Chapter 8-Fudge cream

"Oh good lord C'mon Brenn Haven't you made a choice already!!" I yelled from the other side of the room.

Currently we have been at the mall for three solid tiring long hours and it didn't seem to dawn on Brenn as she annoyingly took her time to pick out everything she would want for herself. As for me on the other hand every part of me was feeling sore from all the walking waiting trying on clothes here and there,you name it. I already had my outfit picked and it was left for Brenn to make her own decision from the last two choices she had and could afford.

    "Don't give me that Euni I didn't pressurise you when it was your turn besides they are both so pretty!!"

    "Pressurise me?! Brenn I made my pick before you could say Jack Robinson and besides you loved the second one way more than the first and i too love the second one as well why not just go for that one instead we'd look like twinzies"

    "Aww you really think I should go for the second one?"

    "Heaven yesssss!!" I drawled out tiredness evident in my voice.

    "Okay then the second dress it is".

    "Thank you Jesus finally!"

We made our way to the front desk of that section of the mall to make the payments for our dresses and we moved to the next section for shoes to get Brenn new shoes that she wanted. Now that I think about it her house should be a boutique by now if she really buys new shoes for every party she plans to attend, Sheesh.

Finally out of the mall after what felt like forever. We took a look at our dresses holding them up to our chest while staring at the mirror as we made cheeky girly noises and scrambled outta the mall.

My outfit was a simple armless dress a little bit above my knees more like mid thigh length which hugged my curves when worn, coupled with an army camouflage jacket, some sweet black and white kicks and hoop earrings. This might sound weird but I don't have ear holes and believe me I love it that way. Brenn didn't think it right for me to not have earrings so she forced me to get the clip on type of earrings and I hated the idea but I just had to compromise reminding her that I won't wear any bit off make up for that party whatsoever and she agreed. Not like I was gonna wear the make up anyways.

Brenna's outfit was actually pretty simple to my surprise but she did promise to couple it with a few accessories when she gets home. It was a simple elegant black dress mid thigh high a well with long sleeve lace arms and a pair of black strap heels. The dress hugged her curves as well which is why I liked the dress and had the idea of us being twinzies when we'd wear them on the D-day.

"Ya'know your supposed to be the one to pay for all this stuff considering that you're the one that literally dragged me outta my comfy coven today know?..I ranted as we both took seat in her car.

"Oh yeah ? Well thanks to my dragging you out I'm extremely sure that you'd have done nothing but your homework watch TV and drown yourself in food having absolutely no sense of enjoying life while it lasts".

Ouch okay that stung a bit considering its true.

"Well you're not wrong anyway but maybe remind I'm used to and I love that life Hmm?"

"Well get unused to it Hun cuz with me you're gonna be getting a whole lot more than just shopping sister"

"Oh good heavens can't I just drink water and drop the cup on your case Brenn?"

"Hell nahh Christmas Imma show you I'm quite a packed case Hun"

"Christmas?! How the fosbury did you get to know that name? Only Luke calls me that!"

"I have my ways hun" she bobbed her head up and down as she ended the discussion leaving me in awe and tuned up the radio. Thank goodness they were playing music because I'm inches away from tackling this girl even in the driver's seat. The radio was playing 'shes confident' by 'justin Bieber' as we both sang along on the drive to our respective homes.

****The next week******

The alarm clock kept buzzing till I woke up.
"Ugh! It's Monday again! Can't we just start school on Tuesdays" I muttered to myself trying to get out of bed. Guess what, I couldn't. I tried to get just five minutes more sleep but nope! two minutes later that damn thing started again!.
"Fine! Fine!! I'm up" I screamed at the alarm clock. Yes I was frustrated, I had to drag myself away from my coven of greatness as I proceeded to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth basically trying to get all the remaining sleep out of my eyes.

I did my morning routine,groomed myself as i got ready for school. Feeling a bit worn out and chilly today, I wore an oversized sweater and just a pair of jeans with my shoes and I got my backpack as I headed downstairs to have breakfast.

"Oouuu I heard the introverted birdie gave life a shot the other day"

"Oh Louise how bout you start keeping your ears to yourself Hmm?"

"Whaaaat? Just because I'm happy that my baby sis is finally giving a shot at what they call 'life'". She said using her hands to make crazy gestures like it's such a big deal. Ugh!

"Whatever... Pleaaaasseee what are we having for breakfast Lou-boo I'm starrrrviiiing"

"How can you be that hungry so early in the morning? Jeez!"

"Uhm I don't know... puberty?"

"How bout a 'i forgot I have brothers' for breakfast" Val butted In probably feeling left out.

"Awwww I didn't forget ...come here" I gestured for him to come in for a hug... which is really rare for guess I kinda felt bad too.

"Awwww...." He came over but that knuckle head didn't hug me, instead he clicked my forehead with his thumb and middle finger.

"Oouuuiieeee!!! What was that for?!! Well all you should know is thats the first and last hug I'll ever offer you in the this life!"

"Oh C'mon Euni it was just a harmless joke"

"Harmless joke you say? Yeah right, a harmless joke that almost cost me my brain!"

"Eunica it was only a click on your head!"

"Yeah... On my head where my brain's at!" ...what? I said I get startled easily.

"Oh I'm sorryyy pwetty pwease forgive me"

"Yeah yeah you're forgiven"

"Holy cow just like that?" Armando spoke up next.

"Yes Ammy" Val answered on my behalf feeling like he was totally forgiven,Hmm, which earned him a death glare from Armando for using that nick name he so much loves.

"You're so lucky my fist isn't close to you right now else you'd be going to school with a broken jaw or won't be going at all"

"Awwww now aren't you the sweetest big brother in town"

"Exactly and I'll show just how sugary I can get"

"Ugh will you boys just shut up and eat!" Louise yelled obviously tired of the boys bickering.

We all sat and ate doing the usuals as Val and Arman got into a bro's conversation like they didn't just almost break each others noses right now. Pfft...and Arman was surprised when I forgave Val just like that. Anyway I ate only two pieces of my pancakes as I announced that I was off to school.

    "And how exactly do you want to do that?"

    "I have a bike Val and I'm pretty sure I remember how to use it"

    "Yeah and a bike is soooooo much more comfortable than the car"

    "As a matter of fact yes. The fresh summer breeze sweeping across my hair seeping through the pores of my skin making one feel younger compared to being trapped in a hell hole with AC's though shut out from the world listening to two knuckleheads bicker through the whole ride...yeah no thanks I'd choose my bike over that anyday."

On that note I grabbed my backpack bid them bye as I went to get my baby from the garage clean her up a little bit and rode her to school.


    "And she was like 'no wayyyy Clara could never do that to Adam it's just not done'" Nicole said in a highly pitched exaggerated tone trying to immitate the character of a movie she watched.

Currently it was break time and everyone was having a good time at the cafeteria. Nicole was telling us about her weekend and the movie she watched which she thought was awful. That was after Brenn had told everyone how she literally had to drag me out of my house on Saturday so that we could go to the mall.

Later on I found out that everyone was already planning to attend the party except me who initially didn't want to go until Brenn forced me to.

    "It was obvious that the bitch was being totally fake with Anna knowing that she was the one behind the whole damn thing!" Nicole continued her story but I couldn't help but zone out especially because I wasn't understanding half a thing she was narrating about the movie.

    "What if peanut butter came to life and started attacking us humans for turning them from their happy nutty lives into peanut butter?" I thought out loud as I felt pairs of eyes stare at me.

    "What did you say?"Leo spoke up

    "What did I say?" I repeated the question more like a statement totally unaware that I was thinking out loud.

    "Yeah... peanut"

    "Ohhhh ....wait did I say that out loud?"
    "Ya sure did" Everyone started laughing and I joined in thinking of how funny and weird it would've sounded.

    "So what made you to change your mind about your hair?" Liam asked changing the topic. Great back to my hair again.

    "Oh that...well actually I just's just life, it'll be over before you know it,might as well enjoy my weirdness before that time"

    "But why were you using a wig before?" Nicole asked next.

    " was a source of bullying to me at my last school" I was really hoping that they'd get the hint in my voice that I really didn't wanna go into details.

    "Bullying?" Brenn pressed on the topic. Here goes nothing.

    "Yeah bullying. At my last school it was awkward for them to have a student that wasnt the normal blonde, brunette dark haired or even red haired girl. They thought I didn't.... blend in? with them and they saw it as a reason to bully me so in order for me to survive I got the wig so that they'd think I dyed my hair and just leave me alone. Alongside the fact that I was also kind of a geek and had no grounds of my own. One of the reasons why I was actually bent on wanting to change school."

    "Well whatever the case is just know you beautiful and rocking your weirdness girl"  Nicole said.

    "Yeah she's right I don't think you need to worry about blending in you're awkwardness as they might have seen it is beauty at its peak" Leo added.

    "Exactly girl!. The only reason those good for nothing scumbags were bullying you was cuz they knew they ain't never gonna be as pretty as you. Ohhhh God should be in their side because if I ever lay eyes on them I'm gonna give 'em a taste of they own medicine!" Brenn added in.

    "Oh thank you so much guys don't go all touchy feely on me now wouldn't want the water works destroying the cafeteria" the whole table was engulfed in laughter at my statement. Ain't never a dull moment with these guys. Thank you Lord for leading me to the right friends. These are the kinda people who would help one look young forever.

    "I'm also sorry that I kinda made you remember all that" Liam apologized.

    "Nahhhh it's okay I'm actually glad you did. Now I know how I want to live the rest of my high school life and beyond".

Lunch was going well and everyone having fun when I remembered that P.E was just two periods away from now.

    "Ugh oh God, who is ready for P.E?"

I am no sports person. The only sports I know so far are my work outs. That's if it's even considered a sport.

    "Not me that's who" Leo and Nicole said in unison

    "Me neither....I and sports in the same sentence is like an oxymoron. I mean could someone please do me a favour and save me a bed in the nurse's office because Im sure as heaven I'm gonna be visiting there soon"

    "Oh C'mon Euni have ye no faith? Don't worry I'll be there with you,we all will"

    "Thank you so much Brenn what would I do without you"

     "Hmmmm lets see..... 1: you won't have a life
2: you'll die sad
3: you'll never have a boyfriend
4: you'll never get married
5: you'll won't get to know the meaning of fun
6: you'll forget that you deserve better-"

    " Okay okay!!! Enough! Jeez huggle nuggets my life can't possibly be that wrecked"

    "Unfortunately it is" the whole table was engulfed in laughter once again as the bell for the next class went as we all exited the cafeteria hurrying off to our various classes.

I felt a pair of eyes stare daggers to the back of my head. Feeling so uncomfortable I traced it only to find out it was him. Staring me down as if to say we have unfinished business......


Everyone had assembled at the gym after changing to our gym clothes at the lockers. We were all waiting for the coach to arrive so we could start rehearsals.

Ive already heard more than enough rumours of our coach. Especially how bitter and ruthless she can be. Come to think of it is it mandatory or is it written in the qualifying characteristics of the job that you must be all so tough and joyless in your training? I mean if anything at all these people are meant to be like the school's psychologist after the school counselor right???.

    "I heard it was because of her ex that dumped her" Nicole piped into my thoughts.

    "Don't say that Nicole it's about time you kept your ears to yourself and stop listening to all these rumours you hear."

    "First of all I'm not the one who said it Leo I'm just repeating what I heard it's not like I agree with it or anything"

    "Enough girls coach is already on her way to put us in a bad mood now so the last thing we need right now you two quarreling over a pointless matter"

   "If anything happens to me tell my brother Val to not touch my camera I still love Siri very much?"

    "Siri?" They asked in unison

    "Yes Siri that's my cameras name and I wouldn't want it destroyed if I'm gone". We all laughed at my words.

    "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!! Okay dilweeds get yourselves in position and split into two teams.  Hurry up I'm not getting paid to watch y'all lazy asses litter here all day!!!" Our coach finally arrived.

No kidding about the bitter part,jeeez!.

I and Nicole were on the same team while Leona and Brenn were on the other team. We were playing the game of dodge ball.

    "Ready....set.... dodge ball!!!" The coach's whistle went off. And so did I.....

Oh no not this again. I felt myself being detached from my physical state. I began seeing myself from another direction again. "Oh please no please!! This is dodge ball for Christ sake!! I could get hit,kicked off the team before even getting on it!! I could get hurt oh please come back to me please!!" I pleaded with my physical body to come back to me. I pushed,I pulled,I dragged, I banged,but no, was like a force a barrier preventing me from reconnecting to my physical self. The game had started and I saw me moving with speed. As I dodged the balls coming at me swiftly and smoothly, hitting every target of mine with sickly accuracy. I had dodged the balls coming at me as well as helping my other teammates dodge the balls coming at them so that I'd have more players on my team at the end of the game. I had knocked down almost all the players on the other team leaving only Leo and Brenn and one other girl standing on the opposite team. These evil forces finally allowed I and my physical being reunite again as physical me was about to hit Leo down with a ball......

    "Aaagghhhh my head!!!!" I yelled in pain as I collapsed on the floor"

    "Eunica!!!" I could hear my name being called but I couldn't make out who did call me.

    "What's wrong with her she was playing well" I recognised the coach's gruff voice.

    "Oh God no! She's bleeding!! Is she gonna die!? We need to get her to the school's nurse immediately!" I could recognise Leo's soft voice. She's such a sweetheart. The evil me almost knocked her down in dodge ball and here she was still caring about my health.

    "Yes dad I'd like the waffle balls  with some fudge cream" I ranted on as I embraced the welcoming arms of the comforting darkness that awaited me......

There it is guys.... please feel free to vote comment and share ❣️
Tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments and I promise to reply and also there's  an idea if the girls outfits at the beginning of the chapter.

Much love

KC^^^^^^A 💖


