Chapter 9- nameless

Gardens everywhere....trees as tall mahogany littered where I was currently standing...a forest? I guess??.... I was dressed in all white as if going to a church wedding as the little bridesmaid or something......
"Where am I?.... Wait am I in heaven? Oh noo Eunica Pierre you finally killed yourself now didn't ya huh?...oh well might as well go for judgement already,hehehe, shut up Euni you're dead and your laughing? Do you have to be awkward in your before and after life?"...
I kept on wandering deeper and deeper into the beautiful woods ahead of me as I began to feel a force tug on my right sleeve as if drawing me away, keeping me from wandering any further into this beautiful sight to behold . It kept pulling and pulling and finally......lights out✨✨....

I woke up to see a different surrounding as my brain's power was somewhat strained trying to decipher where I currently am. I heard little sobs as i tried to move a little which caused me to feel a sharp pain shoot across my head like that of a shooting star and I restrained to taking things slower this time.

    "Wh-what h-happened?" I managed to choke out the only thing that seemed to come to my mind.

    "Oh my God you're awake!! She's awake guys get up!!" The sweet voice of Leona kind of echoed through my ears.

    "What! I'm up I'm up!!" Nicole grumbled after Leona literally just beat her awake out of excitement. Brenn on the other hand was already at my bed looking at me like I was some ghost or something.

    "Sheesh Brenn I'm glad to see you too thanks for asking" I said in an accent trying to lighten up the tension in the room as all eyes were on me at this moment.

    "We were so scared Euni, you've been out for five hours!"

    "Five hours?!! How the huggle nuggets did that happen?"

    "We should be asking you sis I mean you're the one who had the power nap" Nicole chimed in making us all giggle a little.

    "Heyyy!!! In my defence I did tell y'all to save me a bed at the nurse's office now didn't I?"

    "You sure did" Brenn agrees with me and we all burst into laughter and my head begins to throb with a little pain again. Leo seeing this runs out to call the nurse in immediately fearing that I might pass out again. Such a darling.

     "What I don't get is why you fainted, I mean you were playing exceptionally well so I didn't see reason for you to have fainted" Nicole speaks up again.

    "Yeah she's right I mean what actually happened?? That was scarily awkward"

    "I don't know what happened either girls I mean one minute I'm ready to play,next minute I'm out of my self seeing me play and the last minute boom! I'm on to the group like a bag of bursted potato chips mahn"

    "Oh lookie there that's not weird at all now is it?" Brenn comments and we all laugh.

    "I'm going to get some food guys... hopefully these vending machines don't have a closing time. Y'all care for some?"

    "Is that really a question?" I and Brenn say in unison.

    "Jeez leweez sorry I'll make sure to get some for everyone okay. Well except our dear Euni who wouldn't mind some hospital food"

    "Oh really? bring me that bullshit and watch me shove it down your throat sis" Nicole laughs and run away as if anyone was even chasing her. I love my friends.

    "Speaking of which what are you guys gonna tell your parents I mean I'm sure that it's wayyyy past school time".

    "Oh don't worry about that we called our parents and let them know about what happened to you and that we wanted to stay back and make sure you were okay before we'd get back home"

    "Awww y'all really did that for aren't y'all the sweetest things everrrr......" I cooed at Brenn as she scrunched her face up in disgust.
     "....but seriously thank you...thank all of really means a lot to me"

    "Nahhhh anytime Hun. Speaking of which...." Brenn began wiggling her eye brows at me and believe me when I say she looked like a koala bear with over grown eyebrows. Sheesh she should never try that outside.

    "Jeez girl I just literally got out of a coma and now you want me having nightmares when I try to sleep tonight?"

    "Haha very funny, do you want me to tell you or not?"

    "Huh? Tell me what?"

    "Just say a yes or a no"

    "Jesus Christ!! Yes or no about what?"

    "Uh uh uh....answer me first"

    " Well I have no answer to your question as it is ma'am so you may as well keep it to yourself". She put a hand to her heart as she faked a hurt face and proceeded to spilling the beans.

    "Well since you're soooooooooooooooooo intrigued on what I'm about to say...." What??? I literally just told her a 'no'. Damn she is one heck of a character.
    "..... someone showed up here today,if you know what I mean"

    "I do not know what you mean Brenna Mcstevens"

    " Well, I'll give you a hint. A sexy Greek god showed up here" she kept on winking and wiggling her brows at me.

    "Oh no don't tell me Zeus came here!"

    "Ugh Eun why are you so pointlessly frustrating"

    "Ehhhhh lifestyle?"

    "Ugh whatever! Brett showed up here today dammit!"

    "Oh... and what did he want?" I tried to act as if I wasn't affected by what she just said. I mean why'd he show up here? Has an appointment with the school nurse or something? Ugh!.

    "Shut up!"


    "Okay brainy pants he obviously came to check up you. I bet he thought you were alone cuz when he came in and saw me here I noticed a tint red crept up on the top of his ear"

    "He saw you? As in just you?"

    "Yeah at that time it was just me, Leo and Nicole had gone to inform their parents on how they'd be home a little late today"

    "Oh ohkay and uhm.... you've seen Luke lately ? Been a little too scarce for a while?"

    "Eunicaaaaaaa" she whined knowing that I was obviously trying to change the subject.

    "Brennaaaaaaa" I replied with same energy.

    "Stop. Trying to change. The subject" she gritted through her teeth more like as if she was trying keep her cool.

    "I'm not I just haven't seen Luke in a while"

    "Well that's not who we are talking about right now and you know it"

    "Well that's who I'm talking about I don't know about you Hun"


    " Okay Brenn what'd you have me do huh? Scream? Jump around? Get miraculously healed of the aches I feel here and there because of what? A human being as myself came to check up on me? Yeah,big deal!"

    "Oh sweet lord hold your horses a bit sister I didn't mean it that way"

    "Well what way then?"

    "Ohhhhh I don't know"  she said with a glum look and I began feeling bad for speaking to her that way.

    "Oh I'm sorry Brenny it's just that I don't fancy all that fairy tale stuff that you probably having in that little head of yours"

    "Oh okayyyy I'm sorry too for being annoying"

    "Oh If you're apologising for that then you  have to be apologising everyday sister" we burst into fits of laughter as Nicole came in with Leo and the nurse. Wow, took them long enough.

    "Damn! These vending machines need rehabilitation ugh! Look how long it took just to get some food jeez that crap should be thrown out for good!....... What'd I miss?"

    "Oh nothing much Hun"

The nurse asked the girls to leave the room while she checks if I'm okay to go home yet and I apologize for having to keep her working late. Bippidi boppoty Boop she finished her investigation on me and she let me go.

Finally with my friends I told them to wait while I called my brother Arman so that he could drop them all off at their homes. Just a way of thanking them for waiting for me actually.

We all made quick conversation while waiting for Arman to come get us. He finally pulls up in the school's parking lot as we all make our way to get in and I called shot gun as I took the front seat and the girls ended up at the back.

    "Armani where's Val?"

    "Ohh you know the usual, at the pool skinny dipping, of course he's at home heck where else could he be?"

    "Boy am I glad to see you too thanks for asking"  jeez maybe I should start thinking of suicide seeing that no one would obviously care if I died.

    "I'm sorry Euni how you doing? I came as soon as I heard what happened but you were still in your power nap"

    "Awww you actually care"

    "No I don't I just didn't want to say bye to the best sandwiches I've ever tasted just yet"

    "Jeez Imma get myself a pocket knife from now on"

    "For what?"

    "Hmmmm kill myself"

    "Shut up Euni ...God! Why'd you even think that?!!"

    "Cuz no one would care so what the heck?"

    "Shut up!"


  The drive to our homes was lively and fun as we all made Convo and Arman even got to know how crazy my friends were in just one drive. Bravo girls 👏👏👏.

After dropping the girls off at their homes, next stop: the Pierre's. Woohoo home sweet home. Can't wait to get to my comfy cove of greatness, my bed. It's wayyyy better than that wood I had to lay on at school.

Arman parks the car in the garage and I step out skipping across our perfectly mowed lawn I skipped up to the front door of my home  inhaling the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls mixed together with the sweet natural scent of our home,minty lemon.
Pause! Great the beautiful scenery just had to be interrupted by this species they call 'little brother'

    "Awww mehn! Was hoping you'd stay there for a few more days, ya'know thinking of transferring you to the hospital. I needed your room for my gym mehn"

    "Love you too dilweed plus now I heard plans you have for my room I'll remember not to die in any other accidents I may encounter,Hmm" I replied him feeling victorious as I left him speechless.

    "Whatever! Welcome home Euni!!!! Damn don't ever do that to me again!" Lookie who's on the mood swing train today. This boy wished me dead two seconds ago!!.

    "Sure thing". He came in for a hug and I just froze there. I told you I don't do hugs.

    "What's for dinner I'm starrrrviiiing" I drawled out because I was so hungry.

    "Cinnamon rolls!!" Louise chimed in as she came and hugged me so tight lifting me in the air. Wow the only sibling who was actually happy I didn't die today.

    "Thank you sisiiiii...awww I'm so emotional right now I love you!!!!"

    "Of course you do"

For some weird reason I love cinnamon rolls I don't know why but I do.

I rush upstairs to go freshen up and get ready for dinner. I came downstairs to see the table set and everything and I was more than happy to eat some actual food already.

Dinner went well -awful- as usual. A little bickering here a little bickering there. Pointless arguments here pointless arguments there. Discussions of what happened at school today,etc.

After dinner I offered to help Louise in doing the dishes but she declined and instead she made Val do it with her. Mehn I should get sick more often,but nope my body has other plans for me as it is because I hardly literally hardly get sick.

I dashed upstairs into my room getting all comfy and ready to sleep. My phone buzzes on the desk adjacent my bed about three and a half feet away from it. I stretch and stretch and stretch but it's of no use.
    "It's so farrrr" I whined to myself as my eyes slowly drifting shut and I murmur to myself saying I'll make it up to whoever was texting me.

The damn thing kept buzzing and I just had to get up and walk three feet all the way to my table to get it. I saw numerous texts. From Brenna,and three other unknown numbers. I read all the texts and replying them I realise two of those numbers belong to Leona and Nicole but I'm yet to know the owner of the last number.

*Whatsup beautiful 😏

*And you are?*

*The one you've been searching for your whole life*

*Uhm excuse you?🤨

*Tch tch this sassy on all your new friends?😏*

*Mind you I'm sassy to no friend of mine,got that😕*

*Ouch, what a shame thought I actually meant something to you*

*Well you obviously don't. Look mister if you're gonna barge into my DM playing the smooth criminal and all that crap might as well had better get the hell outta my phone,see ya never*

I was about to block the number because I was no fan of players,smooth talkers whatever the heck it is they're called, when I received a text from the same number

*Wait!!! Jeez Christmas you sure do have a temper. Just chill okay*

*Wait a second...Luke?*

*Heck yeah!!!*

*Ugh why'd you have to go all ... that...on me??*

* A little fun won't hurt anybody*

*Speaking of hurt who gave you my number? Cuz I won't mind hurting them real good*

*What?! Well thanks for the hint cuz now I ain't telling*

*Well whoever it is aint lucky for long.... goodnight Lukeyyy☺️💙*

I knew that if I had continued texting I would not have gotten any sleep which was what I craved for at the moment. I saved his number and placed the phone back on my desk as I proceeded to my comfy coven of greatness. I heard my phone buzzing again but I ignored feeling fulfilled as I took my spot on my baby allowing myself drift into my world of wonders...


Sorry for taking Soo long to update... school has been hec-tic. Please vote comment and share ❣️🙃✨.
A picture of Nicole at the top😉😎
Much love ❣️✨✨☺️
