Promise me [Bang Chan]

"Where are you taking me??"

You laughed as you dragged Chan to go somewhere. Lately, he's been nothing but stressed and restless. You knew why. But you acted like you knew nothing.

Chan never bothered to tell you anything either. He's always like this whenever he had a problem. He always told you to tell him whenever something's bothering you, but he couldn't do the same thing.

Ironic right?

"Just wait for a second."

Chan playfully rolled his eyes, following your lead to wherever it is that you guys were supposed to go to.

After a few more minutes of dragging, you stopped in your tracks. Chan, who was obviously not paying attention, slammed into your back causing you to trip over your feet. Luckily, Chan's reflexes were fast enough and was able to hold you before you faceplanted onto the floor.

Chan sheepishly smiled, "Sorry."

You turned around and held both his hands, "Okay. You ready?"

Chan looked up and realized you guys were in front of their dorm. Chan raised a brow, looking at you with a confused look. Why are you guys here?

Chan tilted his head, "I'm honestly not sure. Last time, you surprised me with a jar of spiders." Chan glared

You smiled nervously, letting out a laugh, "Technically, that wasn't a surprise. It was a prank. There's a difference."

Chan rolled his eyes, "Alright fine, what is this about?"

You smiled before stepping aside, "After you."

Chan glared at you suspiciously before cautiously turning the door knob. He opened the door slowly, waiting for something to attack him, but nothing came.

He walked in with hushed footsteps, reaching for the light switch. When he turned the lights on, he was shocked with what he saw.

There were piles of snacks resting on the coffee table along with bottles of sodas. There were 2 boxes of pizzas and a box of fried chicken.

Chan walked closer and saw that your hard drive was set up next to your laptop, which was connected to the TV.

It was a simple gesture, but Chan loved things like this. And so did you.

Chan turned around, "B--Baby, what's this?"

You offered him a smile, "The food's getting cold, come on!"

You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the coffee table. You didn't want him to open up and feel all sad yet, he should enjoy the food and the movie first.

Chan let himself get dragged and focused on you and what you prepared instead. Since he's always busy, you guys rarely had time for each other.

This is one of the few moments where you guys get to stay home and bask in each other's presence. You two couldn't be happier.

"Where are the kids?" Chan asked, taking a bite of his pizza slice

You swallowed the food you were chewing before replying to him, "I paid them to go see a movie and have dinner. Basically just stay out of the house until midnight. Don't worry, Woojin is in charge."

Chan sighed in relief, "I thought they were in different locations. Jisung and Felix being left alone is basically me begging to get into jail."

The two of you laughed as you both knew how true it was. You noticed that a bit of sauce was in the corner of Chan's mouth. So you grabbed a tissue and gently wiped his face.

Chan smiled lovingly at you. You knew how he loved to be cared for. He's always busy taking care of his members that he barely has time for himself. That's when you come in.

After you guys ate, you focused on the movie playing in front of you while being cuddled up in each other's arms, eating the snacks on the table.

After a few moments of silence, Chan turned to you, "Why did you really prepare all this? I love you and I really appreciate it. I'm just curious.. why?"

You sighed, pulling away from his chest and looking up at him, "I know what's going on Chan."

Chan's eyebrows knitted together, "What do you mean?"

"I know everything is not going well in the fandom."

Chan froze. He tried so hard to hide it from you. He acted like he was happy and was okay. He didn't let you hold your phone while you guys are together. But deep down, he knew. You were bound to find out.

"Chan, it's not all your fault okay? There was just a few misunderstandings. And since JYP is not letting you speak, things are starting to become more and more debatable."

Chan bit his lip, trying to hold back his tears. He blamed himself for whatever was happening. He shouldn't have done that stage. At least then nothing like this would've happened.

You cupped his cheek, "This is all a part of your journey. This is where you'll see who the real Stays are, and who the fake ones are. I just want you to know, that no matter what happens, your family, your members, and I.. will always be here for you."

Chan let out a sob as soon as you finished speaking. Since last week, he wasn't able to talk to anyone about this. Woojin and the others kept asking him if he's okay but he always told them he was okay.. even though he wasn't..

You pulled him into your chest and rubbed his back comfortingly, "I know you're stressed and guilty, but that doesn't mean you should neglect your health. Seriously Chan, nosebleeding during a vlive?? Do you know how worried we were??"

Chan hugged you tighter and kept mumbling apologies. You shushed him and continued running your fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm him down.

And it worked. After a few minutes, he stopped sobbing. He kept breathing deeply, trying to catch his breaths as harsh hiccups made its way out his throat.

You pulled away and cupped his cheeks, "I love you. You know that right?"

Chan nodded timidly, "I l--love you too."

You smiled before kissing his forehead, "Shall we continue the movie?"

Chan nodded with a smile before the two of you were back to cuddling again.

"Promise me you'll tell me everything from now on. Especially what you're feeling.."

Chan looked at you for a few seconds before nodding, "I promise."
