Endurance [Kim Seungmin]

[Seungmin's POV]

I was sitting on the couch waiting for my baby to come home. I just sat there, patiently waiting for them. I couldn't complain. I'm not allowed to. Or else they'll be mad.

I sighed, and leaned my elbows on my knees. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 1 AM. Yet, they still weren't home.

'I wonder why...' I thought sarcastically, feeling bitter and hurt

But who am I to complain? I'm just one of the others.

Just then, I heard someone inserting a key into our door's keyhole. They're home.

I stood up and waited for them to enter the living room. As soon as they stepped into the living room, I can immediately smell the cologne that wasn't mine, nor theirs. It was his.

"Welcome home baby. Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry?" I said sweetly and went closer to them to peck their cheek

But instead of letting me do so, they turned their head the other way and walked to the kitchen. I smiled sadly. Of course they wouldn't let me kiss their cheek tonight. Maybe tomorrow..?

"Why are you even awake at this hour? You're supposed to be asleep." They said while opening the water bottle they previously grabbed from the refrigerator

I scratched my nape, "I couldn't fall asleep knowing you were still outside at this hour."

I was worried something might happen to her even if they were with him. Anything could happen and I feel uneasy knowing that they aren't beside me. They're supposed to be cuddling with me on the bed, trying to fall asleep while listening to my steady heartbeats.

They sighed and I can feel that they were getting frustrated, "I'm not a kid anymore Seungmin. I can take care of myself."

I didn't say anything and just looked at the floor. I must've upset them. Aish Seungmin you're so stupid!

"Yah! What did I say about always looking at the floor? You look like a retard when doing that!" They scolded me while slamming the water bottle on the kitchen island making me flinch

I slowly looked up at them, meeting their eyes which was filled with anger and hatred.

'Yah... Kim Seungmin... you did this to them..... you made them mad...' I thought to myself, mentally punching myself for making them mad

They love me less whenever they're mad. That's why I hate making them mad, irritated, upset or disappointed. If they feel any of those towards me, then I'll feel it towards myself.

They sighed irritatingly while running their hand through their hair, "Forget it. I'm going to bed. And you're sleeping on the couch."

They walked out of the kitchen and went up the stairs leaving me standing there, in the middle of the kitchen, alone.

I turned off the kitchen lights before walking into the living room and sitting on the couch.

I ruffled my hair before leaning back on the couch. Why am I even doing this? I know they already have someone else. Why do I even let myself suffer?


I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for my love to return home. They were supposed to be home two hours ago, but they still weren't home.

Just then, I heard the front door open. They're finally home.

I stood up and saw them walking towards me, looking straight in my eyes.

"Seungmin, I'm breaking up with you."

I felt my blood run cold and my head spin. Why so suddenly?

"Wait baby, why so sudden? Did I do something wrong?" I asked them while walking closer to them and taking their hands and holding them tightly

I can't bear to lose them. They're the only one I have.

"I'm sorry Seungmin but I lost feelings for you." They said with no emotions

I quickly pulled them into my embrace, trying to make them change their mind, "Baby please you can't leave me. I can't live without you."

I hugged them tightly. They can't leave me!

"Seungmin please.." They said trying to pry my arms away from theirs

I pulled away from them and looked into their eyes, "Please baby. I'll let you date other guys. I'll give you freedom. Just please! Please, always come back to me at the end of the day. You can't leave me." I pleaded as tears ran down my face

They looked at me with sad eyes. They slowly wiped away my tears before nodding.

"Okay. I won't leave."

End of Flashback.....

I sighed. I did this to myself. But it doesn't matter. At least they're here, safe and sound.


I woke up feeling my back and joints ache from sleeping on the couch in a cold night.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast. I made my their favorite breakfast so I can make it up to them. Food is their second most favorite thing in the world. I used to be the first...

As soon as I set the last plate on the table, they entered the kitchen while rubbing their eyes.

'They looks so cute, they're like a little baby.' I thought to myself

"Good morning jagiya." I greeted them sweetly

They looked at me and smiled before pecking my cheek, "Good morning Seungminie."

My smile became brighter. They're not mad anymore. The both of us sat down on the dining table and I gave them some of the food I just made.

As we ate, I fed them some of my food while they did the same. I want us to stay this way. I don't want us to break apart.

I know it's selfish of me, but I love them. I can't stand not calling them mine. We've been together since Day 1 and I don't want any of that to go to waste. I love them too much.

Halfway through our meal, someone suddenly rang the bell. They stood up to open the door and told me to keep eating. I continued and listened for the voices that will soon be speaking to each other.

"Baby!" I heard them yell

I stood up, confused, and went to the doorway of the kitchen to see what was happening.

I've never felt my heart so broken before. Compared to the time they asked to break up with me, this was even more painful.

There they stood, in the arms of another guy. It was him. Their boyfriend.

"How are you? I missed you." The guy said sweetly before pecking their cheek making my lover giggle

I just stood there, watching them, feeling my heart shatter into millions of pieces.

The guy suddenly looked up and saw me standing there, "Who is that?" The guy asked while looking at me

My lover looked at me then back to the guy, "Oh he's just a friend. No worries." They said and smiled sweetly at him

As soon as I heard their words, the tears I was trying so hard to keep in started streaming down my face.

I bowed to the guy, "Annyeonghaseyo (Hello). I'm a friend of hers. I'll leave you guys alone now." I said with a forced smile before proceeding to go upstairs

I can hear the two of them laughing to each other before I closed our bedroom door.

'It's okay Seungmin. They'll come back to you. They love you.' I thought to myself, trying to force myself to be positive

However, my body was mot listening to me. Tears kept streaming down my face as I sat on the corner, hugging my knees to my chest, our breakfast left to get cold in the dining table.

'It's okay jagiya. I forgive you. I'm your toy.' I thought as I closed my eyes and buried my head in my arms


Our Sungminniieee~ 😭

Please give him and Woojin more recognition. 😭😭

What did you guys think? I actually based this off of Block B's Toy since I still can't get over the song, and the meaning behind it is just heartbreaking. 😔

Anyway, tell me what you guys think in the comment section below~ 😊

