Tsundere boyfriend [Seo Changbin]

Omg!! This was so late! This request was made by @lovely4480 2 weeks ago but I just saw your request 3 hours ago. 😭

Wattpad's being all laggy to me. πŸ˜’

Patawarin! 😣

I did this in a hurry so I hope you still like it. πŸ˜“

I wanted to publish it today since I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. πŸ˜…

Anyways, here it is~ 😊


[3rd Person's POV]

"Babe look! The sweater is so cute!"

"Yeah I guess."

"Look at that fluffy plushie, it's so adorable!!"


"Could we do something like that too? They're so cute!"

"I don't want to."

(Y/N) sighed for the 18th time that day. Changbin kept acting cool and cold even though (Y/N) knows that that isn't the real Changbin.

Changbin thinks he's all πŸ‘Ώβœ‚οΈπŸ’’πŸ¦β›β›ˆπŸ”¨πŸ¦ˆπŸ‘ΉπŸ’€πŸ—‘πŸ’£πŸ¦‚β˜ πŸ› πŸ˜ˆπŸ”«πŸŒͺπŸ’₯πŸ‘Ί

But he's actually πŸ’πŸ˜ŠπŸ°πŸŒžπŸΌπŸ’“πŸ˜™πŸΌπŸ˜—πŸ¦πŸŒΈπŸ˜šπŸŒŸπŸ’žπŸ˜πŸ«πŸ‡πŸ˜πŸŒΉπŸΌ

And (Y/N) is starting to get tired of all this tough act. It just makes Changbin seem like a bad boyfriend. And (Y/N) knows very well that he isn't.

Right now, they were walking around the mall for their date. (Y/N) wanted to buy couple stuff for her and Changbin but the boy's "tsundere" personality is starting to bring (Y/N)'s mood down.

Changbin entered a department store as he followed (Y/N)'s lead. (Y/N) scanned the items in the store and found all of them really cute. (Y/N) wished she would be able to wear these in public with Changbin.

Changbin didn't like wearing them in public so they usually just wore them at home. (Y/N) felt hurt because maybe Changbin didn't want to let anyone know that they're dating but chose to stay quiet.

"Changbin look at this~~" (Y/N) excitedly said and showed Changbin a cute sweater along with its pair

"Isn't it cute??" (Y/N) asked with a bright smile

Changbin looked at the sweaters, "Eh it's okay."

(Y/N)'s smile slowly faded but tried not to show it, "I'll find something to your liking."

Changbin sighed, "You know we only wear these at home right?? We already have a lot at home."

(Y/N) looked down. Changbin is right. They already have a lot of couple clothes at home. But none of them were ever worn in public.

"Yeah you're right. Let's go get something to eat." (Y/N) said before placing the sweaters back in their original place

As they walked out of the store, (Y/N) couldn't help but overhear the conversation between two girls.

"I feel so bad for her. I wonder if the boy really loves her."

"I know. Are they really a couple?"

(Y/N) looked down. Those are words are awfully familiar. (Y/N) has heard those words hundreds of times before. It's not even surprising that people still talk that way about them.

They got to the food court and went to McDonald's. Their favorite fast food chain.

"What do you want to eat Binnie?" (Y/N) asked while the cashier waited for them patiently

Changbin's order always changes whenever they eat there so (Y/N) can't order for Changbin. But of course, (Y/N) still knows Changbin's favorite. There wasn't much people at the mall today so they don't have to rush too much.

"The usual." Changbin shortly answered

(Y/N) ordered for the both of them and handed the money. Changbin already gave his wallet to (Y/N) earlier since (Y/N) usually does the ordering for them.

"I'm gonna go choose a table." Changbin said and walked away, not hearing (Y/N)'s reply

"Is he okay?" The cashier asked, trying to make a conversation as he handed (Y/N) the change

(Y/N) smiled, "Yeah he's okay. That's already in his nature."

"Is he your brother?" The cashier asked again as he passed the receipt to his co-worker

"No, he's actually my boyfriend." (Y/N) answered

The guy looked shocked for a second, "Oh.."

(Y/N)'s brows furrowed, "What's wrong??"

The guy shook his head, "Nothing, he just... seems a little.. cold? Please don't be offended."

(Y/N) chuckled, "It's okay. I'm used to it. He's really nice though."

The guy smiled before handing (Y/N) their food, "Please enjoy."

(Y/N) smiled, "Thanks."

But the moment (Y/N) turned around, the smile instantly fell. Changbin seems like a bad boyfriend to other people's eyes because of his tough front. But when they're at home, he's a total fluff ball.

(Y/N) didn't care. As long as (Y/N) knows who Changbin really is, then it's all good. Changbin deserves pure love.



'I guess he's back to being whiny and clingy now.' (Y/N) thought

"Yeah??" (Y/N) replied

"Let's watch a movie and cuddle~~" Changbin cooed acting all cute

'I wanna act cold to him too just to show him what I feel but he doesn't deserve it.' (Y/N) thought

(Y/N) nodded, "Sure."

(Y/N) walked up the stairs and headed to their room to change into something comfortable. After deciding on some sweatpants and a loose sweater,(Y/N) headed downstairs and sat next to Changbin while the said boy cuddled close to (Y/N).

It wasn't even long until the movie started when Changbin started yelling at the male protagonist.

"Why would you treat your girlfriend like that??? Why would you act so cold, you ain't even cool!!" Changbin yelled as he pointed at the TV screen

(Y/N) didn't say anything. The male protagonist was exactly like Changbin. And he didn't even know it.

"Changbin calm down, it's just a movie." (Y/N) said, giggling

Changbin turned to (Y/N), "But did you see the way he acted?? If I see a guy like that, I will seriously beat him up!!"

(Y/N) stared at Changbin for a few seconds, "You can't do that. I told you self-harm is bad."

Changbin stared at (Y/N), shocked, "What??"

(Y/N) felt tears welling up but tried hard not to let it show, "Nothing." (Y/N) stood up and tried to go to their room but a hand held her back

"(Y/N) wait! What are you talking about??" Changbin asked, concerned written all over his face

(Y/N) turned away, trying not to look at Changbin, "It's nothing, just forget what I said." (Y/N) tried to get away from Changbin's grip but come on have you seen his arms??

"(Y/N) please talk to me. What did you mean about self-harm?? Did you just refer to me beating myself up???" Changbin asked and tried to (Y/N) to look at him

"Changbin I told you it's nothing."

"(Y/N) just tell me--"

"You know what?? Fine!! You kept yelling at the male actor but you, yourself, are like that!! That's exactly how you treat me in front of others and I am so SICK and TIRED of hearing people say that they pity me or that you're a bad boyfriend because you're not!! But how do I prove them wrong when you keep up with your tsundere personality?!!" (Y/N) yelled as tears finally came falling down

Changbin couldn't answer. He didn't know this was what (Y/N) felt this whole time.

"(Y/N) I..." Changbin stuttered

"I'll talk to you later."(Y/N) said before walking away, quickly getting out of Changbin's grip

They never liked to talk on the spot when they're both angry. They prefer to calm themselves down before they talk it out.

Changbin looked down. All this time, he was already hurting the person he loved most.

When they first met, (Y/N) called him a tsundere and said that he was cool. That's why he kept this act. He had a thing for making himself look intimidating that's why he always acted that way. And seeing that (Y/N) found it cool boosted his confidence.

He only acted sweet at home because (Y/N) knew him well. He didn't need to try acting cool anymore especially since (Y/N) liked him the way he is. But he didn't know that he already went too far.

Changbin sighed, burying his face in his hands. He messed up big time.


(Y/N) sat on the edge of the bed, letting out all the tears. (Y/N) didn't mean to explode like that. Every existing emotion just suddenly exploded resulting to the fight.

(Y/N) sighed. How is this going to be fixed now?? Changbin must be mad..

Suddenly, (Y/N) heard a knock from the door. Wiping away all the tears, (Y/N) stood up and opened the door revealing a pouting Changbin standing there as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Can I talk to you?" Changbean mumbled

Sorry not sorry.

(Y/N) stepped aside and let Changbin come in. Changbin stood by the bed while (Y/N) sat down in the bed, right in front of Changbin.

None of them said anything for a while until (Y/N) decided to speak up, "Look Changbin I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I should've just told you calmly."

Changbin shook his head and kneeled down in front of (Y/N), "No, no, no baby! You have nothing to be sorry for. It's all my fault. I wanted you to always see me as someone cool but.. I went too far and I didn't realize it until you told me. I'm so sorry for hurting you baby." Changbin caressed (Y/N)'s cheek as (Y/N) leaned into Changbin's touch

(Y/N) missed Changbin's fluffy self, "Do you forgive me?" Changbin asked with hopeful eyes

(Y/N) looked into his eyes, nodding, "Of course you idiot."

Changbin smiled before leaning in and capturing (Y/N)'s lips. (Y/N) smiled and kissed back, missing the feeling of Changbin's lips.

Changbin held (Y/N)'s cheek as he deepened the kiss. (Y/N) wrapped an arm around Changbin's neck, holding his hand with the other hand.

After a few seconds, the two of them pulled away, breathing heavily. The two of them stared into each other's eyes, probably getting lost or something.

"Will a cuddle seal my apology?" Changbin sweetly asked

(Y/N) giggled before nodding, "You know exactly what to say."

The both of them got settled on the bed as Changbin wrapped his arms around (Y/N) with (Y/N)'s face being buried in Changbin's broad chest.

"Let's go to the mall tomorrow. I honestly liked that sweater you chose." Changbin said as he ran a hand through (Y/N)'s hair, intertwining his other hand with (Y/N)'s

(Y/N) looked up at Changbin, "You're not gonna try acting all cool, are you Binnie?"

Changbin gigled, "Never again." Changbin pecked (Y/N)'s forehead as (Y/N) snuggled against Changbin's chest again

Changbin was about to drift off to sleep when (Y/N) suddenly spoke up, "You did turn off the TV right?"

"Oh shit."


So what did you think? πŸ™‚

I'm sorry again. 😣

I'm gonna check my notifs every hour now smh. πŸ˜’

Tell me what you think Munchies~ 😊

