Diamond's POV

Today is another mediation day with KD and my mother.

I got up and took a shower. After I got out I got Kalen up and washed him off and got him dressed.

I dressed him in a white shirt that says 'DOPE' in purple and a blue-ish color. Then I put him on some camouflage shorts, finally I put on his purple, white, and blue Jordan's.

I turned the TV on to Spongebob and gave him some cereal without milk. And I went to get dressed.

I put on a black tee, with some faded black skinny jeans. Then I put on my leather burgundy jacket and put on my back ankle heels.

I straighten my hair and put on a pair of diamond earrings. I grabbed my purse and Kalen and left out.

I had to turn around to get my evidence that he's still its doing sh*t. I got it and we left out. Ten minutes later I pulled up to the court house. I walked up and KD and my mother and father was standing up there.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came for Kalen, he doesn't need to be around y'all and this fighting." he said grabbing him.

"We will be at the park." he said walking away.

We walked in and u sat by my lawyer. Then the mediator came in.

*two hours later*

"That's some real fcked up sh*t Diamond." my mom said to me as we came out.

"No, what's fcked up is my mother not having my back." I said.

"That's his child too." she said.

"Is it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Diamond, this is petty he wants to see his child."

"Why are you speaking for him? He can speak for himself. The point is I got what I wanted, I'll be leaving in three weeks. If you so call wanna see yo child, you'll be by there." I said walking away.

I got into my car and went to the park to grab Kalen for my dad.

"Momma." Kalen said trying to run up to me.

"So, how did everything go?" dad asked.

"I got what I wanted we're moving. Even with mediator's orders and permission he still does nothing." I said.

"Well, I will miss you two." he said kissing my forehead.

"We'll miss you too." I said.

"Diamond, your mother and I have decided its time for us to separate." he said.


"Yeah, I've seen the way she's treated you and not being by to support you and that's just not the person I married." he stated.

"I understand all that but you can't leave her. She's my mother and your my father, y'all are suppose to get through it all. Talk it out." I suggest.

"There is no talking to that woman, Diamond. It's our time, now. I've been trying for the past two years to change her mind towards you and Kalen but nothing gets through to her anyway more. I'm sorry." he said.

"And what about Dustin?" I asked.

"We can have joint custody."

"Dad, just try again. These past 10 plus years y'all been married you guys have to have a little spark left." I said.

"Diamond, I'll try. But, I don't think it'll work."

"I just might." I said.

"Kalen, come on." I said.

"Say goodbye to papa." I said as I picked him up.

"Bye bye papa." he said.

"Goodbye little one, bye sweetheart." he said kissing my cheek.

"Bye dad."

I left and grabbed Noami, Kalen, Nate, and I something to eat and went home. When I pulled up, there were about three police cars in the driveway. I grabbed Kalen and went inside and put on some slippers and went to the front.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Excuse me ma'am can you back up."

"Sir, I live here." I said pushing him out the way.

When I walked up, momma Brenda was crying and Nathan was rubbing her back.

"Nate, what's up?" I asked him.

"Noami's missing." he said.

"Have you asked Tray, where she is?" I asked.

"Yeah, he has no idea where she is either. He just went out looking for her." he said.

"Oh my gosh, my cousin is missing." I said feeling tears coming on.

Next thing you know Faith came pulling in the driveway.

"What's up?" she asked.

"Noami's missing." I said.

"What!" she said.

"Where's Tray?" she asked.

"He just went out looking for her." I answered.

"Okay, Ryan?" she suggested.

"Haven't heard from him." I said.

"Well, let's go looking for her." Faith said.

I gave Kalen to momma Brenda to watch while I go and try to found Noami. I searched the nail shop, the hair salon, the mall. Everywhere! I started thinking about the past and went to KD's.

I went to KD's door and started banging on it. Five minutes later he came to the door.

"Have you seen my motherfcken cousin." I said busting in.

"No, I haven't. Her little pack rat just came up here threatening and questioning me." he said.

"Babe, come back to bed." a voice said coming from upstairs.

"So, you can fck b*tches but can't take care of yo fcken child." I said running upstairs.

I went up into his room and just starting beating that b*tch axs.

"What the fck Diamond." KD said breaking it up.

"Who the fck is this?" she asked.

"The motherfcken baby momma! Now bounce b*tch!" I yelled.

She grabbed her stuff and left too.

"What's yo problem?" he ask.

"You are my problem! You out here everyday fcken these b*tches but can't take care of yo son. All that bullsh*t you fed me when I was pregnant ain't sh*t!" I said pushing him.

"Diamond, I love my son. And I love you." he said.

"Well, fcken act like it." I said.

He threw me up against the wall and came in and kissed me. He pulled down my pants and picked me up and then slid in. Plus, he already had a condom on. It was a good feeling but I know it was wrong. But at the same time I didn't care because I haven't had it in two years.

After he cummed, he put me down. I put back on my pants and left.

"Wait." he said stopping me.


"That's it, we have sex and you leave.?" he asked.

"That's what you do, why can't I try it for a change."

"Haha, I guess."

"KD, let's cut the small talk, you got what you want." I said.

"Hold on, it didn't look like I was the only one enjoying it." he said.

"And so, I did. I haven't sex since I had yo child. Which was two years ago." I said.

"Look, I'm sorry I haven't been there. I'm just not ready to be a parent." he said

"Wow, you finally admit it. Well, guess what I wasn't ready either. But what am I doing? I raising my child." I said.

"You not really moving are you?" he asked.

"Yes, now like I said if you wanna come see him before we leave, you can." I leaving out.

Hopefully, what went down today will at least give him a little boost. I left and went back on the search for Noami.
