Chapter 13- Normally weird

With the help of tiny lights poking into my eyes, I was able to get up and stumble over to the window to close it, shutting out all forms of evil that decided to endanger my beautiful sleep, but Eunice had other things planned as she took advantage of my drowsiness and opened up the window instead allowing all the sun sting my eyes but I felt pretty alive as it seeped through the pores of my skin and made me feel like a new born. I wanted to mentally slap Eunice for the surprise attack but I couldn't as I saw she was doing what's good for both of us. Truly the morning sun does major in Vitamin D.

Willingly but unwillingly up I decided to groom myself a little before Eunice and I proceed to our daily routine. With a little brushing and washing my face while putting my waves back in a messy bun I felt groomed enough to go on with my daily routine.

Recently I've been looking up my case online, kinda. I just basically looked up meditation videos, videos like the ones that help calm nerves, some yoga videos that helps connect with yr environment which actually also helps me connect with Eunice more, and many others.

Time for breakfast! Was really hoping Louise would surprise us again but nope, she did not. Meaning I had to make breakfast and I was also reminded of this dreadful day, Saturday. Darn it!!!

I proceeded to make some Tofu as I saw we had ingredients for that. Armando piped up behind the counter acting all *mouth watering* while I was cooking.

"Waddup dingus"

"Good morning to you too, and I had a lovely night thank you very much" I replied him disgust and sarcasm written all over my face and laced through my tone.

"Geez someone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning"

"Oh just shut up Armani"

"What'd you just call me?"

"Oh you mean the sweetest wittle nick name any sis could ever give her big bwother? Armani?"

"Oh you're in stupid trouble sis" he grunted our while heading towards me in a menacing manner. And I sharply using the hot cooking spoon as a sword.

"Believe me when I say you won't be having any breakfast this morning twerp!"

"Ahhh Ahh oh please evil Queen of Toland don't hurt me" he mimicked in an overly pitched girl voice which just meant he was being sarcastic. As I and him started acting and fighting like two knights battling to kidnap the armour of Historia.

"Where's everyone anyway?"

"Well your beloved sister Louise is already at her besties Bianca's and Val z upstairs in his room. Euni honey please I'm tired of playing knight on shining armour, pwetty pwease can I have my food now"

"Ha! I always win, having the upper hand feels goood. Anyway it'll be ready inna bit, what about dad?"

"Uhm yeah that....uh he's not around right now..."

"Okay then when will he be back though, I know for a fact that i got my love for tofu from him and I wouldn't want his food cold by the time he's around"

"Yeah...'bout that, uhm Euni?"


"Dad won't be home in a while....."

" Thats not new say like how long? A week?"



"Nuh uh"

"Well would you stop acting like you on some reality show and tell me already!"

"He's on a trip.....and would be gone for three months" he more like murmured that last part to himself probably hoping I don't hear him.

"T-t-t-three what?!!!!! Three freaking what?!!!!"

"Three months Euni" Now I see why he was a reluctant to tell me. It's not like it's the first time dad has been away this long but it's just that since when last mom visited he's not been away that long, the least he's been away was a month and he couldn't even finish that month because I was too needy for him to come back. Now I think about it, I'm wondering how he's still kept his job especially with me in his life.

"Why didn't he tell me? It's all my fault, I'm too weak, he couldn't bear to see me sad, I'm a freaking sad fridge, i-i-i....."

"Calm down Hun he has a lotta other reasons I'm sure" he got up to come console me

"It's okay hungry?"

"Huh" he sounded really confused as to my swift change in mood but I had to hide my hurt, try to stay strong, for dad and a lotta other reasons.

Valentino came downstairs looking dressed up than on a normal Saturday. Grabbing a plate and taking his food even when he wasn't told to.

"Good morning to you too dear dingus"

"Yeah sup trog" it's short for troglodyte. That's what we call Arman.

"Drop that plate dingus where the heavens you off to?'

"Okay I'm sorry for the attitude, it's just that I'm going out with my guys today, C'mon can't I just have a life pwetty pwease"

"To where?"

"Anywhere that's not our houses durhh"

"Waeva just be home in time, don't think cuz dad's not home he's obviously only trusted daughter, Eunica can't maintain some sanity round here"

"Yes mum"

"Don't call me that!"

"Yeah...I'm sorry"

"Well 'fore you're going anywhere you're having breakfast like it or not"

"You dont need to tell me once"


In a matter of time I was home alone with everyone but me out there having a life, and believe me I like me that way hmph. I finished up with my chores and almost started crying when I thought I had to do my siblings chores as well. As I proceeded in slow motion to the bathrooms and started washing them one by one. Those nimrods sooo owe me 10.

Few hours later, three hours and forty seven minutes later to be precise, I was done with everything and the house was spotless. Thank goodness I had the help from Eunice whether she liked it or not, ha!.

I quickly took a cold shower and got back into a pair of clean SpongeBob pyjamas, I'm not going anywhere so no need to look good right? yeah don't judge me. I tied my waves with a blue scarf from the back and knotted it in the front to suit it's colour.
I finished up with homework which took about two hours.



"When are you going to tell them?"

"Tell who what?"

"You know.... tell yor family about me?" I spat out the water I was drinking.

"What?!!! Are you out of your mind? Wait but you're in my mind, are you out of my mind or yours that's in mine ....ugh!! You know what I'm trying to say!"

"Calm down Euni don't go all crazy on me now"

"Crazy? Oh puh-lease crazy is the only thing my family would think of me once I try to tell them about you, us, ugh"

" I'm sorry I just thought they should know I mean they are family"

"I know they are Eun but it's just not the right time yet, please understand"

"It's okay I do"

"Thank you so much b"
I proceeded to making some movie snacks as I was bored and wanted to watch TV. I grabbed some chips and mustard and made my very own homemade nachos, coupled with some whipped cream, it's a bad combo I know but what the heck? Ive been responsible all day time for a wittle fun.

With last hurrah by Bebe Rexa blasting through the speakers of my phone, I sang along as I was making all movie snacks I could think of. Pop corn, nachos, sandwich, candy, whipped cream, and all whatnot.

With everything ready, food, snacks, movies, TV, blanket incase it gets any more chilly than it already is, I concluded i was ready to chill. I settled on watching starwars seeing everyone was talking bout it and I knew nothing of it. Although even if I did watch it I'd forget what it's all about in a giffy. Forgive me if I use my retentive memory for school stuff only.

Thirty minutes into the movie....

Ding dong....

Mehn I've barely enjoyed myself and one of those dinguses are back already ugh. With the whipped cream in my left hand, and some of it in my mouth I went to open the door. And behold I couldn't believe what my eyes saw. It was....Luke!!!!

I slammed the door as fast as I opened it as I was confused about what I saw. I opened the door and and peeped to be sure
I wasn't seeing things and a set of perfect pearly whites were shining brightly into my eyes. More like mocking me hmph. I shut the door again trying to compose myself as I realised I still had whipped cream everywhere. I quickly cleaned it off with, well, my PJ's ofcourse, j had no other choice as I opened the door again and dragged Luke in.

"Not so happy to see me Christmas'

"That's exactly the emotion the person who showed you my house is gonna feel when I'm done with 'em!"

"Easy there blue berry, I'll never tell"

"Blueberry?" Why does that sound familiar...

"Yeah durhh"

"Okay firstly boys dont say durhh and make goofy faces, secondly!! Who gave you the idea of calling me blueberry???"

"Okay whatever. It was Brett anyway, he usually is good at comebacks but he was pretty sappy when it comes to you"

"Comebacks? Sappy??"

"Never mind. Well looks like I came at the right time" he drawled as he saw my living room, centre table filled with snacks and a paused TV as he made his way to sit down.

"Nuh uh uh nah ah not so fast lukey how'd you find my house ?!"

"Nothing a little lurking can't fix huh"

"Lurking? As in you were following me?!"

"Yeah so?"

"Yeah so?!.... Did you just say yeah so?! Dudeeeee!!!!"

"Easy there blue bear, now we could either stand here and argue all day Orrrr get ourselves some grub"

"Oh great, aren't I the nickname goddess right now huh. Ugh whatever i think I'd go with the food idea anyways. I'm way to weak to argue with anyone right now much less you"

Just when I thought I was gonna have the best day ever, I mentally face palmed myself as It was hopeless trying to get him out of my house anyway.

Hi guys I'm backkkkkk hallelujah!!!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰
I'm so sorry it took this long to update again please forgive me. Goodnews: I'm finally on holiday!!!! So by the grace of God I will be giving back to back updates now, Woohoo. Enjoy as you keep reading and a merry Christmas in advance๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿคถ๐Ÿคถ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„.
Also a pic of my vision if Valentino at the top.
