard footsteps approaching the door. Your breath hitched as you lowkey hoped it isn't Changbin who'll open the door.

Fortunately, luck was on your side this time.

"Yah, you didn't tell us you were coming, I look like shit."

You laughed as Minho greeted you with a bedhead. Minho stepped aside as you two did your handshake. The other members came to greet you when they saw you come in. You slowly felt yourself calm down from their warm greetings but you were a little confused.

'Did Changbin not tell them?...'

"Where's Changbin?"

"He went in his room, he'll be out in a few." Seungmin answered as he went back to stuffing his face with pancakes

"Yah, eat slowly, it's not gonna run out." Hyunjin said, scolding the younger

"With Jisung hyung here, the pancakes will be gone in 3 seconds." Jeongin chuckled

"Yah, I at least take 30 seconds per pancake you know." Jisung said, defending himself

"More like 20, I've been counting for the past 8 pancakes." Minho smirked

"Han-ah, at least eat 20 seconds slower. I'm not fast enough." Felix said, pointing the spatula towards Jisung

Jisung pouted, "It's not my fault you make good pancakes."

You laughed as you watched the others bicker in front of you. But that laughter soon died down when a door opened, revealing Changbin.

Changbin looked up at you with wide eyes, "What are you doing here?"

You couldn't help it. You ran to him and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest.

"Woah." Changbin tried to regain his balance as he wrapped his arms around you

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the song or your laptop. I promise I'll make it up to you, please don't be mad anymore." You mumbled against his chest as tears filled your eyes

Your heart was beating fast. But it started to beat even faster when you were met with silence.

'Is Changbin going to ignore me?'



Not exactly the response you were looking for.

You slightly pulled away to look up at him, "What do you mean 'what?'?"

Changbin raised a brow at you, his arms still securely wrapped around you, "I mean what are you talking about? What song? What laptop?"

Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Don't play with me Binnie, it's impossible for you to not remember."

Changbin gave you a confused look, "I'm not baby, I really don't know what you're talking about."

You stepped back, feeling extremely lost and confused, "You mean you don't remember me spilling coffee on your laptop last night? I ruined the song you and Chan were working on."

Changbin's brows furrowed, glancing at the other members behind you who were also confused, "Baby are you okay?"

You nodded, "I'm fine but just a little guilty. I promise I didn't mean to ruin it."

Changbin's mouth fell open, "Baby we weren't together last night."






"... What?"

Changbin took a step closer to you, "Baby you worked overtime last night at the hospital remember? I was busy practicing last night too. We didn't see each other last night."

You looked at him with furrowed brows. Now you were confused. You knew what happened last night but why does Changbin remember things differently last night.

You turned around and saw the other members looking at you with concerned eyes. You glanced at Chan who was standing by his doorway, also with confusion written on his face.

"Chan you're working on a song with Changbin aren't you? The one you've been working on for 4 nights." You said, trying to find someone to back you up

Chan slowly shook his head, "Bin and I haven't started on the song yet. Our last project together was last month."

You glanced at Changbin with wide eyes, "Where's your laptop?"

Changbin stepped aside and pointed at his desk. There his laptop sat completely fine in the slightly darkened room.

"Wait so... I didn't destroy anything?" You asked, trying to pick up the pieces of what actually happened

Changbin shook his head and held your shoulders firmly, "No you didn't. You video called me after you got home last night and told me you were going to bed. You kinda fell asleep on the couch though. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't."

You gasped, "That's why I woke up on the couch!"

Changbin snuggled against you as you two were settled on his bed, "I told you not to stress yourself too much, you're having weird dreams again."

Changbin and the members made sure to feed you a lot after finding out you get weird dreams whenever you're too stressed or tired. You felt somewhat relieved that none of what happened last night was real but you also felt concerned with the fact that you get oddly realistic dreams when tired.

"I swear it felt so real..." You mumbled against his chest

Changbin kissed the top of your head, "Baby I know your job demands a lot from you, but I don't want you neglecting your health. Please."

You nodded and looked up at him, "I know, I'm sorry."

It was silent for a while before Changbin spoke up, "Even if you did ruin my stuff or my song, I wouldn't get mad at you. Upset probably, but not mad."

You laughed, "We won't know until it happens."

Changbin laughed as he pecked your lips softly, "I love you too much though."

You giggled, your lips brushing slightly against his, "I love you too."

You two spent the whole afternoon just cuddled in each other's arms, as Changbin tried to ease your anxious mind and heavy heart. You were glad it was all just a weird dream. And you were thankful you have an understanding boyfriend. Your thankful you have Seo Changbin.
