
Noami's POV.

We packed up every thing and packed it in the car. Before we left I went to Tray's to get Tyrone. I went and knocked and they both came to the door.

"Good morning." I said.

"Good morning." he said handing me his bag.

He handed me Tyrone and I started walking off.

"Hey Noami." he said stopping me.


"I'm sorry about my mother. And I'm glad to see you happy." he said.


"Yeah, even if you're not with me. But seeing the mother of my child happy is all that matters."

"Thanks." I said.

"You're welcome."

I started to walk away but then I decided that it was time for him to know where I've been.

"I've been living in Georgia with Destiny." I said.

"I've figured that out." he asked.


"Really? The football team he's on, every time you're here so is Destiny. The license plate on your car and her car. Come on now, you out of all people should know that I'm far from slow." he stated.

"Well, you're a great dad to him and I just want him to have you there." I said.

"Okay. What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying you can come and see him but please if you don't mind, call first." I stated.



He was so happy that he came and have me a hug. He smelled me so good and it remembered me of the one days. 'Noami and Tray'.

"Tray, please let me go." I said automatically snapping out those memories.

"I'm sorry."

"Well, we're going now. Bye."


I got in the car and Destiny looked at me.

"I know, strange right."

She started laughing and pulled off.

*hours later*

We pulled up to the house and we unpacked. Not only that but it was raining. So, I had to run inside with Tyrone in my arms. I'm glad, I didn't fall.

We finished bringing everything in and I laid Tyrone down and I flopped on the couch.

"Noami, I'm going to the store." Destiny said.

"Okay, we'll be here."

She left and I went to sleep.

Destiny's POV

I came from the store and headed home. When I opened the door Tyrone was still asleep in his pin and Noami and Ja'Von was cuddle up on the couch.

They are so cute. I took a picture of them and put to it on Instagram.

@dessydess; they are just sooo cute ❤ @inlovewithTyroneL @jwillams

I put the food up and kept out the food I was gonna cook tonight. Then I looked over and Tyrone was up in his pin. So, I grabbed him and went to my room.

"What are we going to do on a rainy day?" I asked him.

"You wanna have a party?"

He just started giggling.

"Yeah, let's have a party."

I grabbed all toys and put it in my room. Then I moved my bed to the wall and moved the TV to the corner. He started playing with his things and I took picture and videos of him.

I treat him like he's my own child. I just love this little guy so much.

"Are you having fun?" I asked him.

He started laughing and spitting bubbles.

"I'll be so happy when you start talking." I said.

"Come on let's start cooking for mommy and Ja'Von." I said picking him up.

I put him in his walker and he followed me around the kitchen as I cooked. I guess Noami smelled the food so she woke up.

"Well, hello there." I said.

"Haha, wassup."

Tyrone started babbling & Noami picked him and he pulled her face.

"He's a spoiled baby." I said.

"He is, but he's my little baby boy."

"You know Terrance and I didn't hang out while we were there." I stated.


"Yeah, he was always busy and stuff like that. But not only that he was there when we went to Faith's dinner."

"Do you think they have something going on?" she asked.

"I can't say but I don't know."

"Well, I don't think Faith will try and take Terrance away from you. She know how you feel about him and she's not that kind of person." she said.



Noami's POV

Destiny and I talked about the situation a little more and she continued cooking.

"Tyrone you wanna help me wake up Ja'Von?" I asked picking him up.

He started giggling.

"Alright, come on."

We walked to the couch and I laid him on his chest and he started playing in his face. He woke up and picked him up.

"Hey, little man." he said.

"Well, look at sleeping beauty. Finally, awoken." I said.

"I would've woken up a lot better with a kiss." he said.

"I'll think about it next time."

We walked back into the kitchen were Destiny was.

"Damn, y'all must be some pretty hungry people." she said.

"Maybe. Hurry yo axs up." I said.


We left her in the kitchen and went into my room. I put Tyrone down and looked for his toys.

"Destiny, where are Tyrone's toys." I asked.

"I'm my room."

I went into her room and all his stuff was in there.

"What the hell."

I carried back to toys that were in my room back and left the rest. When I walked back in Tyrone was on Ja'Von legs and he was going up and down with him.

"Awe, look a there."

"Whatever." he said putting him in his walker.

Then he walked out and into the kitchen with Destiny.

"He left me." I said pouting.

"Awe, you're so cute when your sad." he said bringing my face to his.

"I know."

He kissed me twice and on the third time we started making out. Then after he licked me.


"You like that, don't ya?" he asked.

"Hell no."

"Yeah right."

He pulled me in his lap and he my kissed neck and played with my axs. Which is his favorite part of my body, beside my boobs and face.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Yes, I am." he said laughing.

"Well, at least you're having fun."

"Haha, look I got you something. I was going to give it to you yesterday after dinner but then things happened. And then you fell asleep last night." he said.

"Well, what is it?"

He then pulled out one of those bubblegum things that be in the machine. I opened it and inside was a ring with two hearts.

"Haha, this is so cute." I said laughing.

"Haha, I know. I paid a lot of money for that." he said.


"Yes, 50¢."

We both burst out laughing.

"Well, I like it." I said putting in on my pinky finger.


Destiny came in and said the food was ready. So, we went and ate. After that I Destiny basically took over Tyrone.

"Ummm, can I have my child?" I asked

"No, he's staying on my side of the house tonight." she said going in her room.

"Well then."

I walked in my room and Ja'Von was laying on the floor and I went to take a shower. When I got out I put my clothes on and opened the door.

Ja'Von came in just to take pictures in my mirror and most of then was of me. Then he put me on his neck and we took some more pictures.

@inlovewithTyroneL ; my strongish man💙

When he was finished, he threw me on the bed.

"Fat head punk."

"Say what?"

"You heard me."

"You better be going to sleep because you know you gotta work in the morning." he said.

"And you better be getting home before your family says I've been taking you away."

"Nah, that won't happen." he said getting in the bed.


We cuddled up on top of the covers.

"I'm not even sleepy." I said.

"Me either. I think it was that nap." he said.

"Me too."

"Well, how about we dance." he said pulling me out the bed.

He put on some music and we started dancing around the room. A few hours later we both fell asleep.
