
Diamond's POV

"So, you're not coming up here?" KD asked on facetime.

"No, so stop asking."

"Diamond this is some bullsh*t!"

"No, KD your bullsh*t!" I said hanging up.

When I hung up, I went back into the bathroom. When looked and I picked up one of the birth control tests that read positive. I looked at the other two and so did they. I was completely devastated. I'm pregnant, with my second child. And I'm not even in love with my baby's daddy.

Kalen came through the door, which knocked my out my thoughts.

"Is daddy coming for Turkey Day?" he asked.

"No baby. Mommy's friend Rodney and auntie Lisa is going to be here." I said.

"But I want, daddy and Chelsea here." he said making a sad face.

"Kalen stop it. They're not coming this time." I said.

He barried his face in bed and started crying.

"Kalen Zack Jackson, stop it before I pop you." I said.

He wiped his face and ran into the living room. But tomorrow when Rodney comes over, I'll just take another test with him.

"Diamond." my aunt said coming through the door.


"Why are you not going to Louisiana?"

"Let me guess, KD called and tried to tell on me?" I asked.

"Kinda, but you need to go to Louisiana. See you're family and friends again."

"What friends? Noami is somewhere and my mom is still being dumb." I said.

"Well, you'll have to get over it. Because we're going to Louisiana tomorrow morning. So, get to packing."

"But I was bringing someone over tomorrow." I said.

"Someone like who?"

"A friend."

"Diamond, how do you have time for a friend and you barely have time for your own child."

"Bye, aunt Lisa." I said closing the bathroom door on her.

She gets on my nerves, she's now acting like my mom.

Noami's POV

We woke up and put our things in the car. Then left out. Few hours later, we pulled up to his parents house. It was beautiful! I've never seen nothing like this before. And its my first time.

I grabbed a still sleeping Tyrone and Tray grabbed our bags and we walked up to the door.

"Go on, knock."

"Don't you have a key." I asked nervously.

"Noami, knock on the damn door." he said.

I knocked and couple seconds later, his father opened the door.

"Wassup son." he said hugging him.

"And hello there Ms. Noami Parker."

"Hey Mr. Lucas."

"Stop it with the Mr. Lucas. Call me Martin." he said bringing me into a hug.

"Haha, okay Martin."

"Dad, where's mom?" Tray asked coming back the stairs.

"She went to the store for something. I don't know about that woman." he said taking away Tyrone from me."

"So, is Elizabeth coming?" I asked.

"Um, she didn't quite say yet. " Martin said.

"Oh, well I'm going to go and lay Tyrone down." I said.

"No need, he's fine." Tray said.

"Okay, then I'll just go up and go to sleep."

"Alright, I'll show you which room it is." he said grabbing my hand.

We went upstairs and into the room.

"Wow, you sure this isn't the master room?" I asked.

"Haha, I'm sure. This use to be my old room." he said.

"So, how many girls have you had in this bed?" I asked.

"Um, let's see. None yet because this is a new bed. And a new house." he said.

"Haha, oh."

"Yeah, after I graduated they moved here and gave everything away and bought everything new." he said.

"So, you will be the first." he added.

"I'll be honored." I said taking off my shoes and climbing in the bed.

"If you need me, I'll be downstairs. Just when you wake up, come down." he leaving out.


*few hours later*

I felted something on my nose and it tickled. I rolled over and looked up and Elizabeth was sitting right there.

"Haha, what the hell." I said laughing.

"Why are you sleeping?" she asked.

"We woke up early to come here. And sleeping in the car wasn't working out for me." I said getting up.

"Awe, well get yo axs up. You have people to meet." she said.

"People? People like who?"

"Aunties, unlces, cousins. Oh, and our grandma and grandpa just arrived."

"Its only 11:46 and all those people are downstairs?" I asked looking at the clock.

"Just a few."

"What am I suppose to put on?" I asked jumping out the bed.

"Umm, jeans and a shirt." she said.

Next thing you know Tray came through the door.

"Why didn't you wake me, when all those people started to come?" I said punching him in the chest.

"You were sleeping. And sleeping without Tyrone. So, I thought I'll let you sleep in."

"Speaking of, where is my baby?"

"Still with my dad. He's introducing him to everybody. So, get dressed, something simple is fine and come down." he said kissing my forehead.

"What about Tyrone?" I asked.

"Already dressed him, and grabbed his walker."

"Okay, be down in five." I said.

"Yeah, more like twenty." he said laughing.

"Haha, shut up."

He left out and I jumped in the shower, while Elizabeth stayed up here watching TV. When I got out, I brushed my teeth and did the rest if my hygiene things.

Then I went to my suitcase and put on a 'PINK' sweater shirt and a pair of black leggings and blue sparkly ugg boots. I flatted my hair and put on mascara and nude lipstick.

"I can tell you trying to make a good impression." Elizabeth said.

"Girl please. I woke up like this." I said dancing.

"Haha, come on."

Waking downstairs, it had people everywhere. In the kitchen, living room, and the kitchen table, island. When I came down, I walked to where Tray was.

"Awe, he is so beautiful." someone said.

"Thank you." Tray and I said at the same time.

"So, you're the mother?" she asked.


"Um, aunt Jackie this is Noami." Tray said.

"Hey, nice to meet you." she said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you too." I said.

That wasn't the only person I met either. Tray grabbed my hand and introduced me to EVERYBODY in the building. Even the people that came through the door.

"Damn, you have a big family." I whispered to Tray.

"Haha, no my family consist of you, me, and Tyrone." he said grabbing me by both hands.

"Haha, I meant family members."

"I love you Noami." he said.

"I love you too."

He looked into each others eyes and for the first time in forever, I kissed him.

"Awe, do it again." Elizabeth said.

"Tell me you ain't take a picture?" Tray said.

"I can't because I did." she said.

"Trayvon, kissing around the family is not good. Especially, around the little kids. Do you want them to get the wrong impression at an early age?" his mom asked.

"No, ma."


She looked at me and turned away rolling her eyes.


"Don't worry about it. You let the little things get to you. And you not to stop." he said.

"I just want your mom to like me. You know as the mother of your child." I said.

"Understandable, but some things will never change." he said putting his arm around me.

That night, we continued talking to the family and having a good time. With me avoiding Tray's mother, I really had an awesome time.
