CHAPTER 17- Don't tell me she apologized

I went to bed so angry at everyone that even Eunice couldn't calm me down. One reason being the warm reception (note sarcasm) that I got from my loving family after coming home, for Christ sake I could've been kidnapped or something and yet that was how they decided to react to my return. Another reason being that I don't get it why my siblings cant see through Andrea's lying tactics. Only God knows what level of voodoo she could be using on them but one thing was for sure, whatever it may be it sure ain't working on me.

On that note, i got into the washroom and freshened up, throwing my waves up into a messy bun before slipping into my pyjamas and going to bed.


I woke up the next morning being a Sunday, with an unusual pain in my head as if I was knocked out in a deserted alley by some hoodlum the night before. I couldn't understand why I was in so much pain and I thought Eunice might feel same too so I tried to check on her.

"Eunice are you okay? you there? feeling the pain too?"

"Easy there wolverine, one question at a time okay?" She sounded to be in more pain than i was feeling which got me real worried.

"Oh my God Eunice you don't sound so good. Was it cuz of last night? I'm so sorry b it wont happen again. Please just tell me your okay and mean it this time, you know what? lets get straight to our morning meditations, that should help right?"

"Yeah that sounds good to me, lets get to the meditation already, that could really help"

I quickly got out of bed, my bun loosened during the night so I just let my waves fall to my shoulders freely as I began my morning meditation routine. Boy was I glad I got to it already because it helped calm both Eunice and I down.

We were here again. At this beautiful forest-like garden. Where the mahogany coated what looked to be the edges of this place. Providing a warm and comforting weather as the wind blew past the trees and to the waters making them dance in sync with each other to the beautiful song that was currently playing. Which made me realize that indeed nature is a song. I wandered yet again deeper and further into this luxurious woods, I came to a clearing in what seemed to be the middle of this place. This time i wasn't alone.

I noticed and felt a figure behind me, but as soon as I turned back it was gone and I was a little scared. Finally the figure decided to reveal itself as I yet again spun around and set my eyes on the shiniest substance I have ever seen. It was covered in a shiny garment from top to bottom and it was then that i realized it was a human figure.

But before I could be able to decipher if it was male or female, or perhaps both, I started feeling that force tug on my sleeve again, i tried to shrug it off but each time the force only seemed to get stronger and before I know it.......*lights out*

By the time i was back to earth i realized i wasn't in my sitting position anymore but rather laying on the floor in an utterly weird posture. Good thing I had my door locked else i'd have been asked some questions i wasn't ready to give answers to.

Thankfully the meditation process helped as i was feeling a whole lot better alongside Eunice who sounded like she could take up a whole army right now.

But one weird thing I noticed when we were back to earth is that time flew by real quick. Before I went into wonderland, from the look of the morning sky one could easily say that it was just about 7:00 am or just at least a few minutes past. But when I was back to earth it was 10:27 am. That means I spent well over three hours in wonderland but it felt like just a couple minutes.

I threw all the questions piling up in my head to the back of my mind as I really am in the mood for dad's famous old school pancakes, but instead of syrup, we used gravy which was totally bomb to me.

Right on cue my stomach started making hungry tummy sounds as I proceeded to go freshen up before going to have breakfast. A pair of sweatpants, sleeveless fitting crop top coupled with black socks seemed suitable for a lazy Sunday outfit. After rounding up with the much needed cleaning up I dimmed myself worthy of finally having some breakfast.

The minute I unlocked my door and stepped outside my room into the hallway, i was met with am awkward silence, not to mention the fact that the Pierre's aren't known to ever have a peaceful morning, and then that creepy aura which all made events of last night unfold in my head and I then remembered the dreaded creature that was currently staying under the same roof as I.

I mustered up enough courage to go downstairs and to the kitchen because honestly speaking, my hungry glands are way stronger than any grudge or whatever.

As I made my way towards the kitchen I saw everyone, except Armando of course, typical of him so no surprise there. Andrea and Valentino were watching TV in the living room although they had like a six-feet distance between them which is kind of weird considering the fact that he and the others don't seem to get my beef with Andrea.

I ignored them and went straight to the kitchen where i saw Louisa doing the dishes and then realized they already had breakfast without me. I began overthinking the whole thing (typical of me), concluding that they don't care about me and most certainly couldn't care less if I starve to death. Kind of ironic considering the fact they were all up in my neck yesterday about how I just disappeared. But nonetheless, it still hurt me deeply that they would have breakfast without me. But being the knuckle head I am just masked the hurt and proceeded with making my own breakfast. Acting as if I didn't see Louisa there.

"You know I've knocked on your door more than seventeen times between last night and this morning" she spoke up first as soon as she was done with the dishes.

I acted as if I still didn't know she was there as I began mixing the flour and sugar for my pancakes. She didn't deserve the silent treatment I was giving her though especially because she was the only one who didn't scream at me yesterday.

"You may think that we don't care about you but we actually do Eunica. You've been rather acting weird and distant from us lately and frankly I personally am scared that you might end up like Armando, almost always locked up in his room doing God-knows-what all the damn time"

At this time i was already done whipping up the pancake batter and kept moving round the kitchen acting like no one was here. Thankfully she understood me and didnt try to get in my way or anything.

"Is it because of those three years you were bullied at the boarding school? you do know i was always ready to come and knock the snot out of anyone who was making your life miserable but you were the one who always begged me to stay out of it and I didn't know how to say no to all your pleas mostly because you assured me you could handle it......."

I paused for a moment and totally froze, why was she bringing this up? damn it brought back so many bad memories. I tried to still ignore her and proceed to making my gravy while my cakes were cooking.

" see that's what I'm talking about, so distant you cant even tell your big sister what's going on in your head, and what's this about this baby beef you have with mom? yeah she cheated and all bu-"

She was cut off with a loud thud of my bowl on the kitchen on the kitchen island.

"Baby......beef?! is that what you freaking call it? baby-damn-beef? that creature cheated on dad! our father who was nothing but a loving husband and father!!! she threw it all to the wind not even minding the fact that she had kids and you know what sickens me the most? the fact that she did it MORE THAN ONCE!!! and not for one minute did she regret it or show any REMORSE!!!!"

"What do you mean she didn't apologise, she has apologized more than once and you just seem not to go over it"

"Oh really huh? she apologized right? no problem. Lets assume she did apologise, all those times that she disappeared for days, weeks, months, one time it was almost a year if not a year, where was she if I may ask? where was she when we'd watch dad cook for us, watch movies with us, tuck us in and then go to bed alone, where in heavens name was she? so don't you tell me she apologized because I for one believe apologies aren't for the lips only but also to show 'em with your actions"

I didn't wait for her to say anything as I took my breakfast and went up to my room to eat it in peace and no unwanted drama surrounding me. It didn't take long for me to finish up my food and after a few hours i was bored. I already finished up with my homework yesterday so there was basically nothing for me to do and I settled for having a DIY makeover.

I stared myself down in the mirror and decided I should change up my hairstyle a little bit. I've always wondered how I would look with locks. So I looked up some DIY faux locks videos and luckily I had all the hair products needed and followed the steps in the video to change my look. In less than an hour i was done and boy did I look good.

"te ves como una linda princesa Azul bebe" I said to myself after seeing how well I redesigned myself. I decided that I should have some fun today. After all i did come back home to see if I could restart my life here and not push every single person that actually cares for me away. With my mind set towards having a great time today i picked up my phone and messaged Brenna to come pick me up because i wanted to spend the rest of my day with her. Honestly I don't have any other close friend than her so, I just went for it.

In ten minutes she was at my house which was super fast to me. Especially because she didn't even reply me if she was coming. As soon as I got her text that she was at my doorstep I threw on a casual jean jacket and slipped on my slides along with my mini back pack and headed out to meet her outside. I felt bad for flipping on Louise earlier so I made sure to pass by her room and tell her that i was heading out with Brenna. I didn't wait for her to respond and walked-ran to meet up with Brenna.

"Well looks like someone missed me much" I teased her as I met her on the porch and she hugged me. I didn't oppose but I didnt return the hug and i'm glad she understood.

"Oh there was no way I was gonna miss a once in a lifetime opportunity of the great Eunica Pierre actually giving a shot at life"

"And there we have it, the one and only melodramatic Brenna Ocean" we burst into fits of laughter as we got into her car and sped off to her house listening tp some rock music.

As soon as we arrived at her house i got out of her car while she parked in the garage. She came and saw me still standing at the door and had a surprised look on her face.

"What?" I asked her confused myself

"Didn't you knock?"

"Uhm, no"

"And why is that?"

"Ugh this is my first time okay! and don't ask why cuz its a long boring story. no necesitas saber la historia de mi vida y como casi nunca he tenido amigos"

"What the hell did you just say?!!!"

"I just said its a long story"

"Mmmhhm that's what today is for honey"

"Ugh why did i open my big mouth!"

She unlocked the door with her own keys and we goy inside the house. I was about to take off my jacket and hang it on the rack when I quickly pulled it back on as my eyes widened at what I was seeing. If looks could kill Brenna would be 6ft under by now as i starred daggers into her.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I whisper-yelled while she just laughed it off like I was joking or something.


What do you think made Eunica react that way?

I'm so sorry for the late update guys I promise to try and regulate it now

we're almost at 400 reads I am so greatful guys thank you i love you so much for all the support you have shown towards this book. Thank you and God bless you. muaaahhhh

remember I a an open book so feel free to pitch ur ideas and opinions in the comment section

vote comment and share..........much love

