Nahh man, Im not up for that nonsense, Ive told you, I wanna be serious with Annabelle and I need to prove it to her that I am not joking

Oh cmon bruver, stop that bullshit you talking bout and bring yo ass to this club, get yourself some nice shawties and just while the evening away my man. At least enjoy yourself before that Amanda chick completely has you wrapped round her finger nigga

Okay first of all her name is not Amanda, its Annabelle I mean how could you even mix that up? They sound nothing alike, secondly Imma keep saying it to you until you finally get it into that titanium head of yours, I AM GONNA HIT IT WITH ANNABELLE SOONER OR LATER, OKAY? So count me out of this your man whore talk thank you very much after that I hung up the phone on my friend, Nick. The nerve of that guy.

Hollup, how did I even get to know this guy. My room was pretty messy and I had no intention of cleaning it up, at least not now. PS im a really clean guy so dont take it the wrong way.

I was about to go play some online games when my phone started buzzing again.

God help you Nick if I do come to that club Imma punch your gu- I was cut short as I saw it was a message from Eunica instead,

*Im being kidnapped, I have no idea where theyre taking me to and currently were still on the road, PLEASE HELP!!!*

Okay what sort of prank is she trying to play on me this time? Does she really think Id fall for that again


I looked up as Valentino burst into my room looking like a mad man

What happened, why did you just burst in like that

Its Eunica, I dont know what happened but she just sent me a text saying that she hit her head really hard and all of a sudden she was tied up somewhere

If she was tied up, how would she be able to send you a text?

The text was kinda jargon but I made sense out of it

Okay give me your phone and let me see the text

It read Guyd please helo me I hiu ma head reslly haed and I wike up alk toed up, im realy scard

Geez, It does look like she used her feet to type this

I know right, but now that we got the message how are we gonna rescue her

Well I was working on this new tracking device stuff that could help track everyone down but its still a prototype so I dont know if it would work

Okay can it work if the persons phone is turned off and where are you gonna be tracking her from

No it wont work if her phone is off and Ill track her from my laptop

Umm give me a minute please and Ill just grab this and then Valentino grabbed my laptop and just ran out of my room

Long story short I couldnt find Eunica because her phone was switched off and after about three hours of me pacing around and freaking out even almost calling the police Eunica and Valentino walk up from the basement laughing at me. I was angry obviously but mostly relieved that it was just a prank and forgave them, I mean I cant stay angry at them for long and it was also that day I decided to invent the tracking accessory which every member of my family wears just in case of necessity, my siblings taught I was being paranoid but it was just a safety measure to me.

***End of flashback***

Too bad for her, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and Imma prove to you that I learn my lessons. Even if its well over ayear ago. I already had food for the night so I just played online games for a while and went straight to bed afterwards.

*The Next Day*

I woke up pretty earlier than usual today, for someone that sleeps in till like noon. I have at least a one month left of break from college. Its been real good too though. Catching up with old friends here at California with the beautiful weather and all. I know my college is just like a 3-hour drive from here, not that far but, my point is it just feels good to be home. Although this beef going on between mom and Eunica, not making my break so much. Speaking of Eunica Id kill to have some of her delicious five star pancake and gravy right now. Yup a rad combo but its the bomb anyway.

I quickly got off my bed and went about my oral hygiene. Didnt really bother to take a shower just yet though, its not like Im going anywhere today or even expecting anyone. Although I wouldnt mind seeing a particular someone.

Anyway I went downstairs to go get myself some breakfast but only Louisa and Val were in the kitchen, and mom, her usual spot on the couch. Im not supporting her for cheating on my father or anything Im just hoping that her coming back this time was for real, because I really miss that one big happy family we used to be and I was more than willing to always give her(mom) a chance. I mean, shes stayed longer now than all the other times that shed just pop up here randomly before having her big fight with Eunica and then leaving before one can utter Jack Robinson.

Yo dinguses, whats popping

Good morning to you too dear brother Louisa replied rolling her eyes at me.

Well not all of us got off the right side of the bed this morning huh? Whatever just tell Eun to make me one of her customized pancakes and gravy when she gets down please

Do you not live in this house anymore? She didnt come back home last night Val was the one to speak this time.

Yeah I know about that too, but earlier yesterday, some friend of hers came to pick her up, looked like they were having some sort of girls day out or something, and I thought that maybe shed just wanna spend the night there, you know, like have a sleepover. I really thought she deserved it though I mean after the big fight she had with almost everyone of us, the least she deserved was some time for herself Louisa answered.

Good one guys, you really think you could fool me again huh? We all know Eunica has never stayed out overnight before so if she should have a reason to do so at least she wouldve texted or called. Well I learnt my lesson a year ago and now I know better I directed my statement at Valentino.

What are you even talking about dude? Learn what lesson?

Last night Eunica texted me saying something about being kidnapped, yeah, nice try guys, Im not falling for that one again. Now where is she?

Im sorry, did you just say your little sister texted you, as a big brother, in need of help, saying she was being kidnapped and you did NOTHING?!!!!!!

Uhm, yeah?


What did you expect me to think? I mean a year ago she and Val pulled a prank on me similar to this and I just thought it was the usual mess around with the first born they were doing to me!

Well if you had thought of mentioning it last night and just maybe my big sister wouldnt be missing right now!!

I cant believe it. My baby sister was in actual danger and I was the first person she reached out to for help and I freaking blew it. Youre the real dingus Armando! Youre the real air head! Dammit dammit dammit!!!

Its either shes gotten really good at this game pranking thing or the kidnappers are really stupid to have left her with her phone, not like its a bad thing anyway. Its obviously not A so its definitely B. Anyway, point is if she had her phone with her last night, then by now the kidnappers must have already seen it on her and destroyed it or something I had a lot running through my mind but one thing was clear, I had to find my sister.

You two, follow me to my room

Im sorry, WHAT? they both echoed in unison.

You heard me dinguses follow me to my room I turned on my heel and stormed upstairs to my room. Im not exactly surprised at their shocked expressions when I asked them to follow me to my room, its been like years since I had them in here.

Finally at my door I bursted in with my siblings behind me.

WOAHHH!!! they echoed in unison.

Make sure you LOCK the door behind you, emphasis on LOCK

Im sorry but did some tech bug throw up in here? Cuz this looks nothing less than some surveillance room or sci/tech laboratory bro

Yeah yeah yeah , thanks for the flattering but well talk about that later aiit. Right now we need to find our baby sister

Lets be quick with that, oouuuu when I get my hands on those morons who took my sister they gon be sorry they ever inhaled the same air as her Louisa said.

Val, remember a year ago when you pranked me that Eunica was lost?

Yeah, what about it?

Good, you also remember that I told you about me working on some tracking device thing right?

I guess so, why?

Well over the year I was able to finalize and complete my device and even made some pretty cool upgrades too

Ohhhh thats why youve been hiding out in your room all these years and forbidding us from coming in, youre a secret nerd! Louisa mocked him.

Can you please tease me later and not make me regret finally letting you in my room, in case you might have forgotten Im trynna find my baby sister here

Okay okay Im sorry, but I will tease you later no doubt. Besides shes my baby sister too

Was afraid you forgot that for a second there. Anyway like I was saying, so I upgraded the tracking device and made it more.. lets say portable. I developed it and made it into some type of spray, hair spray, body spray, you know something like that. I also had to think of how to plant it on us kind of permanently, you know, like put it on something we always use everyday so I sprayed it on all of our clothes, shoes, accessories, and so on

So now using this laptop you should be able to track Eunica down in a couple minutes right Val asked.


Dont worry baby sis, youll be outta there before you know it okay, I wont let you stay there for any much longer.


So one of you my many beautiful/handsome readers suggested that I make Armandos POV and thats @pridepridey so I just wanna say thanks for the suggestion I really appreciate it and that idea really came in handy cuz now yall know a lil bit more about Armando and why hes almost always locked up in his room and hardly lets anyone in, right. Anyway please keep reading, voting, commenting, sharing, just keep doing what youre doing you have no idea how much its motivating me to keep writing plus I plan to keep this back to back updates coming I just pray the Lord will grant me the grace. And one more thing guys, pleaseeeeeeeeee check out Faitsalami_ and leumasTs pages. Theyre fellow writers of mine and theyve got pretty cool books. Thank you for your time

MUCH LOVE <3<3<3

K^^^^^^^A<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
